diff --git a/extension/package.json b/extension/package.json
index 225afbc1..223346b9 100644
--- a/extension/package.json
+++ b/extension/package.json
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
"editor/title": [
"command": "pasta.diagram.open",
- "when": "editorLangId == 'stpa' || editorLangId == 'fta'",
+ "when": "editorLangId in pasta.languages",
"group": "navigation"
diff --git a/extension/src-language-server/fta/diagram/fta-layout-config.ts b/extension/src-language-server/fta/diagram/fta-layout-config.ts
index 471adc02..004cb9a5 100644
--- a/extension/src-language-server/fta/diagram/fta-layout-config.ts
+++ b/extension/src-language-server/fta/diagram/fta-layout-config.ts
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ import { DefaultLayoutConfigurator } from "sprotty-elk/lib/elk-layout";
import { SGraph, SModelIndex, SNode } from "sprotty-protocol";
export class FtaLayoutConfigurator extends DefaultLayoutConfigurator {
- protected graphOptions(sgraph: SGraph, index: SModelIndex): LayoutOptions {
+ protected graphOptions(_sgraph: SGraph, _index: SModelIndex): LayoutOptions {
return {
"org.eclipse.elk.direction": "DOWN",
"org.eclipse.elk.layered.nodePlacement.strategy": "NETWORK_SIMPLEX",
- protected nodeOptions(snode: SNode, index: SModelIndex): LayoutOptions | undefined {
+ protected nodeOptions(_snode: SNode, _index: SModelIndex): LayoutOptions | undefined {
return {
"org.eclipse.elk.nodeLabels.placement": "INSIDE V_CENTER H_CENTER",
diff --git a/extension/src-webview/css/fta-diagram.css b/extension/src-webview/css/fta-diagram.css
index 68a9d134..edb0f761 100644
--- a/extension/src-webview/css/fta-diagram.css
+++ b/extension/src-webview/css/fta-diagram.css
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
- fill: var(--fta-kn-dark);
- stroke-width: 0.5;
+ fill: dimgrey;
+ stroke-width: 0;
font-size: 10px;
diff --git a/extension/src-webview/options/render-options-registry.ts b/extension/src-webview/options/render-options-registry.ts
index 95ad0d19..9e74fc23 100644
--- a/extension/src-webview/options/render-options-registry.ts
+++ b/extension/src-webview/options/render-options-registry.ts
@@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ export class RenderOptionsRegistry extends Registry {
handle(action: Action): void | Action | ICommand {
if (SetRenderOptionAction.isThisAction(action)) {
const option = this._renderOptions.get(action.id);
if (!option) {return;}
option.currentValue = action.value;
const sendAction = { kind: SendConfigAction.KIND, options: [{ id: action.id, value: action.value }] };
diff --git a/extension/src-webview/views-rendering.tsx b/extension/src-webview/views-rendering.tsx
index 671d6ca1..48fea548 100644
--- a/extension/src-webview/views-rendering.tsx
+++ b/extension/src-webview/views-rendering.tsx
@@ -30,10 +30,6 @@ export function renderOval(node: SNode): VNode {
cy={Math.max(node.size.height, 0) / 2.0}
rx={Math.max(nodeWidth, 0) / 2.0}
ry={Math.max(node.size.height, 0) / 2.0} />;
- /* return ; */
@@ -73,9 +69,9 @@ export function renderTriangle(node: SNode): VNode {
const rightX = Math.max(node.size.width, 0);
const botY = Math.max(node.size.height, 0);
const topY = 0;
- const d = 'M' + leftX + " " + botY + " L " + midX + " " + topY + " L " + rightX + " " + botY + 'Z';
+ const path = 'M' + leftX + " " + botY + " L " + midX + " " + topY + " L " + rightX + " " + botY + 'Z';
return ;
@@ -90,9 +86,9 @@ export function renderMirroredTriangle(node: SNode): VNode {
const rightX = Math.max(node.size.width, 0);
const botY = Math.max(node.size.height, 0);
const topY = 0;
- const d = 'M' + leftX + " " + topY + " L " + midX + " " + botY + " L " + rightX + " " + topY + 'Z';
+ const path = 'M' + leftX + " " + topY + " L " + midX + " " + botY + " L " + rightX + " " + topY + 'Z';
return ;
@@ -108,10 +104,10 @@ export function renderTrapez(node: SNode): VNode {
const rightX = Math.max(node.size.width, 0);
const botY = Math.max(node.size.height, 0);
const topY = 0;
- const d = 'M' + leftX + " " + botY + " L " + midX1 + " " + topY + " L " + midX2 + " " + topY
+ const path = 'M' + leftX + " " + botY + " L " + midX1 + " " + topY + " L " + midX2 + " " + topY
+ " L " + rightX + " " + botY + 'Z';
return ;
@@ -127,10 +123,10 @@ export function renderDiamond(node: SNode): VNode {
const topY = 0;
const midY = Math.max(node.size.height, 0) / 2.0;
const botY = Math.max(node.size.height, 0);
- const d = 'M' + leftX + " " + midY + " L " + midX + " " + topY + " L " + rightX + " " + midY
+ const path = 'M' + leftX + " " + midY + " L " + midX + " " + topY + " L " + rightX + " " + midY
+ " L " + midX + " " + botY + 'Z';
return ;
@@ -148,10 +144,10 @@ export function renderPentagon(node: SNode): VNode {
const topY = 0;
const midY = Math.max(node.size.height, 0) / 3.0;
const botY = Math.max(node.size.height, 0);
- const d = 'M' + startX + " " + botY + " L " + leftX + " " + midY + " L " + midX + " " + topY
+ const path = 'M' + startX + " " + botY + " L " + leftX + " " + midY + " L " + midX + " " + topY
+ " L " + rightX + " " + midY + " L " + endX + " " + botY + 'Z';
return ;
@@ -168,10 +164,10 @@ export function renderHexagon(node: SNode): VNode {
const topY = 0;
const midY = Math.max(node.size.height, 0) / 2.0;
const botY = Math.max(node.size.height, 0);
- const d = 'M' + leftX + " " + midY + " L " + midX1 + " " + botY + " L " + midX2 + " " + botY
+ const path = 'M' + leftX + " " + midY + " L " + midX1 + " " + botY + " L " + midX2 + " " + botY
+ " L " + rightX + " " + midY + " L " + midX2 + " " + topY + " L " + midX1 + " " + topY + 'Z';
return ;
@@ -188,12 +184,10 @@ export function renderAndGate(node: SNode): VNode {
const midY = Math.max(node.size.height, 0) / 2.0;
const topY = 0;
- const d = `M ${leftX}, ${midY} V ${botY} H ${rightX} V ${midY} C ${rightX}, ${midY} ${rightX}, ${topY} ${midX}, ${topY} ${leftX}, ${topY} ${leftX}, ${midY} ${leftX}, ${midY} Z`;
- // 'M' + leftX + " " + midY + " V " + botY + " H " + rightX + " V " + midY + " C " + rightX + " " + midY + " " + rightX + " "
- // + topY + " " + midX + " " + topY + " " + leftX + " " + topY + " " + leftX + " " + midY + " " + leftX + " " + midY + 'Z';
+ const path = `M ${leftX}, ${midY} V ${botY} H ${rightX} V ${midY} C ${rightX}, ${midY} ${rightX}, ${topY} ${midX}, ${topY} ${leftX}, ${topY} ${leftX}, ${midY} ${leftX}, ${midY} Z`;
return ;
@@ -210,11 +204,11 @@ export function renderOrGate(node: SNode): VNode {
const nearBotY = botY - 5;
const midY = Math.max(node.size.height, 0) / 2;
const topY = 0;
- const d = `M${leftX},${midY} V ${botY}` + `C ${leftX}, ${botY} ${leftX+10}, ${nearBotY} ${midX}, ${nearBotY} ${rightX-10}, ${nearBotY} ${rightX}, ${botY} ${rightX}, ${botY}`
+ const path = `M${leftX},${midY} V ${botY}` + `C ${leftX}, ${botY} ${leftX+10}, ${nearBotY} ${midX}, ${nearBotY} ${rightX-10}, ${nearBotY} ${rightX}, ${botY} ${rightX}, ${botY}`
+ `V ${midY} A ${node.size.width},${node.size.height-10},${0},${0},${0},${midX},${topY} A ${node.size.width},${node.size.height-10},${0},${0},${0},${leftX},${midY} Z`;
return ;
@@ -231,13 +225,13 @@ export function renderKnGate(node: SNode, k: number, n: number): VNode {
const nearBotY = Math.max(node.size.height, 0) - (Math.max(node.size.height, 0) / 10.0);
const midY = Math.max(node.size.height, 0) / 2;
const topY = 0;
- const d = `M${leftX},${midY} V ${botY}` + `C ${leftX}, ${botY} ${leftX+10}, ${nearBotY} ${midX}, ${nearBotY} ${rightX-10}, ${nearBotY} ${rightX}, ${botY} ${rightX}, ${botY}`
+ const path = `M${leftX},${midY} V ${botY}` + `C ${leftX}, ${botY} ${leftX+10}, ${nearBotY} ${midX}, ${nearBotY} ${rightX-10}, ${nearBotY} ${rightX}, ${botY} ${rightX}, ${botY}`
+ `V ${midY} A ${node.size.width},${node.size.height-10},${0},${0},${0},${midX},${topY} A ${node.size.width},${node.size.height-10},${0},${0},${0},${leftX},${midY} Z`;
return (
@@ -258,10 +252,9 @@ export function renderInhibitGate(node: SNode): VNode {
const highY = Math.max(node.size.height, 0) / 4.0;
const highestY = 0;
- const d = 'M' + leftX + " " + lowY + " L " + leftX + " " + highY + " L " + midX + " " + highestY + " L " + rightX
- + " " + highY + " L " + rightX + " " + lowY + " L " + midX + " " + lowestY + "Z";
+ const path = `M${leftX},${lowY} L ${leftX} ${highY} L ${midX} ${highestY} L ${rightX} ${highY} L ${rightX} ${lowY} L ${midX} ${lowestY} Z`;
return ;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extension/src/extension.ts b/extension/src/extension.ts
index 3c80375c..484ca26e 100644
--- a/extension/src/extension.ts
+++ b/extension/src/extension.ts
@@ -31,6 +31,13 @@ import { createOutputChannel, createQuickPickForWorkspaceOptions } from './utils
let languageClient: LanguageClient;
+ * All file endings of the languages that are supported by pasta.
+ * The file ending should also be the language id, since it is also used to
+ * register document selectors in the language client.
+ */
+const supportedFileEndings = ['stpa', 'fta'];
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext): void {
vscode.window.showInformationMessage('Activating STPA extension');
@@ -40,6 +47,8 @@ export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext): void {
languageClient = createLanguageClient(context);
+ // Create context key of supported languages
+ vscode.commands.executeCommand('setContext', 'pasta.languages', supportedFileEndings);
if (diagramMode === 'panel') {
// Set up webview panel manager for freestyle webviews
@@ -53,6 +62,7 @@ export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext): void {
registerDefaultCommands(webviewPanelManager, context, { extensionPrefix: 'pasta' });
registerTextEditorSync(webviewPanelManager, context);
registerSTPACommands(webviewPanelManager, context, { extensionPrefix: 'pasta' });
+ registerFTACommands(webviewPanelManager, context, { extensionPrefix: 'pasta' });
if (diagramMode === 'editor') {
@@ -186,7 +196,9 @@ function registerSTPACommands(manager: StpaLspVscodeExtension, context: vscode.E
return formulas;
+function registerFTACommands(manager: StpaLspVscodeExtension, context: vscode.ExtensionContext, options: { extensionPrefix: string; }): void {
// commands for computing and displaying the (minimal) cut sets of the fault tree.
vscode.commands.registerCommand(options.extensionPrefix + ".fta.cutSets", async (uri: vscode.Uri) => {
@@ -228,8 +240,10 @@ function createLanguageClient(context: vscode.ExtensionContext): LanguageClient
// Options to control the language client
const clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
- documentSelector: [{ scheme: 'file', language: 'stpa' },
- { scheme: 'file', language: 'fta' }],
+ documentSelector: supportedFileEndings.map((ending) => ({
+ scheme: 'file',
+ language: ending,
+ })),
synchronize: {
// Notify the server about file changes to files contained in the workspace
fileEvents: fileSystemWatcher
diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock
index 5f0fa116..0c932d95 100644
--- a/yarn.lock
+++ b/yarn.lock
@@ -238,10 +238,10 @@
"@jridgewell/resolve-uri" "^3.0.3"
"@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec" "^1.4.10"
- version "0.0.3"
- resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@kieler/table-webview/-/table-webview-0.0.3.tgz#33199d9b0d8cd88d0aad6d4230617b94942482aa"
- integrity sha512-XiDfn/MwHzVEpXLWC5DT6Ysg/5Zke3GlbtjBDDPRD1mLFXIekOCxkGYAKu068djqSAg3hsoiIhwLwWBfm48VNQ==
+ version "0.0.4"
+ resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@kieler/table-webview/-/table-webview-0.0.4.tgz#c68a0652423a3c5f74a635fc5432e1430f758ee3"
+ integrity sha512-ZUAdX8dUCq72UdpFJz61bPX8eoJqnRuiJBOIFgOb+NqUke13zo4QmkeapmgA4zSKFBx5GC6nhSDQvVr9CMD4AQ==
"@types/vscode" "^1.56.0"
reflect-metadata "^0.1.13"