diff --git a/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/index.mdx b/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/index.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bc9a1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/index.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+title: Version 1.11.0 Release
+description: Version 1.11.0 provides Kibisis with some features that may not be immediately apparent, but have been implemented due to popular demand
+slug: version-1-11-1-release
+authors: [kieran]
+tags: [password, release]
+image: /static/images/new_release_logo_in_space.png
+import BlogScreenshotImage from '@site/src/components/BlogScreenshotImage';
+import { AGORA_LABS_LINK, REPORT_A_BUG_LINK, SUGGEST_A_FEATURE_LINK } from '@site/src/constants';
+import passwordLock1DarkImage from './password_lock-1-dark.png';
+import passwordLock1LightImage from './password_lock-1-light.png';
+import passwordLock2DarkImage from './password_lock-2-dark.png';
+import passwordLock2LightImage from './password_lock-2-light.png';
+import passwordLock3DarkImage from './password_lock-3-dark.png';
+import passwordLock3LightImage from './password_lock-3-light.png';
+import selectAddressDarkImage from './select_to_address-dark.png';
+import selectAddressLightImage from './select_to_address-light.png';
+![Kibisis release 3D pixel icon in space](/images/new_release_logo_in_space.png)
+## Overview
+We are proud to present a new milestone in the development of Kibisis: v1.11.0!
+The latest features of v1.11.0 has been shaped based heavily of user feedback. As has been requested, you can now choose to enable a password lock, so you do not have to keep entering your password on sensitive operations. Also, by popular demand, is the ability to select one of your wallet accounts when sending an asset.
+Below you will find more details about what is new in this release.
+## Features
+### Password Lock
+This feature has been added due to popular request. By default, Kibisis asks you to enter your password whenever you do a sensitive operation; operations that require access to the encrypted private key. However, you can now enable this in the settings:
+1. Open the Settings by click the "⚙️" button:
+2. Select the "Security" settings:
+3. Enable the password lock (you will first be prompted to enter you password):
+You can set the timeout to lock the extension in 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes or "Never".
+> ⚠️ **NOTE:** The password lock timeout starts when the extension window loses focus, however, a password will always be needed if you close the extension window, regardless of timeout duration.
+### Select A Known Account When Sending Assets
+Another feature that has been a popular request, is the ability to quickly select an account for the "To" address when sending assets.
+### Clear The Seed Phrase Input
+When importing a new account, you can quickly clear the whole input with a new "Reset" button.
+### Import An Account Via A QR Code
+Starting with v1.11.0, Kibisis will slowly develop, in close collaboration with LeslieOA, a new way to connect and interact with Kibisis: URIs and QR Codes.
+A new ARC-0300 is underway to develop this specification further and Kibisis is one of the testing grounds for the proposal. To start, you can import a wallet via a QR code.
+> ⚠️ **NOTE:** This feature is still in development and please use at your own risk as the QR code, in its current form, holds an unencrypted private key. While Kibisis does not display the QR code, it currently only reads the code, we must remember to keep our keys safe.
+## Fixes
+* Copy and pasting comma separated seed phrases should fill all inputs correctly.
+* Fix issue with a stuck screen when importing an account on registration.
+* Background requests from dApps should correctly open Kibisis on first prompt.
+* A zero is no longer padded to the amount of the send asset input.
+* Fix an issue that caused a crash when attempting to sign a transaction with zero amount and zero fee.
+## Closing Words
+Thank you for your continued interest in Kibisis! We hope you are enjoying using it.
+Remember, if you see any bugs, please report the issue here. If you would like to make any suggestions on new features, you can fill out a feature request here.
diff --git a/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/password_lock-1-dark.png b/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/password_lock-1-dark.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2054fdd
Binary files /dev/null and b/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/password_lock-1-dark.png differ
diff --git a/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/password_lock-1-light.png b/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/password_lock-1-light.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6ae6e8
Binary files /dev/null and b/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/password_lock-1-light.png differ
diff --git a/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/password_lock-2-dark.png b/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/password_lock-2-dark.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff48598
Binary files /dev/null and b/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/password_lock-2-dark.png differ
diff --git a/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/password_lock-2-light.png b/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/password_lock-2-light.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bbff84
Binary files /dev/null and b/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/password_lock-2-light.png differ
diff --git a/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/password_lock-3-dark.png b/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/password_lock-3-dark.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d940e58
Binary files /dev/null and b/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/password_lock-3-dark.png differ
diff --git a/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/password_lock-3-light.png b/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/password_lock-3-light.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42aa9b1
Binary files /dev/null and b/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/password_lock-3-light.png differ
diff --git a/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/select_to_address-dark.png b/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/select_to_address-dark.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d86bbe1
Binary files /dev/null and b/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/select_to_address-dark.png differ
diff --git a/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/select_to_address-light.png b/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/select_to_address-light.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c53173
Binary files /dev/null and b/blog/2024-02-08-1-11-0-new-release/select_to_address-light.png differ