copyright | lastupdated | subcollection | ||
2018-02-16 |
iam |
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When you choose to assign access to a user in the Identity and Access Management (IAM) UI, you are prompted with a few choices by which you can assign access: by resource group, resource, or Cloud Foundry access. On this page is a video that introduces users to the new fine-grained access that IAM provides through access to resources and resources within resource groups. The following section provides the transcript for this video for users who might need an alternative format or a translated version.
Previously, assigning user access was limited to Cloud Foundry orgs and spaces.
Now with the new IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management, fine-grained access control is available!
To get started, select the user and then choose a policy type.
A resource group policy can allow a user access to everything in a resource group based on their role.
A single resource policy offers further fine-grained control by granting user access to a single resource or resource instance.
To learn more about how access management works head over to the documentation for IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management.