Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developers
Currently, there are two versions of the library (2.9.4 and 3.x.x). Version 2 is the latest stable version while 3 is the next (currently beta) version. As such bear the following in mind:
Current docs points to version 2.9.4
Npm/CDN/etc point to version 2.9.4 (unless you explicitly set newer version, e.g. npm next)
Source currently points to 3.x.x version. 2.9.4 source is available here
Docs for version 3.x.x are available here
Instructions on building and testing Chart.js can be found in the documentation. Before submitting an issue or a pull request, please take a moment to look over the contributing guidelines first. For support, please post questions on Stack Overflow with the chartjs
Chart.js is available under the MIT license.