swagger UI ref:
doc up -d --build
doc down -v
Endpoint | HTTP Method | CRUD Method | Result |
/summaries | GET | READ | get all summaries |
/summaries/:id | GET | READ | get a single summary |
/summaries | POST | CREATE | add a summary |
/summaries/:id | PUT | UPDATE | update a summary |
/summaries/:id | DELETE | DELETE | delete a summary |
# auth
export HEROKU_API_KEY=ea21d17e-...
heroku auth:token > /dev/null 2>&1
heroku container:login
# create app
❯ heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev --app sleepy-thicket-77414
Creating heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev on ⬢ sleepy-thicket-77414... !
# enable db
❯ heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev --app mighty-brook-75156
Creating heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev on ⬢ mighty-brook-75156... free
Database has been created and is available
! This database is empty. If upgrading, you can transfer
! data from another database with pg:copy
Created postgresql-opaque-19454 as DATABASE_URL
Use heroku addons:docs heroku-postgresql to view documentation
# build and push image:
❯ docker push registry.heroku.com/mighty-brook-75156/web
# release
❯ heroku container:release web --app mighty-brook-75156
Releasing images web to mighty-brook-75156... done
# makemigrations
❯ heroku run aerich upgrade --app mighty-brook-75156
Running aerich upgrade on ⬢ mighty-brook-75156... up, run.8213 (Free)
Success upgrade 0_20220101160411_init.sql
Create GH PAC.
# login
docker login registry.gitlab.com -u karma
docker login docker.pkg.github.com -u karma-git
# build
doc --build
# publish
doc push web-prod # doesn't work
docker push docker.pkg.github.com/karma-git/fastapi-tdd.io-docker/summarizer:latest
docker push registry.gitlab.com/web352/fastapi/fastapi-tdd.io-docker:latest
secrets.GITHUB_ = error
Again, for each, we'll:
- write a test
- run the test, to ensure it fails (red)
- write just enough code to get the test to pass (green)
- refactor (if necessary)
- sidecar for postgres
- ci coverage
- app version via