Clone the sample repository with the following command:
git clone https://github.com/kappnav/samples.git
Create the
sample namespace with the following command:kubectl create namespace stock-trader
# kubectl create namespace stocktrader namespace/stocktrader created
Deploy the stock-trader sample application with the following command:
kubectl create -f samples/stocktrader -n stock-trader
# kubectl create -f samples/stocktrader -n stock-trader application.app.k8s.io/stock-trader created deployment.extensions/loyalty-level created service/loyalty-level-service created deployment.extensions/notification-twitter created service/notification-service created deployment.extensions/portfolio created service/portfolio-service created deployment.extensions/stock-quote created service/stock-quote-service created deployment.extensions/trader created service/trader-service created
Ensure that the stock-trader application starts.
- You can watch the application be deployed in the kAppNav UI. The stock-trader application appears and the status changes from Unknown, to Problem, then to Normal.
- You can also check the installation progress with the following command to see whether all the pods are running:
kubectl get pods -n stocktrader
# kubectl get pods -n stocktrader NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE loyalty-level-5fd5c9b855-rfxss 1/1 Running 0 54s notification-twitter-f568cc54-d5xck 1/1 Running 0 54s portfolio-8fb7cf89c-zjw58 1/1 Running 0 54s stock-quote-5c88f57659-tlcl8 1/1 Running 0 53s trader-59c9dcb74-2cv8b 1/1 Running 0 53s
The Loyalty-level deployment runs an OpenLiberty application server. This application is configured to expose micro-profile metrics via the Prometheus /metrics endpoint.
Prometheus requires a ServiceMonitor resource in order to gather metrics. The ServiceMonitor resource specifies a namespace selector that is hard-coded to "stock-trader", which is the recommended namespace to use for this sample.
Therefore, if you install this sample to another namespace and want to view metrics collected by Prometheus for the Loyalty-level Deployment, you must update the namespaceSelector in loyalty_deployment.yaml file.