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Kam Figy edited this page May 30, 2013 · 1 revision

The simplest way to install Blade is to use the NuGet package. In order to automatically enable the use of Razor renderings in Sitecore, make sure you have Sitecore Rocks installed and connected to the Sitecore site. If that's not possible or you want to build it using the source, follow the manual directions below.

There is also a Blade.Samples package available on NuGet. This installs a sample Razor rendering that uses a custom model and presenter. After installing the samples package, you can attach the sample rendering to a content item of your choice to play with it.

Manually Installing Blade

  • Add System/Layout/Renderings/Razor Blade Template (install the package from Blade distribution under Documentation/Packages)
  • Add Razor Blade Template as insert option on System/Layout/Renderings/Rendering Folder/_Standard Values
  • Add Blade.config (in Source/Blade) to App_Config/Include on your project
  • Reference Blade.dll
  • Make Web.config changes in your project per the transform file in Build/Blade.nuget/web.config.transform

Blade Visual Studio Templates

Blade includes Visual Studio templates to make it easy to create various types of views, models, and presenters. To install these, look under Documentation/Visual Studio Templates in the source tree and follow the directions in the README.txt.