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110 lines (76 loc) · 8.06 KB

File metadata and controls

110 lines (76 loc) · 8.06 KB


This repository is used to practice Symfony and Domain-driven design. Commit messages will have detailed description which commands, documentation and other resources were used along the way. The goal is to have information on why and how in addition to what has changed. git blame and git log can be used to follow along, commit history can be seen as a tutorial. Commit Driven Learning (CDL). 🤯




The project is developed on Debian 12 if you use another OS have that in mind if something doesn't work as expected.

Install Symfony

To build Docker images, after cloning current repository in the project root execute:

make build

To install Symfony inside Docker container and start the application:

make up

make up will install Symfony only if it is not already installed.


After installation app should be available at http://localhost/.


pgAdmin - administration and development platform for PostgreSQL

It is available at http://localhost:5050/.


Mailpit - email & SMTP testing tool with API for developers

It is available at http://localhost:8025/.

RabbitMQ - a reliable and mature messaging and streaming broker

RabbitMQ Management (UI) is available at http://localhost:15672/.


  • Username: admin
  • Password: !ChangeMe!

Commands which can be executed from the project root folder

Action Command
List all commands make help
Start containers make up
Check project for errors, run tests, code analysis, etc. make check
Stop containers make down
Rebuild and start the containers make rebuild
Restart the containers make restart
Show live logs make logs
Get Bash shell in container make bash
Clear the cache make cc
Start tests with phpunit make test
Install composer package make composer c='require <PACKAGE_NAME>'
Take ownership of files outside the container make ownership
Remove all the containers, networks, volumes and images make destroy
Execute Symfony console command make sf c='<COMMAND>', e.g. make sf c='about'
Run architectural layers analysis with Deptrac make ala
Run static code analysis with PHPStan make sca
Run coding standard analysis with Easy Coding Standard make csa
Fix coding standard with Easy Coding Standard make csf



Everything here is heavily influenced by these great projects:

Big thank you for all the fish lessons goes to them. 🙏
