Releases: justcoded/web-starter-kit
v3.0.0 New version
We dropped off IE support so now we use CSS3 vars instead of some SCSS but still use SCSS maps
REM units only. All variables now are in REMs. For more accessibility we decided to use only relative units.
Alll hover effect under @media hover CSS rule to prevent hover effect on touch devices
Update browserlist + editorsconfig file
Update all dependencies in package.json
Update project folder architecture
Add dart-sass compiler. Now we use directly SASS lib instead of gulp-sass which is not update
Update Documentation
Add PostCSS support
Replace gulp-gcmq with postcss-sort-media-queries
Replace gulp es lint with ES Lint plugin
v2.5.1 Fixes for Babel
v2.4.0 Update WSK Modules
Hi, guys!
We have just updated our build.
What have been done:
Updated all modules of the build
Remove deprecated modules. Were around 4 deprecated modules ;(
Remove unused variables
Re-build some tasks due to the BP
For more detail look #100
v2.3.3 Update Babel version
Update Babel Version #94 now it is getting browser list form file and set configuration of pluigns according to the list.
v2.3.2 Update WSK ESLint
v2.3.1 Update WSK
v2.3.0 Update WSK
v2.2.0 Add gulp file include
Gulp File Include Finally Added!
We just added into our WebStarter Kit
esLint Finally Added!
JavaScript code linting is done using esLint - a linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript (used airbnb-base rules