In this workshop we will cover the basics of building an ecological niche model. You will specifically learn how to use R to generate niche models with the MAXENT algorithm.
Day 1: Overview and Data Preparation
Day 2: Model Calibration
Day 3: Model Evaluation and Prediction
- Free up as much space on your hard-drive as possible (preferrably 15-20 GB but at least 10 GB)
- Download the "Data" folder (and extract the zipped files) from:
- Download and install R (or make sure you have a fairly recent version)
- Download MAXENT from here:
- Install the following R packages and any dependancies:
- raster
- maptools
- dismo
- spThin
- rgeos
- adehabitatHR
- PresenceAbsence
In R, you can install packages using the following command:
install.packages("<PACKAGE_NAME>") # replace <PACKAGE_NAME> with the name of the package you wish to install
You may need to update Java. You also need to follow the instructions for the dismo package carefully: put a copy of the maxent.jar file into the dismo "java" folder (you need to locate your R libraries on your computer).
If you can't figure all this out before the first class, please plan to stay a bit longer at the end of the class so we can get you set up.
Contact Julie:
lee-yaw [at] zoology [dot] ubc [dot] ca