Previews Images
- File view:
- Approve/Reject View:
- Approve/Reject Buttons:
- Install Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey or Greasekit
- Add these scripts
- Reload github tabs NOTE The easiest way to install this into greasemonkey is just copy paste the script into it. It's loading of files is pretty funky and I'm not sure why yet.
New Features
- RENAMED ges.js -> files.js, NOTE You have to remove the old script since the name has changed
- Automatically adjust page margins only for diff view
- Approve/Reject with convenient list of approvals at top of review
- Comment count on files list
- Unread comment counts (refreshes on page load, state based version to follow)
Future Feature List:
Unread comment counts and who is viewing a review
View full context of file inline
Inspired by Kastner's Last Lecture