Pure data external for the Helios Laser DAC
NOTE: This project is a fork of pd_helios, that provides some extra functionality over the original:
- Access to more DAC features: start immediately, don't block, single mode etc.
- Frame dump - sets a trigger which causes the next frame sent to the DAC to be dumped to the Pd console.
- Adjustable polling limit so that infinite loops are not possible.
- Dynamically change PPS without having to reset the pd_helios object.
- Transforms - scale, rotate, translate, flip.
- Color - TTL threshold, color timing offset, channel mapping.
- Raw mode - disables the builtin points optimization - for when you want to manage subdivision, dwell points etc yourself.
- Geometric correction - scale X Y, shear, keystone, linearity, bow, pincushion
You can use helios-control to adjust all of the above from within Pd.
note - it's not presently possible to have more than 1 helios object open.
pd_helios currently builds on MacOS, tested on Mojave (OSX v10.14). It builds on Ubuntu 16.04 x64 but I haven't got it to work - using a VM, don't know if this is the issue. It should work on Microsoft Windows with the appropriate libusb library.
Clone this repo and the source code to pure data
git clone [email protected]:timredfern/pd_helios.git
git clone https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data
cd pd_helios
make PDINCLUDEDIR=../pure-data/src/
(or wherever you cloned pure data)
To test the example patch:
pd help-helios.pd
(from wherever you have installed Pd. For the Purr-data distribution of Pd, I used this:)
/Applications/Pd-l2ork.app/Contents/MacOS/nwjs help-helios.pd
Install libusb from Homebrew
First follow these instructions: https://brew.sh/
brew install libusb
Except as otherwise noted, all files in the this distribution are
For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see LICENSE included in this distribution. (Note that Helios SDK and libusb are copyrighted separately).
Lasers are dangerous. Improper use of this software can damage your laser, or yourself. This software comes with NO WARRANTY, see above.
Thanks to NULL + VOID