Games::Risk - classical 'risk' board game
version 4.000
Risk is a strategic turn-based board game. Players control armies, with
which they attempt to capture territories from other players. The goal
of the game is to control all the territories (conquer the world
through the elimination of the other players. Using area movement, Risk
ignores realistic limitations, such as the vast size of the world, and
the logistics of long campaigns.
This distribution implements a graphical interface for this game.
itself tracks everything needed for a risk game. It is
also used as a heap for Games::Risk::Controller
POE session.
Start the application, with an initial batch of @modules
to build.
my @modules = Games::Risk->maps;
Return a list of module names under Games::Risk::Map namespace.
my $game = Games::Risk->new
Create a new risk game. No params needed. Note: this class implements a singleton scheme.
The following accessors (acting as mutators, ie getters and setters) are
available for Games::Risk
armies left to be placed.
the current
object of the game.
Put back all cards given to players to the deck.
Break all circular references in
, to reclaim all objects referenced. -
$game->player_lost( $player )
Remove $player from the list of active players.
my $player = $game->player_next()
Return the next player to play, or undef if the turn is over. Of course, players that have lost will never be returned.
my @players = $game->players()
Return the
objects of the current game. Note that some of those players may have already lost. -
my @players = $game->players_active;
Return the list of active players (Games::Risk::Player objects).
$game->players_reset( @players )
Remove all players, and replace them by
. -
Mark all players to be in "turn to do", effectively marking them as still in play. Typically called during initial army placing, or real game start.
$game->send_to_all($event, @params)
) to all players. -
$game->send_to_one($player, $event, @params)
) to one$player
This is a work in progress. While there are steady improvements, here's
a rough list (with no order implied whatsoever) of what you can expect
in the future for Games::Risk
- screen to customize the new game to be played - DONE - 1.1.0
- config save / restore
- saving / loading game
- network play
- maps theming
- i18n - DONE - 3.101370: gui, 3.112590: maps
- better ais - DONE - 0.5.0: blitzkrieg ai, 0.5.1: hegemon ai
- country cards - DONE - 0.6.0
- continents bonus - DONE - 0.3.3
- continents bonus localized
- statistics
- prettier map coloring
- missions
- remove all the FIXMEs in the code :-)
- do-or-die mode (slanning's request) - DONE - 1.1.2
- "attack trip" planning (slanning's request)
- other...
However, the game is already totally playable by now: reinforcements, continent bonus, country cards, different artificial intelligences... Therefore, version 1.0.0 has been released with those basic requirements. Except new features soon!
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-games-risk at
, or through the web interface at I will be
notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your
bug as I make changes.
I definitely recommend you to buy a risk
board game and play with
friends, you'll have an exciting time - much more than with this poor
electronic copy.
Some ideas & artwork taken from project jrisk
, available at Others (ideas & artwork once again)
taken from teg, available at
You can find more information on the classical risk
game on wikipedia
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Jerome Quelin
This software is Copyright (c) 2008 by Jerome Quelin.
This is free software, licensed under:
The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007