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John Regan edited this page Jul 16, 2017 · 14 revisions

Before you stream...

To livestream on YouTube, your account needs livestreaming enabled. Go to and follow the instructions there, otherwise your YouTube account won't work.

Dashboard Settings

Here's a description of each item on your stream's dashboard:

Setting Name Description
Title Sets your video title when you start pushing video
Description Your video's description
Privacy The video's privacy setting
Resolution Choose your stream's resolution - 720p, 1080p, etc
Framerate Choose your stream's framerate - 30fps or 60fps
Category The video's category

Admin Settings

First, you'll need to register an app with Google.

To create a new Google app, login to, and create a new project (there's a menu towards the top-left of the screen where you can create a new project).

Once the project's been created, go to the APIs Library and select the YouTube Data API, then click "Enable." You'll also need the Google+ API.

The, create application credentials by clicking "Credentials," click "Create Credentials," then "OAuth API," then move on to "Configure Consent Screen."

Type in an application name and save, then you'll be able to create a client ID - choose "Web Application" for the application type. Under "Authorized Redirect URLs," type in the URL to your Multistreamer install, with /auth/youtube appended to it, ie:


if you're running Multistreamer under some prefix.

Once you've gotten your Client ID and Secret, add them to the youtube key of the networks table. You'll also need to set the country parameter to your country's 2-character country code. This is used to pull down YouTube categories.

For example:

networks = {
  youtube = {
    client_id = 'client_id_goes_here',
    client_secret = 'client_secret_goes_here',
    country = 'us',
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