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  • Ids used to publish this Feature in the past - 'powershell'

PowerShell Extended [PSResourceGet / NuGet Versioning; Oh My Posh prompt profile] (powershell-extended)

Installs PowerShell on AMD64 and ARM64 architectures, with optional resources from the PowerShell Gallery via PSResourceGet. Includes a custom Oh My Posh terminal prompt theme and customizable profile files. Supports advanced installation options for PowerShell modules and scripts.

Example Usage

"features": {
    "": {}


Options Id Description Type Default Value
version Select or enter a version of PowerShell. Defaults to latest. string latest
installMethod Select the installation method for PowerShell. If you choose package, PowerShell will be installed using the package manager with a fallback to 'github'. If you choose github, PowerShell will be installed from GitHub releases. string package
updatePSResourceGet Update built-in Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet module to the latest version before installing additional resources. Defaults to release. string release
updatePSReadLine Update built-in PSReadLine module to the latest version. Defaults to release. string release
updateModulesHelp Update help files for installed modules? Defaults to true. boolean true
setUserDefaultShell Change default shell for non-root user to PowerShell? Note that this might impact userEnvProbe performance. Consider setting terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.* instead. Defaults to false. boolean false
setRootDefaultShell Change default shell for root to PowerShell? Note that this might impact userEnvProbe performance. Consider setting terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.* instead. Defaults to false. boolean false
repositories Optional semicolon separated list of PowerShell repositories to register. To set a specific name for a repository, use the format name=url, otherwise the name will be the base URL. See feature documentation for more information about advanced installation options. string -
resources Optional semicolon separated list of PowerShell resources to install. If you need to install a specific version, use @ to specify the version (e.g. [email protected]). See feature documentation for more information about advanced installation options. string -
installOhMyPosh Install Oh My Posh? Defaults to true. boolean true
installOhMyPoshConfig Allow installing the default dev container profile templates? Defaults to true. May be tweaked by setting containerEnv.PSPROFILE_* variables. boolean true
profileURLAllUsersAllHosts Optional (publicly accessible) URL to download global PowerShell profile (AllUsersAllHosts). Defaults to "". Note that this will take precedence over installOhMyPoshConfig for the global profile. string -
psConfigURLAllUsersAllHosts Optional (publicly accessible) URL to download global PowerShell config (AllUsersAllHosts) in JSON format. Defaults to "". string -
psConfigExperimentalFeatures Optional semicolon separated list of experimental PowerShell features to enable in the global PowerShell config. Defaults to "". string -


VS Code Extensions

  • ms-vscode.powershell

Enhanced Shell Experience

The installOhMyPoshConfig setting installs a pre-configured set of PowerShell profile files that provide a fully-featured and ready-to-go terminal console experience.

Follow the Enhancement Guide to unlock the full potential of the PowerShell terminal in your Dev Container.

Here are some highlights:

1. Terminal Prompt Theme

This feature includes a custom Oh My Posh theme to customize the terminal prompt. Oh My Posh theme: devcontainers.minimal You can change the theme to one that you prefer.

Note: Most other themes require installing a Nerd Font on your host system (not the Dev Container) and adjusting your font settings in VSCode. The Windows Terminal default font Cascadia Code now has a native Nerd Font variant, which can easily be installed and looks great in VSCode as well.

2. Command Line Completion / IntelliSense

Command completion is crucial for productivity when using the command line. The profile includes multiple popular completions enabled out-of-the-box:

Optional completions that can be enabled:

Other tools:

  • z: Lets you quickly navigate the file system in PowerShell based on your cd command history.
  • Custom dir command alias to sort folders first and show hidden files.

3. Other Highlights

  • Fully Customizable Profile Configuration:

    Profile presets can be adjusted using PSPROFILE_* environment variables directly in your devcontainer.json. Settings can be controlled separately for both regular PowerShell terminals and the VSCode PowerShell Extension host.

    Custom profile settings can be placed in profile directories to avoid modifying the built-in profile files. This includes separate directories for special terminal multiplexers like tmux.

  • Fast Profile Load Time:

    The profile uses delayed and parallel module imports to enhance load times. This approach provides a feature-rich terminal experience while maintaining quick responsiveness when opening a new terminal window.

  • Daily Update of Help Files:

    A background job automatically updates help files once a day when a new shell is started.

Advanced Resource Installation Options

This is a re-write of the original package. It uses Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet instead of PowerShellGet to install resources, which is included with PowerShell since version 7.4.0.

The new configuration options support an advanced syntax for 3rd party installation repositories as well as enhanced version definition, including version ranges and pre-releases.

Setting a version for resources

To use advanced options for resource installation, you may do so using the extended resource name syntax:


Version Examples

Notation Description
Az Installs the latest version.
[email protected] Install exactly version 12.1.0.
Az@[12.1.0,] Installs any version equal or greater than 12.1.0.
Az@[12.1,12.2) Installs the latest bugfix release within the 12.1.x range. Installs a module from a 3rd-party repository. The URI base is interpreted as resource name, while the rest is used as repository URI.

For a detailled description about version formats, see Install-PSResource -Version reference.

Resource repositories are automatically created using their domain, unless they are pre-defined with their name (see below). Note that these repositories will be available also after the container was created, but they will not be trusted automatically after the initial installation of resources.

IMPORTANT: Please note that multiple items must be separated using a semicolon (;). The comma is reserved to be used within version ranges as explained above. For example: [email protected]; [email protected]

Setting resource repositories

To register a resource repository (or change PSGallery default repository), you make use this syntax:


Resource Repository Examples

Notation Description Resulting Repository Name Minimum example.
MyRepo= Setting an explicit repository name. MyRepo^70 Add PowerShell Test Gallery with a decreased priority of 70.
PSGallery^60 Decrease priority of PSGallery to 60. PSGallery
PSGallery Set PSGallery as trusted. PSGallery

Note that every repository you explicitly set in the configuration will automatically be configured as a trusted resource.

IMPORTANT: Please note that multiple items must be separated using a semicolon (;). It follows the principle used to separate items in the resources option. For example: PSGallery; PoshTestGallery=^70

Note: This file was auto-generated from the devcontainer-feature.json. Add additional notes to a