Plot numerical data found in human readable weakly formatted logfiles.
This program extracts numerical data from arbitrary text files, typically logfiles. It plots the data in a graph which is written to a file in PNG/JPG/PDF format (really anything supported by matplotlib).
Input lines are first optionally filtered with --filter
. Each line forms a
data row. Numeric values in each line are extracted using a regex
). The X and Y values of each record are extracted from fixed
columns specified by --xcol
and --ycol
, respectively. When --xcol
is not
specified the row index (the line number in the file after filtering) is used
as X value.
Example: Plotting roundtrip times of ping:
sudo ping -c 1000 -i 0.001 > log.txt -f time= -x 2 -y 4 -s . log.txt -o log.png
Try adding --sort.
This help message may be outdated. Use --help
to get an up-to-date help.
> --help
positional arguments:
FILES Files to process.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-o F, --outfile F Output image. Default is 'out.png'. PNG, JPG, PDF and
others are supported.
-x N, --xcol N X column. Use -1 for 'index' (if no X column is present
in file).
-y N, --ycol N Y column. Use -vv to figure out column indices of data.
-c C, --colors C Set colors. One character per graph. Try rbyg.
-s S, --shapes S Set dot shapes (try oO.,+x).
-a S, --addstyle S Add additional style to all graphs (use -a - to add
-f RE, --filter RE Only use lines which match regex RE.
--num-regex RE Regex used to extrat numeric values in line.
--xlog Use logscale for X.
--xdiv N Divide X values by N (float).
--ymax MAX Set Y range to MAX (float).
--ymin MIN Set Y range to MIN (float).
--ylog Use logscale for Y.
--sort Sort Y values. Only makes sense without --xcol.
--hist B Build histogram over data with the specified binsize B.
Try --bar and --alpha 0.5.
--legend POS Set legend position (default "upper left").
--bar Draw filled bars.
--alpha ALPHA Set transparency. Useful for --bar with multiple plots.
--fig-width W Width of output image in inch at 100 dpi.
--fig-height H Height of output image in inch at 100 dpi.
--print-high N Print lines with Y values higher than N.
--print-stats Print statistics of all Y values.
-v, --verbose Be more verbose. version 0.2.1 *** Copyright (c) 2010-2023 Johannes Overmann ***
depends on the following:
- Python 3
- Version 0.2.2 tested with Python 2.7.18, 3.8.2, 3.9.10 and 3.11.1.
Python module
Usually you can install matplotlib
by doing pip3 install matplotlib
. On my Mac that failed, because it installed matplotlib
for the system Python 3.8, and not for the Python 3.9 on my path which I installed using Mac ports. To install modules for the Python interpreter on your path use the Python interpreter to execute pip:
python3 -m pip install matplotlib
This worked well for me.