PunchDetect is my Bachelor thesis project, which aims to use a sliding-window approach to detect punches in high-resolution images of late-medieval panel paintings. The project uses YOLO-NAS for object detection.
Use the setup.sh file to install the required packages, and download the dataset.
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/joshbruegger/SWORD-SIMP
- Give the setup.sh file execution rights
chmod +x setup.sh
- Run the setup.sh file
sbatch setup.sh
The setup script has the following usage and options:
setup_dataset.sh [-d] [-b] [-c] [-e] [-n <number>]
- d: force download of dataset
- b: force generation of bboxes
- c: force generation of crops
- e: force generation of environment
- n : number of crops to generate (default = 10)
combination of flags is possible (e.g. -bc), except for -n.