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Joseph C. Sible edited this page Sep 14, 2017
7 revisions
// The name of this oreberry bush's ore, such as Copper or Tin. Required.
"MyUnobtainium": {
// The name of the oreberry bush block/item. Defaults to the ore name followed by "Oreberry Bush".
"bushName": "MyUnobtainibush",
// The name of the oreberry item. Defaults to the ore name followed by "Oreberry".
"berryName": "MyUnobtainiberry",
// The hex color code to tint the oreberry bush and its berries.
// This is applied to the texture with the same algorithm as Multiply in The GIMP.
// You can easily test colors here by opening the texture file in GIMP,
// creating a new layer above it completely filled with your chosen color,
// and setting that layer to "Multiply".
"color": "#FF00FF",
// The text of a tooltip for the oreberry bush and its berries. If not specified, no tooltip is displayed.
"tooltip": "Good luck obtaining this",
// A list of ore dictionary names that the oreberries should be registered under.
// Defaults to a single entry: "nugget" followed by the ore name (with the first letter uppercase and the rest lowercase).
"oredictNames": ["nuggetUnobtainium", "nuggetOtherUnobtainium"],
// The item that results from smelting oreberries in a furnace. Options:
// 1. null, which means the item won't be smeltable.
// 2. An ore dictionary key, which will arbitrarily choose the first item with that key.
// This will never be the oreberries themselves, even if they're registered under that key.
// 3. An item name, specified as modname:itemname, or modname:itemname:metadata.
// 4. A JSON object, demonstrated and explained below.
// Defaults to the ore dictionary key "nugget" followed by the ore name
// (with the first letter uppercase and the rest lowercase).
"smeltingResult": "nuggetDefault",
// Any special properties. Currently, only "essence" is supported, which changes the textures used,
// and causes right-clicking with the berries to create XP orbs. Defaults to null.
"special": null,
// If true, this oreberry bush can be placed and grow in any light level.
// If false, this oreberry bush can only be placed in light levels below 13,
// and can only grow in light levels below 10. Defaults to false.
"growsInLight": true,
// Whether tinker villagers will offer this oreberry bush as a trade.
// Has no effect if tinker villagers are disabled. Defaults to true.
"tradeable": false,
// The odds against a chunk containing any of these oreberry bushes.
// For example, 1 means every chunk will have them, 2 means 1/2 of chunks will,
// 3 means 1/3 of chunks will, etc. Set to 0 to disable generation of this bush.
// Defaults to 6.
"rarity": 9,
// The number of oreberry bush clusters per chunk, given that the chunk will contain any.
// Defaults to 1.
"density": 2,
// The lowest height that these oreberry bushes will generate at. Defaults to 0.
"minHeight": 0,
// The first height checked to generate these oreberry bushes at.
// Defaults to halfway between minHeight and maxHeight.
"preferredHeight": 16,
// The highest height that these oreberry bushes will generate at.
// Defaults to sea level (64 in standard worlds).
"maxHeight": 32,
// There are three possible sizes of oreberry bush clusters.
// Given a random number x between 0 and sizeChance-1,
// the following sizes result:
// x < 5 -> small
// x = 11 -> large
// otherwise -> medium
// A value of 12 has the highest chance of a "large" cluster.
// Larger values have lower chances of "large", but also lower chances of "small".
// Defaults to 12.
"sizeChance": 12,
// What blocks it's okay for this bush to replace during worldgen.
// Note that it's always okay to replace air, as well as any non-full non-unbreakable block.
// Defaults to ["minecraft:gravel", "minecraft:stone", "minecraft:sand", "minecraft:water", "minecraft:snow", "minecraft:grass", "minecraft:dirt"].
"replaceBlocks": ["minecraft:netherrack"],
// What dimension IDs to generate this bush in.
// 0 is the overworld, -1 is the nether, and 1 is the end.
// Defaults to [0].
"dimensions": [-1]
"Uniquium": {
"color": "#009900",
// The above entry mentions using a JSON object for the value of smeltingResult.
// Doing so creates a new nugget for the oreberry to smelt into.
// This is useful if you have a mod that adds an ingot, but not a corresponding nugget.
"smeltingResult": {
// The name of the nugget item. Defaults to the ore name followed by "Nugget".
"name": "Unique Nugget",
// The hex color of the nugget item. This works just like the color of oreberries themselves.
// Defaults to the oreberry's color value.
"color": "#00FF00",
// A list of ore dictionary names that the oreberries should be registered under.
// Defaults to the oreberry's ore dictionary names.
"oredictNames": ["nuggetUnique"],
// A list of items that correspond to the ingot form of this nugget. Options for each:
// 1. An ore dictionary key, which will arbitrarily choose the first item with that key.
// 2. An item name, specified as modname:itemname, or modname:itemname:metadata.
// Defaults to the ore dictionary key "ingot" followed by the ore name
// (with the first letter uppercase and the rest lowercase).
"ingotNames": ["firstmod:unique_ingot", "secondmod:ingot:1"]
// A simple, real example:
"Osmium": {
"color": "#BBEEFF",
"tooltip": "Heavy and Elemental",
"smeltingResult": {},
"maxHeight": 60