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  • PostgreSQL database
  • JDK 1.8
  • Graal VM 1.0
  • Apache Maven
  • Quarkus

If you don't have Graal VM installed, you can download it here:

Bulding the demo

Ensure that GRAALVM_HOME points to your GraalVM/Contents/Home directory:

export GRAALVM_HOME=/my/path/to/GraalVM/Contents/Home

Ensure that you are in the quarkus directory:

cd ./quarkus/

Build with Maven:

mvn package -Pnative

Running the demo

First launch the PosgreSQL database:

docker run --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 -it --rm=true --memory-swappiness=0 --name postgres-quarkus-rest-http-crud -e POSTGRES_USER=restcrud -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=restcrud -e POSTGRES_DB=rest-crud -p 5432:5432 postgres:10.5

To run the application in interactive mode (developer mode):

mvn quarkus:dev

If you see an error message similar to [ERROR] Failed to execute goal io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:0.20.0:dev (default-cli) on project rest-http-crud-quarkus: The project Quarkus - Relational Database Backend Mission has no output yet. Make sure it contains at least one source or resource file and then run mvn compile quarkus:dev. -> [Help 1], please confirm that you have previsouly compiled the project with;

mvn compile quarkus:dev

Alternatively, you can start the application normally using the -runner.jar;

java -jar ./target/rest-http-crud-quarkus-1.0.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar

To run the native image:


Testing the demo

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