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File metadata and controls

219 lines (143 loc) · 8.69 KB

A Ruby library for interacting with the RingCentral RingOut API and FaxOut API.

Currently it is a very thin wrapper around the native RingCentral HTTP API. Eventually I would like to document and abstract away as many of the idiosyncrasies of the native API as possible.

All four RingOut commands are supported (see "Usage" below).


Install the gem:

sudo gem install ringcentral

And if you're using Rails (not required), add it to your environment.rb configuration as a gem dependency:

config.gem 'ringcentral'

I highly recommend requiring a specific version (with the :version argument to config.gem) from your app, because this gem is young and the API will change.



When calling list and call, you will always need to supply the RingCentral account credentials as the first three arguments to the methods:

  • Username: your main RingCentral account phone number
  • Password: password for an individual user on your RingCentral account
  • Extension: extension number for an individual user on your RingCentral account

For status and cancel, no credentials are required by RingCentral, just a session ID returned by the call method.


  • RingCentral returns a "Call Completed" response for every session ID that's not attached to a call currently in progress.
  • The "WS" parameter is returned when placing a call and is accepted as a parameter to the status and cancel methods, but as far as I can tell it doesn't do anything. RingCentral support didn't know either.


RingCentral::Phone.list(username, password, extension)

Gets a hash of the numbers associated with the provided RingCentral credentials (output formatted for readability). Example:

>> RingCentral::Phone.list('8889363711', '1234', '101')
=> {
     "Home" => "6505553711",
     "Mobile" => "6505551233",
     "Business" => "6505551550"

Call, password, extension, to, from, caller_id, prompt = 1)

Place a RingOut call to the to number, from the from number, and with the specified caller_id. Set prompt to 0 to avoid the "Press 1 to connect this call" prompt (default is to leave the prompt on).

The response is a session ID (which you can use to get call status or cancel the call later) and a "WS" field (see "Errata" above).

>>'8889363711', '1234', '101', '6505551230', '6505551231', '8889363711')
=> {
     :session_id => "20",
     :ws => ".62"


RingCentral::Phone.status(session_id, ws = nil)

Check the status of the RingOut call with a given session_id in progress (or completed). The ws parameter appears to be unused, so it defaults to nil.

The response is a hash of status information: for the call as a whole, and the status for each of the numbers (callback, the originating number; and destination, the number being called). Possible values for the status are as follows:

  • Success: picked up, line open (gets set for the callback number before the destination)
  • In Progress: ringing (or waiting to be rung if it's the destination number)
  • Busy: appears in the "general call status" field after call has completed
  • No Answer
  • Rejected: party hung up, line closed
  • Generic Error
  • Finished: other party hung up, line closed
  • International calls disabled
  • Destination number prohibited

In general, this is how I've observed call statuses to proceed over the course of the RingOut procedure:

When the call is initiated, the callback number is called. All statuses are "In Progress."

>> RingCentral::Phone.status(3)
=> {
     :general     => "In Progress",
     :callback    => "In Progress",
     :destination => "In Progress"

When the call to the callback number is picked up, that status goes to "Success." It will remain this way during the time it takes for the operator to respond to the call connection prompt, if you did not skip it.

>> RingCentral::Phone.status(3)
=> {
     :general     => "In Progress",
     :callback    => "Success",
     :destination => "In Progress"

When the destination number is picked up, all statuses go to "Success." They will remain this way while the call is in progress.

>> RingCentral::Phone.status(3)
=> {
     :general     => "Success",
     :callback    => "Success",
     :destination => "Success"

When both calls (to the callback and the destination numbers) have completed, the final statuses are "Call Completed." They will remain this way for a couple seconds.

>> RingCentral::Phone.status(3)
=> {
     :general     => "Call Completed",
     :callback    => "Call Completed",
     :destination => "Call Completed"

Edge cases: I haven't experimented with many cases, but as an example this is the status returned when the callback number rejects the call.

>> RingCentral::Phone.status(6)
=> {
     :general     => "Busy",
     :callback    => "Rejected",
     :destination => "Generic Error"


RingCentral::Phone.cancel(session_id, ws = nil)

Cancel a RingOut call with a given session_id. It seems like you can only cancel while one of the numbers is still ringing, or perhaps only when the callback number is being rung. You cannot cancel a call that has been picked up and is running.

The response is simply the session ID in a hash. The same response is given no matter what the result of the API call was. Essentially this method could be considered to make a "best effort" attempt to cancel your call, but don't rely on it.

>> RingCentral::Phone.cancel(242323)
=> { :session_id => "242323" }


There is only one method for faxing: send.

RingCentral::Fax.send(username, password, extension, recipient, attachment, cover_page = 'None', cover_page_text = nil, resolution = nil, send_time = nil)

Send a fax to a given recipient with a given attachment (File object) using a given cover page (default is to not use a cover page). If the cover page option is set to nil, the default cover page will be used. Valid values for this argument (pulled from RingCentral's own FaxOut web form) are listed below along with the corresponding human-readable cover page name.

   0 => "None",
   1 => "Ancient",
   2 => "Birthday",
   3 => "Blank",
   4 => "ClasMod",
   5 => "Classic",
   6 => "Confidential",
   7 => "Contempo",
   8 => "Elegant",
   9 => "Express",
  10 => "Formal"
  11 => "Jazzy",
  12 => "Modern",
  13 => "Urgent",

You can also specify text to include on the cover page, the resolution to use (possible values are Low and High), and the time to send (GMT time in the format dd:mm:yy hh:mm). If send time is invalid or not in the future, the fax will be sent immediately.

Credentials work the same as with the phone methods, with the exception that you can pass nil as the extension number, in which case the master account is used.

The response is a simple status string. Possible values are as follows:

  • Successful
  • Authorization failed
  • Faxing is prohibited for the account
  • No recipients specified
  • No fax data specified
  • Generic error

Note that this only indicates the status of the request to send the fax; it does not tell you anything about whether the fax was transmitted successfully or not. There is no way to check programmatically for the status of a fax. However, you will get an email with the results of the fax job at the address corresponding to the credentials/account you used to send the fax.

>> RingCentral::Fax.send('5556090455', 'qwerty', '100', '5556465589','/path/to/file.pdf'))
=> "Successful"


  • Be able to supply RingCentral account credentials once, up-front, rather than supplying with each API call.
  • Wrap up the Phone call, status, and cancel methods into a Call object which maintains its state.
  • Set Call command arguments using response from the List command, perhaps so a user could do call(:from => :mobile)
  • Determine how accepting the RingCentral APIs are of formatted or malformed input.
  • Accept more than one recipient for faxing; allow more than one attachment.
  • Allow fax send method to take a real ruby Time object for the send time.
  • Write tests.


Problems, comments, and pull requests all welcome. Find me on GitHub.


Copyright © 2010 Todd Eichel for Fooala, Inc..