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An example project for productionising workflows via integration between Apache Airflow and Spark in a cloud-based environment.


AirflowSpark is a software project for the productionisation of data science projects via testable code. It uses Airflow as a batch scheduler, with a Spark computation layer designed to be provisioned on a cloud-based elastic compute platform (such as AWS/EMR). The project automatically creates a Airflow's Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) for each workflow, which may encompass a mix of ETL steps and data science tasks. Airflow Operators are run sequentially inside each DAG, each of which is a separate Python class, which defines the work to be done. The Airflow server hosts these DAGs, and schedules the execution time based upon each workflow's configuration.

Project structure

Rather than following a layout typical to a Python application, support for multiple languages has been envisioned. The majority and core of the program will still be Python, but small bits of Scala or Java (both of which have APIs to Spark) could be included for performance reasons. The source code for the project can be found in src/main, with the any tests found in a duplicate folder structure under src/test. The code for each workflow belongs in a named directory under src/main/python/projects. The name of the directory is automatically used as the DAG name in Airflow.

Airflow Server Setup

This area is still a WIP.


On an empty EC2 instance, create a new linux user called Airflow with passwordless sudo rights.

sudo su -
adduser -G wheel airflow
sed 's/# %wheel\tALL=(ALL)\tNOPASSWD: ALL/%wheel\tALL=\(ALL\)\tNOPASSWD: ALL/' /etc/sudoers

create a log folder for airflow

mkdir /var/log/airflow
chown airflow /var/log/airflow

create a persistent varable for AIRFLOW_HOME across all users env

echo export AIRFLOW_HOME=/home/airflow/.airflow > /etc/profile.d/

Switch to the airflow user, and copy the authorized keys file to the airflow users home.

su - airflow
mkdir .ssh
touch .ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 700 .ssh
chmod 644 .ssh/authorized_keys

Set the necessary environment variables

echo ". /opt/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/" >> ~/.bashrc

If Anaconda is not installed, install it to the path above. Create a new python environment for the project from within the project root folder (you may use conda/venv or anything that suits):

python -m venv .venv

Creating Postgres Backend

Set up a Postgres RDS server using AWS (web interface). Install psql on the Airflow instance if not already done so. Create a user on the

psql \

Once in the postgres shell, create the airflow user (use an alphanumeric password only):

postgres=# CREATE USER airflow PASSWORD ‘<password>’;
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE airflow;

Create the project area

As the airflow user, create a directory and then deploy the code.

mkdir -p ~/Github/AirflowSpark

Deploy the code to the airflow instance using the shell script from your local machine.

sh scripts/ . airflow /home/airflow/Github/AirflowSpark

On the airflow ec2 instance, install the airflow requirements to the AirflowSpark python environment:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Export the AirflowSpark directory to the PYTHONPATH sys var:

export PYTHONPATH=/home/airflow/Github/AirflowSpark/

Initialise the airflow database once, edit the configuration, and then reinitialise:

export AIRFLOW_HOME=/home/airflow/.airflow
airflow initdb
vi ~/.airflow/airflow.cfg
airflow initdb

Finally, start the server and scheduler:

airflow webserver -p <PORT>
airflow scheduler


While it should be possible to run Airflow locally repeating many of the instructions above, this has not been tested in some time.

Todo list

  • Integrate other cloud envrionments (Azure, GCP) via Airflow helpers and python scripts equivalent to boto3.
  • Better logging:
    • currently Airflow just polls the Spark master for the status of the job and not the stdout/stderr.
    • Spark status logs are duplicated ~10 times per poll
    • A custom logger should be used for each python log call, to integrate better with Airflow.