##Mobile HTML5 websites and Hybrid Apps with AngularJS
## _How to code today with tomorrow tools - mobile edition_ ###Carlo Bonamico - [@carlobonamico](https://twitter.com/carlobonamico) ###NIS s.r.l. ###[email protected] ###[email protected]
AngularJS lets you use today the features of next-generation web standards,
- making front-end development more productive and fun
What's better, it provides its "magic" tools to both web AND mobile apps
- databinding, dependency injection
- modularity, composable and event-driven architecture
interactive talk will share some lessons learned- how to structure applications
- tune bandwidth and performance
- interact with mobile-specific elements such as touch, sensors
- native-looking UX with Ionic Framework
-- #Web vs Native
I do not want to join the fight ;-)
The web tends to always be more powerful than people think!
- and the gap with native will only become smaller with time
There are many use cases for web-based sites and hybrid apps (HTML5 packed in an app)
- avoiding install on device
- ensuring always latest version
- platform support: iOS, Android, Windows Phone...
- easier and more familiar development workflow
And my favorite...
- to use Angular magic! -- #So why AngularJS
Open Source framwework
- fast-growing
- great community
- Lets you adopt future web architecture and tools today
- anticipate Web Components and EcmaScript 6
#Angular gives structure and modularity
Dependency Injection
split component definition from component wiring
Module composition e.g.
- common modules
- mobile-only components
- desktop-only components
-- #But... ##...isn't a web / JS Mobile app unusably slow?
##This presentation is an Angular-based Single Page Application
##Now we launch it on a phone and explore it with Chrome usb debugging -- #Discovering the device * ``about:inspect``
- enable port forwarding from laptop to phone
- open
on the phone -- #Monitoring CPU usage and FPS
$http({method: 'GET', url: path}).
success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
var slidesToLoad = data.split(separator); //two dashes
for (i = 0; i < slidesToLoad.length; i++) {
var slide = {
content: slidesToLoad[i],
//.. init other slide fields
slide.html = converter.makeHtml(slide.content);
return slides;
} } })
#A simple declarative view
* binding the model to the html
<body ng-app="ngSlides" ng-class="slides[currentSlide].background"
<div id="slidesContainer" class="slidesContainer" >
<div class="slide" ng-repeat="slide in slides"
ng-show="slide.number == currentSlide" >
<div ng-bind-html="slide.html"></div>
<h4 class="number">{{slide.number}}</h4>
- and a very simple css for positioning elements in the page -- #A controller focused on interaction
ngSlides.controller("presentationCtrl", function ($scope, $http,
$rootScope, slidesMarkdownService) {
$scope.slides = slidesMarkdownService.getFromMarkdown('slides.md');
$scope.currentSlide = 0;
$scope.next = function () {
$scope.currentSlide = $scope.currentSlide + 1;
$scope.previous = function () {
$scope.currentSlide = $scope.currentSlide - 1;
-- #AngularJS magic
###Arthur C. Clarcke
- Add search within the slides in one line
<div ng-repeat="slide in slides | filter:q">...</div>
- where q is a variable containing the search keyword -- #AngularJS magic is made of
- Two-way Databinding
- split the view from the logic
- split the view from the logic
- Dependency Injection
- gives decoupling, testability & enriching of code and tags
function SlidesCtrl($scope, SlidesService) {
- The power of composition - of
- modules
- directives
<h1 ng-show='enableTitle' ng-class='titleClass'>..</h1>
- filters
slide in slides | filter:q | orderBy:title | limit:3
- ...
- modules
-- #So Angular let you write less code
But what's more important,
- less "low value" code
- more readable code
So you can concentrate on your application idea
AngularJS is opinionated
- but it will let you follow a different way in case you really need it -- #So, back to our mobile apps...
Speed can mean many things
UX speed vs processing speed
- databinding lets you easily display data progressively
- client-side rich models and filtering let you respond quickly to user input
network delays vs app response times
##But the challenge isn't just being performant
- Being an awesome mobile app
- handle gestures
- respect user expectations (e.g. swipeable cards )
- manage navigation
- manage app state and off-line availability
-- #Performance Tips
- reduce DOM manipulation
- use simple markup
- move all styling to CSS
- no JS Animation, use CSS3
- HW accelerated transitions
- optimize your databindings
- bind once and targeted bindings
- https://github.com/Pasvaz/bindonce -- #Performance Tuning
- Tune with AngularJS Batarang
-- #Bandwidth optimizations
The biggest cost is opening a connection, not transferring files
- use HTTP Keep-alive
- enable GZip compression
- https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/module
Local manipulation of data greatly reduces network traffic
- Local DB and sync -- #Support Touch and Gestures
Module ng-touch
- fastclick: eliminate the 300ms delay
- easily manage swipes
<div ng-swipe-left="next()" >
for advanced cases:
- ionic-gestures
-- #Storing state
On the device
- Session storage
- Local storage
- lawnchair
- PouchDB http://pouchdb.com/
In the cloud
- Mongolab http://mongolab.com
- Firebase with AngularFire https://www.firebase.com
- BaasBox http://www.baasbox.com -- #Managing sensors
HTML5 standard APIs support only some sensors
- location (very good support)
- orientation
- acceleration
Additional sensors require the PhoneGap APIs
need to wrap all callbacks with
- or better, a dedicated service
to notify Angular of changes occurred out of its lifecycle
- Chrome remote debugging and screencast
- Emulate device resolutions, DPIs, sensors:
- Chrome emulator
- Ripple Emulator http://emulate.phonegap.com
-- #Issues
Development-time structure
- multiple files
- component/dependency managers (bower...)
Compile-time structure
- limited number of files
- concatenation
- minification
Use a toolchain
- Marcello Teodori's talk on JS Power Tools -- #Testable mobile apps?
first phase: prototyping on a Desktop browser
second phase: unit testing
- way easier with AngularJS
third phase: on device testing
Chrome on-device debugging -- #Packaging apps for markets
Phonegap Build
Chrome Apps for Mobile
- Cordova Browser
- you install it once
- and open your code on your web server
- continuous refresh without reinstalling the app
or better the UX - User Experience?
Comparing mobile web frameworks
JQuery Mobile
- widgets-only
- DOM-heavvy
- Angular integration is not simple (different lifecycles)
- at most, JQ Mobile for CSS and Angular for navigation and logic -- #Enter Ionic Framework
AngularJS-based, Open Source
- performance obsessed
- mobile-looking
- extensible
http://ionicframework.com/docs/guide/ -- #What's inside?
Ionic CSS
Ionic Icons
Ionic Directives
and support Tooling -- #Ionic CSS
elegant yet very lightweight
<div class="list">
<div class="item item-divider">
Candy Bars
<a class="item" href="#">
3D animations, HW accelerated
sass-based for custom theming
500 free icons (ionicons)
-- #Ionic Directives
- mobile navigation and interactions
<ion-item ng-repeat="item in items"
- services for
- gestures
- navigation
- http://ionicframework.com/docs/api -- #Let's play around... (with Live Reload)
-- #Navigation
based on UI-Router
- sub-views (e.g. Tabs)
- per-view navigation history
UI Gallery
-- #Ionic Tooling
- PhoneGap based build chain
$ npm -g install ionic
$ ionic start myApp tabs
$ cd myApp
$ ionic platform add ios
$ ionic build ios
$ ionic emulate ios
-- #The Future
AngularJS 2.0 will be Mobile First
- performance
- browser support
- http://blog.angularjs.org/2014/03/angular-20.html
Web Components on Mobile
EcmaScript 6 -
-> ultrafast binding
-- #Lessons learnt
AngularJS can be viable on mobile
- interactivity in plain HTML5 views
AngularJS changes your way of working (for the better!)
- let you free of concentrating on your ideas
- makes for a way faster development cycle
- makes for a way faster interaction with customer cycle
- essential for Continuous Delivery! -- #Lessons learnt
Like all the magic wands, you could end up like Mikey Mouse as the apprentice sorcerer
Getting started is very easy
But to go further you need to learn the key concepts
- scopes
- dependency injection
- directives
- promises
So get your training!
- Codemotion training (june 2014)
NEW! Advanced AngularJS course
- coming in July-September 2014
-- #To learn more
- http://www.ng-book.com/ - Recommended!
- AngularJS and .NET http://henriquat.re
Online tutorials and video trainings:
All links and reference from my Codemotion Workshop
Full lab from my Codemotion Workshop
- https://github.com/carlobonamico/angularjs-quickstart -- #Even more
Optimizing AngularJS for mobile
Web Components
Explore these slides
My presentations
Follow me at @carlobonamico / @nis_srl
- will publish these slides in a few days
Attend my Codemotion trainings