This is a not-implementation of an OSGi framework. The name originally comes from the now abandoned jitsi-android project. jitsi-android-osgi is used by Jigasi.
Jitsi never really cared about the modularization features of OSGi (i.e. bundle isolation), but rather the service manager. Jigasi uses non OSGi-aware libraries and this not-really-OSGi framework does not care about manifests. "Bundles" must be manually listed and the "framework" must be told to start them.
// list all activators here
var activators = List.of(MyBundle.class);
// then prepare the "framework"
var options = Map.ofConstants.FRAMEWORK_BEGINNING_STARTLEVEL, "2");
Framework fw = new FrameworkImpl(options, Main.class.getClassLoader());
var bundleContext = fw.getBundleContext();
for (Class<? extends BundleActivator> activator : activators) {
var url = activator.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toString();
var bundle = bundleContext.installBundle(url);
var startLevel = bundle.adapt(BundleStartLevel.class);
var bundleActivator = bundle.adapt(BundleActivatorHolder.class);
// start and wait until the shutdown
To use bundles that declare native libraries in their manifest and are loading
them via System.loadLibrary(String)
, use the BundleClassLoader
to run the
framework init code. They should then work like in a full OSGi implementation.