Using terminal command
# start to burn
# to check your dvd drive path
diskutil list # eg dev/disk2
# unmount the disk so that it will not be used by any app
diskutil unmountdisk /dev/disk2
dd if=/dev/disk2 of=XXXXXXXX.iso bs=2048
# after finish
diskutil eject /dev/disk2
Using terminal command
To obtain bin and cue files like Windows famous tools imgburn does, can use the following method (So far, cannot find other GUI tools to achieve the same thing)
- use drutil to get drive info for parameter dev=1,0,0 in cdrecord
- use cdrecord to create audio bin file
- use cdrdao scanbus to get the device hardware information
- use cdrdao to output toc from disc image
- use toc2cue to convert toc to cue (toc2cue included in cdrkit)
# install cdrdao to get device(cd drive) bus information
brew install cdrdao cdrkit
drutil status
sudo cdrecord dev=1,0,0 -dao -v -isosize /volumes/ram/XXXXXXX.bin
cdrdao scanbus
cdrdao read-cd --device "IOService:..." --datafile /Volumes/Ram/XXXXXXX.bin /Volumes/Ram/XXXXXXX.toc
toc2cue /Volumes/Ram/VIRIYACDa.toc /Volumes/Ram/VIRIYACDa.cue
MacOS 預設截圖是 png 格式,好處是畫面質量高,但比較佔用空間。如果想改成 jpeg 格式,可以在終端機 (Terminal) 下輸入:
defaults write type jpg
如果想改回來,只要把 jpg 改成 png 就可以了。
# convert to plain xml format
plutil -convert xml1 XXXXXX.plist
# convert to binary format
plutil -convert binary1 XXXXXX.plist
# get the menu of plutil
man plutil
# Display file type.
file -I ~/Desktop/something
# Network
#### 如果連接埠被使了,想知道甚麼在使用的方法
#### How to check what process is using an exsiting port
sudo lsof -i -P | grep LISTEN | grep :5000
# example@Sonoma 14.6.1
ControlCe 658 someone 10u IPv4 0xXXXXXXXXde34f2b 0t0 TCP \***:5000** (**LISTEN**)
ControlCe 658 someone 11u IPv6 0xXXXXXXXX522241c 0t0 TCP \***:5000** (**LISTEN**)
# 使用時,請更改所需的環境名稱和 python 版本
conda create -n ENVIRONMENT_NAME python=3.8.5
conda remove --name ENV_NAME --all
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Excerpt from reference List of all packages installed using Homebrew - Ask Different
List all installed brew
# list installed brew and cask
brew list
brew list --cask
brew leaves
shows you all top-level packages; packages that are not dependencies. This should be the most interesting if you are using the list to re-install packages.
To include formula
descriptions, use
brew leaves | xargs brew desc --eval-all
To include cask
descriptions, use
brew ls --casks | xargs brew desc --eval-all
Reference: Homebrew cask official usage docs