Post daily Apple sales report summaries to Slack
npm install
npm run package
- Create an AWS Lambda script from
- Set the following environment variables for the Lambda script:
- APPLE_USER_ID - Your iTunes Connect email address
- APPLE_ACCESS_TOKEN - Your iTunes Connect Access Token (instructions)
- APPLE_VENDOR_NUMBER - Your Apple Vendor ID
- OPEN_EXCHANGE_RATES_APP_ID - An access token for Open Exchange Rates
- S3_PERSIST_URL - An S3 URL for a file that will be created by the Lambda script, ex: s3://my-salesbot/lastrun.txt. Make sure your Lambda script has permission to read and write the given S3 bucket
- SLACK_WEBHOOK - An incoming Slack webhook the script will post to
- Setup a Scheduled Event trigger for the Lambda script to run at a regular interval such as hourly (instructions)