Drupal profile for installing sitepuller
/path/to/site/root on Mac OS for DevDesktop: /Users/my-user/devdesktop/my-site for MAMP: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/my-site
Create a sitepuller site:
- cd ~
- git clone [email protected]:jgreidy/sitepuller-profile.git sitepuller_profile
- drush make --prepare-install sitepuller_profile/local.make /path/to/site/root
- (install the site via Drupal using your browser using profile=sitepuller_profile)
- ignore the warnings about Net/SSH2.php
- ignore warnings about Crypt/Blowfish.php
- cd /path/to/site/root
- drush composer-manager update
- The composer.json file is missing. Would you like to re-build it? (y/n): y
- Configure sitepuller_tools module
- see the instructions in README.md [email protected]:jgreidy/sitepuller-tools.git