SBT plugin for deploying Satisfaction projects
Include this plugin to deploy your Satisfaction tracks to the correct place on HDFS to be scheduled
To add the sbt-satisfy plugin to your project, perform the following steps
- Add the following lines to your project/plugins.sbt file
addSbtPlugin("com.tagged.satisfaction" %% "sbt-satisfy" % "0.15")
- Import the sbt-satisfy keys in your build.sbt
import sbtSatisfy._
import SatisfyKeys._
- Define your track name as property in build.sbt
trackName := "MyAwesomeTrack"
- Set a version number ( as you would normally do) to be the version number of your project, (in the form Major.Minor.Patch )
version := "0.1.0"
- For uploading to the trackpath, set hdfsURI to the URL of your HDFS name server.
hdfsURI := new"hdfs://my-hdfs-namenode:8020")
- (Optional) - If you are a using a non-default track path, (instead of /user/satisfaction/track), you can set it with basePath
basePath := "/user/my-name/satisfaction/track"
- When you are ready to upload to the Satisfaction Scheduler,
run the
command from the sbt prompt.
> upload
- This will upload the project into an HDFS directory where Satisfaction expects it to be, under /user/satisfaction/track
> hadoop dfs -ls /user/satisfaction/track/MyAwesomeTrack
Found 1 items
drwxr-x--x - jbanks hadoop 0 2014-06-10 15:20 /user/satisfaction/track/MyAwesomeTrack/version_0.1.0
Define a Track using the Satisfaction Scala DSL under src/main/scala/ .
If you have resources to be uploaded ( like some awesome Hive scripts ), place them under src/main/resources
Create a file in the conf/ directoy, named "". This contains any sort of configuration properties which need to be specified which aren't the Track definition, ( defined in the Scala DSL ) or a resource file
Add a property 'satisfaction.track.class' which is the class name of the Scala DSL Track definition
Additional commands
** uploadResource - Only uploads file resources
** uploadJars - Only uploads jar dependencies
** cleanUpload - Removes all files for the track on HDFS
** uploadProperties - Only uploads the conf/ file