The current address, specifically the country.
Example output:
country: Immutable({
iso: 'AD',
name: 'Andorra',
zones: ['International', 'Europe']
The items currently in the basket.
Example output:
basket: Immutable({
'bag': { name: 'bag', price: 2.45, quantity: 3, subtotal: 7.35 },
'shoe': { name: 'shoe', price: 14.89, quantity: 1, subtotal: 14.89 }
The list of all countries.
Example output:
countries: Immutable({
'KH': { iso: 'KH', name: 'Cambodia', zones: ['Shipping'] },
'AT': { iso: 'AT', name: 'Austria', zones: ['Shipping'] },
'GU': { iso: 'GU', name: 'Guam', zones: ['Domestic'] }
The available delivery methods for the current address.
Example output:
methods: Immutable({
'Express': { name: 'Express', zones: ['Domestic'], calculator: [function] },
'Tracked': { name: 'Tracked', zones: ['Domestic', 'Shipping'], calculator: [function] }
The currently selected delivery method and it's associated cost.
Example output:
delivery: Immutable({ name: 'Express', amount: 5.48 })
The current state of the order with totals, adjustments and errors.
Example output:
order: Immutable({
totals: { price: 5.30, weight: 1500, order: 7.80 },
delivery: 'Second Class',
errors: ['Card is no longer valid or has expired'],
adjustments: [{ label: 'Second Class', amount: 2.50 }]
The payment options.
Example output:
paymentOptions: Immutable({
currency: 'USD',
hook: ''
The list of all products.
Example output:
products: Immutable({
'Crocs': { name: 'Crocs', price: 88.00 },
'Sandals': { name: 'Sandals', price: 5.25 },
'Slippers': { name: 'Slippers', price: 45.50 }
(Used internally).