diff --git a/doc-trace.rkt b/doc-trace.rkt
index 8591866..bf1ebe1 100644
--- a/doc-trace.rkt
+++ b/doc-trace.rkt
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
- "responses.rkt")
+ "responses.rkt"
+ "docs-helpers.rkt")
(struct Decl (require? id left right) #:transparent)
@@ -86,18 +87,12 @@
(when url
(when (= start finish)
(set! finish (add1 finish)))
- (define url (path->url path))
- (define url2 (if url-tag
- (make-url (url-scheme url)
- (url-user url)
- (url-host url)
- (url-port url)
- (url-path-absolute? url)
- (url-path url)
- (url-query url)
- url-tag)
- url))
- (interval-map-set! docs start finish (list (url->string url2) def-tag))))
+ (define path-url (path->url path))
+ (define link+tag (cond
+ [url-tag (struct-copy url path-url [fragment url-tag])]
+ [def-tag (struct-copy url path-url [fragment (def-tag->html-anchor-tag def-tag)])]
+ [else path-url]))
+ (interval-map-set! docs start finish (list (url->string link+tag) def-tag))))
(define/override (syncheck:add-jump-to-definition source-obj start end id filename submods)
(define decl (Decl filename id 0 0))
(interval-map-set! sym-bindings start (add1 end) decl))
diff --git a/docs-helpers.rkt b/docs-helpers.rkt
index 23f1179..928e49f 100644
--- a/docs-helpers.rkt
+++ b/docs-helpers.rkt
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
- scribble/xref)
+ scribble/xref
+ net/url-string
+ racket/format)
(define the-bluebox-cache (make-blueboxes-cache #t))
(define pkg-cache (make-hash))
@@ -54,7 +56,54 @@
[else (list strs #f)])]
[else (list #f #f)]))
+;; Examples:
+;; Input: "file:///C:/Program Files/Racket/doc/reference/module.html#(form._((quote._~23~25kernel)._module))" #f
+;; Output: https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/module.html#%28form._%28%28quote._%7E23%7E25kernel%29._module%29%29
+;; (i.e. https://docs.racket-lang.org/ + left trimmed `url`)
+;; Input: "pairs.html#(def._((lib._racket/list..rkt)._add-between))" "C:/Program Files/Racket/doc/reference/strings.html"
+;; Output: https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/pairs.html#%28def._%28%28lib._racket%2Flist..rkt%29._add-between%29%29
+;; (i.e. https://docs.racket-lang.org/ + /reference/ from `docs-path` + `url`)
+(define (make-proper-url-for-online-documentation url [docs-path #f])
+ (define online-docs-url "https://docs.racket-lang.org/")
+ (define (absolute-web-url? url) (and (string-contains? url "://") (not (string-prefix? url "file"))))
+ (define (get-relative-docs-url url) ;; e.g. "reference/module.html#(form._((quote._~23~25kernel)._module))"
+ (last (string-split url #rx"/doc/(racket/)?"))) ; "(racket/)?" in case docs are installed in 'usr/share/doc/racket' on linux
+ (define (strip-off-last-path-segment url) (string-join (drop-right (string-split url "/") 1) "/" #:after-last "/"))
+ (define (encode-url url-string)
+ (define url-struct (string->url url-string))
+ ;; particularly encode chars '(', ')' and '~' from Markdown. Both VSCode's and Atom's Md parsers don't like them in links.
+ (current-url-encode-mode 'unreserved)
+ (define encoded-url (string-replace (url->string url-struct) "~" "%7E"))
+ ;; Rarely, there are `redirecting` links that require putting `&` back in query to work properly
+ (string-replace encoded-url "&" "&"))
+ (define encoded-url (encode-url url))
+ (cond
+ [(absolute-web-url? encoded-url) encoded-url]
+ [docs-path
+ (define ending (get-relative-docs-url docs-path))
+ (~a online-docs-url
+ (if (or (string-prefix? encoded-url "#") (zero? (string-length encoded-url)))
+ ending
+ (strip-off-last-path-segment ending))
+ encoded-url)]
+ [else (~a online-docs-url (get-relative-docs-url encoded-url))]))
+;; Example: '(def ((quote #%kernel) hasheq)) => "(def._((quote._~23~25kernel)._hasheq))"
+;; mostly a copy of a closed function `anchor-name` in `scribble-lib/scribble/html-render.rkt`
+(define (def-tag->html-anchor-tag v)
+ (define (encode-byte b) (string-append (if (< b 16) "~0" "~") (number->string b 16)))
+ (define (encode-bytes str) (string->bytes/utf-8 (encode-byte (bytes-ref str 0))))
+ (let* ([v (string->bytes/utf-8 (format "~a" v))]
+ [v (regexp-replace* #rx#"[A-Z.]" v #".&")]
+ [v (regexp-replace* #rx#" " v #"._")]
+ [v (regexp-replace* #rx#"\"" v #".'")]
+ [v (regexp-replace* #rx#"[^-a-zA-Z0-9_!+*'()/.,]" v encode-bytes)])
+ (bytes->string/utf-8 v)))
(provide find-containing-paren
- id-to-tag)
+ id-to-tag
+ make-proper-url-for-online-documentation
+ def-tag->html-anchor-tag)
diff --git a/documentation-parser.rkt b/documentation-parser.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a58932f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation-parser.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+#lang racket/base
+ racket/match
+ racket/string
+ racket/format
+ net/url-string
+ html-parsing
+ racket/function
+ "docs-helpers.rkt")
+;; ------------------------------------------
+;; Cursor (aka html node tree navigator) is implemented with the Zipper data structure
+;; The idea of its use is borrowed from a similar project: https://github.com/dyoo/wescheme-docs/blob/master/tree-cursor.rkt
+;; Zipper is described in detail in a paper "Functional Pearl. The Zipper" by Gerard Huet
+(struct cursor (selected-node lefts parent rights) #:transparent)
+(define (make-cursor tree-node) (cursor tree-node '() #f '()))
+(define (cursor-can-go-down? current-cursor)
+ (match current-cursor [(cursor (list fst-child _ ...) _ _ _) #t] [_ #f]))
+(define (cursor-can-go-up? current-cursor)
+ (match current-cursor [(cursor _ _ parent _) #:when parent #t] [_ #f]))
+(define (cursor-can-go-left? current-cursor)
+ (match current-cursor [(cursor _ (list left-sibling _ ...) _ _) #t] [_ #f]))
+(define (cursor-can-go-right? current-cursor)
+ (match current-cursor [(cursor _ _ _ (list right-sibling _ ...)) #t] [_ #f]))
+(define (cursor-go-down current-cursor)
+ (match current-cursor
+ [(cursor (list fst-child others ...) _ _ _)
+ (cursor fst-child '() current-cursor others)]
+ [_ (error "Cursor can't move down!")]))
+(define (cursor-go-up current-cursor)
+ (match current-cursor
+ [(cursor selected-node lefts parent rights)
+ (cursor (append (reverse lefts) (cons selected-node rights))
+ (cursor-lefts parent) (cursor-parent parent) (cursor-rights parent))]
+ [_ (error "Cursor can't move up!")]))
+(define (cursor-go-up-until-true cursor predicate?)
+ (cond
+ [(predicate? (cursor-selected-node cursor)) cursor]
+ [(cursor-can-go-up? cursor) (cursor-go-up-until-true (cursor-go-up cursor) predicate?)]
+ [else #f]))
+(define (cursor-go-left current-cursor)
+ (match current-cursor
+ [(cursor selected-node (list fst-left-sibling others ...) parent rights)
+ (cursor fst-left-sibling others parent (cons selected-node rights))]
+ [_ (error "Cursor can't move left!")]))
+(define (cursor-go-right current-cursor)
+ (match current-cursor
+ [(cursor selected-node lefts parent (list fst-right-sibling others ...))
+ (cursor fst-right-sibling (cons selected-node lefts) parent others)]
+ [_ (error "Cursor can't move right!")]))
+(define (cursor-go-to-next-sibling-or-uncle-node cursor doc-is-nested?)
+ (define (is-outside-of-blockquote? cursor) (is-blockquote-leftindent? (cursor-selected-node cursor)))
+ (cond
+ [(cursor-can-go-right? cursor) (cursor-go-right cursor)]
+ [(cursor-can-go-up? cursor)
+ (define parent-cursor (cursor-go-up cursor))
+ (cond
+ ;; If currently parsed doc was `nested`, don't go outside of it - stop parsing here
+ [(and doc-is-nested? (is-outside-of-blockquote? parent-cursor)) #f]
+ [else (cursor-go-to-next-sibling-or-uncle-node parent-cursor doc-is-nested?)])]
+ [else #f]))
+;; ------------------------------------------
+;; This functions are responsible for finding html nodes that constitute the selected element's documentation
+(define (find-doc-beginning-and-take-cursor doc-xexp anchor-name)
+ (define (find-node predicate? cursor)
+ (cond
+ [(predicate? (cursor-selected-node cursor)) cursor]
+ [(cursor-can-go-down? cursor) (find-node predicate? (cursor-go-down cursor))]
+ [(cursor-can-go-right? cursor) (find-node predicate? (cursor-go-right cursor))]
+ [(cursor-can-go-up? cursor)
+ (let loop ([cursor cursor])
+ (cond
+ [(cursor-can-go-right? cursor) (find-node predicate? (cursor-go-right cursor))]
+ [(cursor-can-go-up? cursor) (loop (cursor-go-up cursor))]
+ [else #f]
+ ))]
+ [else #f]))
+ (define (find-doc-beginning cursor)
+ (or
+ (cursor-go-up-until-true cursor
+ (match-lambda [`(div (@ (class "SIntrapara")) ,_ ...) #t] [_ #f]))
+ ;; Just in case someone for some peculiar reason forgot to include
in the documentation
+ (cursor-go-up-until-true cursor
+ (match-lambda [`(blockquote (@ (class "SVInsetFlow")) ,_ ...) #t] [_ #f]))))
+ (define maybe-cursor (find-node
+ (λ (x) (equal? x (list 'name anchor-name)))
+ (make-cursor doc-xexp)))
+ (and maybe-cursor (find-doc-beginning maybe-cursor)))
+(define (selected-node-contains-documentation-boundary? cursor doc-is-nested?)
+ (define (find-boundary-node predicate? tree)
+ (cond
+ ;; If the selected docs weren't nested themselves, then we collect nested docs without checking for their boundaries
+ [(and (not doc-is-nested?) (is-blockquote-leftindent? tree)) #f]
+ ;; if there is a list, then we want (probably?) take it as a whole, no matter what boundaries it may have
+ [(tag-name? tree 'ul) #f]
+ [(predicate? tree) tree]
+ [(list? tree) (ormap (λ (x) (find-boundary-node predicate? x)) tree)]
+ [else #f]))
+ (find-boundary-node
+ (match-lambda
+ ;; beginning of docs for the next function, method, struct, or whatever
+ [`(div (@ (class "RBackgroundLabelInner"))
+ (p ,(or "class" "constructor" "interface" "method" "mixin" "parameter" "procedure" "signature" "struct" "syntax" "value"))) #t]
+ ;; end of a doc list ;; e.g.
+ [`(@ (class "navsetbottom")) #t]
+ ;; end of a module ;; e.g.
+ [`(@ (x-source-module ,_) ,_ ...) #t]
+ [_ #f])
+ (cursor-selected-node cursor)))
+(define (collect-docs cursor doc-is-nested? [is-inside-boundary-node? #f])
+ (cond [(not cursor) '()]
+ ;; we gather doc elements sequentially until we meet documentation for another function
+ [(selected-node-contains-documentation-boundary? cursor doc-is-nested?)
+ ;; hack: the boundary node can be a paragraph
that still contains some elements that belong to our doc,
+ ;; so we try to look inside just in case, but only once. That should be enough.
+ (define node (cursor-selected-node cursor))
+ (if (and (not is-inside-boundary-node?) (list? node) (> (length node) 1))
+ (list (car node) ; tag name
+ (collect-docs (cursor-go-right (cursor-go-down cursor)) doc-is-nested? #t))
+ '())]
+ [else
+ (define next-node-cursor (cursor-go-to-next-sibling-or-uncle-node cursor doc-is-nested?))
+ (cons (cursor-selected-node cursor)
+ (collect-docs next-node-cursor doc-is-nested? is-inside-boundary-node?))]))
+;; ------------------------------------------
+;; Conversion of HTML into Markdown GFM
+(define (tag? mb-tag)
+ (match mb-tag [(list tag-name _ ...) #:when (not (eq? '@ tag-name)) #t] [_ #f])) ; ignore attributes "('@ ...)"
+(define (tag-name? tag name)
+ (match tag [(list (== name) _ ...) #t] [_ #f]))
+(define (get-tag-attribute tag attr-name)
+ (match tag
+ [(list _ ... (list '@ _ ... (list (== attr-name) attr-value) _ ...) _ ...) attr-value] [_ #f]))
+(define (tag-attribute? tag attr-name attr-value)
+ (equal? attr-value (get-tag-attribute tag attr-name)))
+(define (is-blockquote-leftindent? tree-node)
+ (match tree-node [`(blockquote (@ (class "leftindent") ,_ ...) ,_ ...) #t] [_ #f]))
+;; the function tries its best to convert html (in the form of SXML/xexp emitted by 'html-parsing' lib) to Markdown string
+(define (html->markdown html-tag html-file-path)
+ (define code-block-depth 0)
+ (define list-element-depth 0)
+ (define reference-links-table (make-hash))
+ (define (recursive-convert tag [parent #f])
+ (define inside-code-block? (> code-block-depth 0))
+ (define inside-list-element? (> list-element-depth 0))
+ (define (convert-tag-contents) (string-join (map (λ (child-tag) (recursive-convert child-tag tag)) tag) ""))
+ (define (should-be-in-fenced-code-block? tag) (or (tag-attribute? tag 'class "SCodeFlow") (and (tag-name? tag 'table) (not inside-code-block?))))
+ (define (should-be-emphasized? tag) (ormap (λ (x) (tag-attribute? tag 'class x)) '("RktVar" "RktVal" )))
+ (define (ignore? tag) (ormap (λ (x) (tag-attribute? tag 'class x)) '("refcolumn" "RBackgroundLabelInner")))
+ (define (escape-markdown str)
+ (if inside-code-block? str ; in markdown everything inside code blocks is escaped by default
+ (regexp-replace*
+ #rx"[\n<>]" str
+ (match-lambda
+ ;; Otherwise text like "#" would be rendered just as "#", because Md eats everything that looks like an html tag.
+ ;; Also could be prepended with a slash ('\>') or replaced with an html entity ('<'),
+ ;; but the former doesn't work in Atom's Md parser and both don't look very well if the editor doesn't support Markdown.
+ ["<" "❮"] [">" "❯"]
+ ["\n" " "] [s s]))))
+ ;; normally markdown supports html entities but only outside of code blocks
+ (define (convert-if-tag-is-html-entity tag)
+ (match tag ['(& nbsp) " "] ['(& rarr) "->"] ['(& rsquo) "'"] ['(& ldquo) "\""] ['(& rdquo) "\""] ['(& ndash) "-"] [_ #f]))
+ (cond
+ [(string? tag) (escape-markdown tag)]
+ [(convert-if-tag-is-html-entity tag) => identity]
+ [(or (not (tag? tag)) (ignore? tag)) ""] ; garbage or just tags that should be ignored for esthetic reasons
+ [(tag-name? tag 'br) " \n"] ; two spaces with a newline allow line splitting inside emphases (*...*)
+ ;;
+ [(tag-attribute? tag 'class "SHistory") (~a "\n\n*" (convert-tag-contents) "*")] ; changelog paragraph
+ [(tag-name? tag 'tr) (~a "\n" (convert-tag-contents))]
+ [(and (tag-name? tag 'p) (not inside-code-block?)) (~a (if inside-list-element? " " "\n\n") (convert-tag-contents))]
+ [(and (tag-name? tag 'ul)) (~a (convert-tag-contents) "\n\n")]
+ [(and (should-be-emphasized? tag) (not inside-code-block?)) (~a "*" (string-trim (convert-tag-contents)) "*")]
+ ;; usually contains nested docs; we show them indented as list elements for visibility
+ ;; each list level is indented by 4 spaces
+ [(or (tag-name? tag 'li)
+ (and (is-blockquote-leftindent? tag) (not inside-code-block?)
+ (match parent [`(,_ (@ ,_) (blockquote ,_ ...)) #f] [_ #t]))) ; don't indent blockquote if it's only one
+ (set! list-element-depth (add1 list-element-depth))
+ (define contents (string-trim (convert-tag-contents)))
+ (set! list-element-depth (sub1 list-element-depth))
+ (if (non-empty-string? contents)
+ (~a "\n- "
+ (string-replace contents "\n" "\n ") ; indent each line
+ (if (tag-name? tag 'li) "" "\n"))
+ "")]
+ [(should-be-in-fenced-code-block? tag) ; mainly actual code blocks but also includes s
+ (set! code-block-depth (add1 code-block-depth))
+ ;; get rid of unnecessary whitespaces
+ (define codeblock-contents (string-trim (string-replace (convert-tag-contents) "\n\n" "\n")))
+ (set! code-block-depth (sub1 code-block-depth))
+ (~a "\n\n```\n" codeblock-contents "\n```\n\n")]
+ [(or (and (tag-name? tag 'a) (not inside-code-block?)) (tag-name? tag 'img)) ; links () or images ()
+ ;; we replace relative URLs with absolute ones referencing online documentation (because offline links don't work in VSCode)
+ ;; same for images with 'src' attribute
+ (define is-img? (tag-name? tag 'img))
+ (define mb-link-attr (get-tag-attribute tag (if is-img? 'src 'href)))
+ (define maybe-url (if mb-link-attr
+ (make-proper-url-for-online-documentation mb-link-attr html-file-path) #f))
+ (cond
+ [(not maybe-url) (convert-tag-contents)] ; empty href -> no link
+ ;; Image: ![ImageName](URL)
+ [is-img?
+ (define img (~a "![" (or (get-tag-attribute tag 'alt) "HereWasImage") "](" maybe-url ")"))
+ (if inside-code-block? (~a "\n```\n" img "\n```\n") img)] ; temporarily close a code block as images can't be shown inside them
+ ;; Reference link: [LinkName] ... [LinkName]: URL
+ [else
+ (define contents (convert-tag-contents))
+ (hash-set! reference-links-table contents maybe-url)
+ (~a "[" contents "]")])]
+ [else (convert-tag-contents)]))
+ ;; some cosmetic additions: combine consecutive emphasized regions and newlines for readability (in case the text editor doesn't support markdown)
+ (define generated-markdown (string-replace (recursive-convert html-tag) "**" ""))
+ (define prettified-markdown (string-trim (string-replace generated-markdown #px"\n{3,}" "\n\n")))
+ (define reference-links (hash-map reference-links-table (λ (link-name link-url) (~a "[" link-name "]: " link-url))))
+ (~a prettified-markdown "\n\n" (string-join reference-links "\n")))
+;; ------------------------------------------
+;; ------------------------------------------
+;; `docs-uri` example: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Racket/doc/reference/define.html#(form._((lib._racket%2Fprivate%2Fbase..rkt)._define))
+(define (extract-documentation docs-uri include-signature?)
+ (define url (string->url docs-uri))
+ (define doc-element-name (url-fragment url))
+ (define html-file-path (string-join (map path/param-path (url-path url)) "/")) ; used for resolving URLs in the documentation
+ (define maybe-html-file
+ (with-handlers ([exn:fail:filesystem? (λ _ #f)])
+ (open-input-file (url->path url))))
+ (cond [(and maybe-html-file doc-element-name)
+ (define doc-xexp (html->xexp maybe-html-file)) ; parse the html file with `html-parsing` lib
+ (close-input-port maybe-html-file)
+ ;; So how that html docs `extracting` stuff works.
+ ;; At first, we find the first element (i.e. HTML node) of the documentation for the function that we've selected.
+ ;; Almost always (99.99%) it's `` that contains `
` inside.
+ ;; And it also has the function signature.
+ ;; After that, we start to collect all consecutive elements until we meet a boundary node.
+ ;; The boundary node is an HTML tag that begins documentation for some other element (next function, method, etc).
+ (define cursor-at-signature (find-doc-beginning-and-take-cursor doc-xexp doc-element-name))
+ (cond [cursor-at-signature
+ ;; Docs can be sort of nested in each other.
+ ;; If `div` with signature is initially located inside , the documentation is counted as `nested`.
+ ;; For example: https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/require.html#(form._((lib._racket%2Fprivate%2Fbase..rkt)._require))
+ ;; There, `only-in` is nested in `require`.
+ ;; The distinction is important for detection of boundary nodes.
+ ;; If we parse some nested doc, we want to stop before the next one.
+ ;; But if the selected docs aren't nested, we want to also get every nested doc inside (if any), ignoring their boundary nodes.
+ (define doc-is-nested? (cursor-go-up-until-true cursor-at-signature is-blockquote-leftindent?))
+ (define cursor-after-signature (cursor-go-to-next-sibling-or-uncle-node cursor-at-signature doc-is-nested?))
+ (define doc-without-signature-html (collect-docs cursor-after-signature doc-is-nested?))
+ (define doc-without-signature-markdown (html->markdown doc-without-signature-html html-file-path))
+ (~a (if include-signature?
+ (~a (html->markdown (cursor-selected-node cursor-at-signature) html-file-path) "\n---\n") "")
+ doc-without-signature-markdown)]
+ [else #f])]
+ [else #f]))
+(define weak-cache (make-weak-hash))
+(define (extract-documentation-for-selected-element docs-uri #:include-signature? include-signature?)
+ (hash-ref! weak-cache docs-uri (thunk (extract-documentation docs-uri include-signature?))))
+(provide extract-documentation-for-selected-element)
diff --git a/info.rkt b/info.rkt
index fdcb1e0..fdf7635 100644
--- a/info.rkt
+++ b/info.rkt
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
"scribble-lib" ;; for blueboxes (scribble/blueboxes)
"racket-index" ;; for cross references (setup/xref)
+ "html-parsing" ;; for parsing documentation text
(define build-deps '("chk"))
(define pkg-desc "Language Server Protocol implementation for Racket.")
diff --git a/text-document.rkt b/text-document.rkt
index e1af918..792d23b 100644
--- a/text-document.rkt
+++ b/text-document.rkt
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
- "queue-only-latest.rkt")
+ "queue-only-latest.rkt"
+ "documentation-parser.rkt")
;; Match Expanders
@@ -125,7 +126,20 @@
(interval-map-ref (send doc-trace get-docs) pos (list #f #f)))
(define result
(cond [text
- (hasheq 'contents (if link (~a text " - [docs](" (~a "https://docs.racket-lang.org/" (last (string-split link "/doc/"))) ")") text)
+ ;; We want signatures from `scribble/blueboxes` as they have better indentation,
+ ;; but in some super rare cases blueboxes aren't accessible, thus we try to use the parsed signature instead
+ (match-define (list sigs args-descr) (if tag (get-docs-for-tag tag) (list #f #f)))
+ (define maybe-signature
+ (if sigs (~a "```\n" (string-join sigs "\n") (if args-descr (~a "\n" args-descr) "") "\n```\n---\n") #f))
+ (define documentation-text
+ (if link (~a (or maybe-signature "")
+ (or (extract-documentation-for-selected-element
+ link #:include-signature? (not maybe-signature)) "")) ""))
+ (define contents (if link
+ (~a text " - [online docs](" (make-proper-url-for-online-documentation link) ")\n"
+ (if (non-empty-string? documentation-text) (~a "\n---\n" documentation-text) ""))
+ text))
+ (hasheq 'contents contents
'range (start/end->Range doc-text start end))]
[else (hasheq 'contents empty)]))
(success-response id result)]