The jsclass
git repository is at
To hack on jsclass
you'll need to be able to build it and run the tests. To
build the library from source, run:
$ npm install
$ npm run-script build
This will build the project and create files in the build
Please add tests for any functionality you add to the library. The test files
live in the test/specs
directory; follow the code conventions you see in the
existing files.
To run the tests, you need to run several tasks. Make sure all the target server platforms work:
$ JS=(v8 node phantomjs spidermonkey rhino narwhal ringo mongo)
$ for js in "${JS[@]}"; do echo "$js" ; $js test/console.js ; echo $? ; done
Some interpreters will skip the tests that use asynchronous APIs.
Check the tests work in the PhantomJS browser:
$ phantomjs test/phantom.js
Run the test suite in as many web browsers as you can:
$ open test/browser.html
For desktop application platforms, run it in XULRunner and AIR:
$ xulrunner -app test/xulenv/application.ini
$ adl test/airenv/app.xml