Demo Website which uses this backend: CSGeeks Blog
Also checkout the Android App made by my friend Avadhoot
and the FrontEnd CSGeeksBlog made by me(JayPowar)
(understand the code before running it blindly)
The is like a skeleton!
don't try to run it without modiying it... you have to enter your own credentials for the postgresql database... there are some values indicated by <> , inside which you have supposed to fillup the particular data...
(Created some temporary GET route for posting form data quickly!)
don't except 100% output without modiying it...
This gets all the data from given table of from the database and return it in json format (array of objects)
e.g. looks like this...
"users" : [
"email": "[email protected]"
"email": "[email protected]"
this route also includes advanced queries!
- ?order= [either 'asc' or 'desc' | bydefault it's set to 'desc'] This will decide in which order the query should give response json either in ascending or descending order.
- ?orderby= [could have '_id','title','author','created' or 'description' | bydefault it's set to 'created'] This will tell according to what basis the query should fetch the data from database.[bydefault it will fetch latest data first and oldest last]
- ?author= [could have name of author | bydefault its None] This will fetch data for given author name from db
- ?tag= [could have any tag value | bydefault its None] This will fetch all data whose tags matches the given tag.
- ?search= [could have any search string which is to be searched] This will fetch all data related to the search string
(These queries can be combined together for more accuracy in response as per required!)
for admin previleges, must login for performing some adding or deleting posts operations !(from api site)
Will insert the Title, Author, Content, Description, Tags, Thumbnail data into posts Table! i.e. it will create a new Article!
Required fields for creation of post: type -> form data
- title
- author
- content
- description [optional will set value as 50 characters from content]
- tags [needs to be array]
- thumbnail
query parameter:
- ?token= This will be checked for authorized access for creating new Articles
This route will fetch data for single post of mentioned _id from the database...
Added feature for logging in via header request (C_AUTH) with particular key value ! (if working on cross-domain/cross-site it will give only one time access, so would've to use it with all requests!)
This will delete all posts from db
query parameters:
- ?id= [It could be any existing post id] This will delete the post of given id from db
This route will give information about author if 'name' query parametr is given to this route.
query parameters:
- ?name= [it could have any available author name] This will fetch the information about given author name.
This will update the data values from the existing post of given 'id' parameter.
query parameters:
- ?id= [it could be any existing post id] This will define the post which is to be updated
- ?token= This will be checked for authorized access for Updating new Articles
Required fields for updation of post of given id: (only give the params which needs to be updated from post with given id other data will reamain as it is!) type -> form data
- title
- author
- content
- description
- tags [needs to be array]
- thumbnail
(does nothing but something is one query param is provided!)
query parameter:
- ?get=tag This will fetch all the tags that have been used in all current existing articles
This is used for authentication, as it sounds it performs login of particular user and generates a jwt token which can be used to access routes like /blog/create
and /blog/update
without any auth-header (token will expire after 1 day)
query parameter:
- ?token= This will respond that the user is already logged in!(only if token is valid and not expired..)
This is used to check if the user is logged in or not(obviously will need help of jwt token)
query parameter:
- ?token= This will respond accordingly the token is provided e.g.
"response":"Not Logged In!(ps:token is missing)",
This is still under developement ...