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WP Cypress



Cypress is designed to address the pain points of testing modern web applications. WP Cypress extends Cypress to address specific pain points developers and QA engineers face when testing WordPress applications.

We make it easier to:

  • Create a WordPress environment for testing
  • Seed the database with test data
  • Perform WordPress specific actions when writing tests


  1. yarn add cypress --dev
  2. yarn add wp-cypress --dev
  3. import 'wp-cypress'; in support/index.js
  4. yarn run wp-cypress start
  5. yarn run cypress open


  • Yarn
  • Node
  • Docker
  • Cypress


Ensure Cypress is installed, then install WP Cypress.

TODO - not on npm yet

yarn add wp-cypress --dev

After installation, a new directory will be created in the project root called wp-cypress. To add the additional cypress commands you need to import the package in cypress directories support/index.js file.

// ***********************************************************
// This example support/index.js is processed and
// loaded automatically before your test files.
// This is a great place to put global configuration and
// behavior that modifies Cypress.
// You can change the location of this file or turn off
// automatically serving support files with the
// 'supportFile' configuration option.
// You can read more here:
// ***********************************************************

import 'wp-cypress';

Getting Started


WP Cypress has now been installed to your ./node_modules directory, with its binary executable accessible from ./node_modules/.bin.

The available commands are now available to run in your project root directory:

Name Description Example
start Starts a test environment running on port 80 yarn run wp-cypress start
stop Stop a test environment if it is already running yarn run wp-cypress stop
wp Execute the WordPress CLI in the running container yarn run wp-cypress wp cli version
resetDB Reset the database in the running container to it's initial state yarn run wp-cypress resetDB


To start the test environment run yarn run wp-cypress start in your project root directory.

This may take a while as it builds and starts a new docker container. However, you only need to run this once. This commands also acts as a restart, firstly removing any containers and volumes before starting the docker container.

Once it is running there is no need to re-start it every time you run cypress. WP Cypress will reset the database to it's initial state between each suite of integration tests to ensure that each integration will have a clean slate.

In the wp-cypress directory you can add environment variables to the .env file. You can use this to specify the version of WordPress and which plugins/themes to install. All plugins will be activated and the first theme in the list will be activated. If this file is changed, you will need to re-run wp-cypress start to see the changes take effect.

Composer is recommended to manage plugins and themes to if they do not exist in your project directory. If the project directory is a plugin or theme you wish to be included, you can include it by adding a / which will act as a reference to the project directory.




An additional plugin will be installed that contains some functionality that makes testing easier. This includes skipping auth, disabling tooltips, polyfilling the fetch api and seeding. As this package progresses there may be more functionality included.


Your environment will run on port 80 or http://localhost, which will work by default with cypress. To learn more about writing tests with cypress visit their documentation on how to Write Your First Test. This package extends cypress with some additional commands that may be useful, please refer to the API below.


In the wp-cypress directory there is another directory named seeds. Here lives our seeds, which we can use to populate the database with data. By default there will already be one Seed: Init. As it's name suggests, this will be ran when the container is initialised and therefore is a good place to create most data. Using the resetDB command will reset the database and run the Init seed again.

Seeds executed in the running container allowing you to perform any required logic you need to set up your environment. Alongside this there are some helpful tools to help generate dummy data.

If you wish to add more seeds, any file in the seeds directory is autoloaded to be executed at a later date using wp seed ClassName in the running container or alternatively using the seed command cy.seedDB('ClassName'). The file's name must match the name of the class.



use \WP_Cypress\Seeder\Seeder;

class MySeeder extends Seeder {
	public function run() {
		$title = $this->faker->sentence();
		$this->generate->posts( [
			'post_title' => $title,
			'import_id'  => 10,
		], 1 );




Command Description Example
wp(command) Execute the WP CLI in the running container cy.wp('cli version')
seedDB(seed) Run a seeder cy.wp('SeedName')
resetDB() Restore the database to it's initial state cy.resetDB()
installTheme(name) Install a theme cy.installTheme(name)
activateTheme(name) Activate a theme cy.activateTheme(name)
installPlugin(name) Install a plugin cy.installPlugin(name)
activatePlugin(name) Active a plugin cy.activatePlugin(name)
deactivatePlugin(name) Deactivate a plugin cy.deactivatePlugin(name)
visitAdmin() Visit the WordPress admin panel cy.visitAdmin()


Command Description Example
setSelection(text) If a text input is active, set the selection. cy.get('.element').click().setSelection('selection')


Command Description Example
editPost(id) Visit the a post's edit page cy.editPost(1)
saveCurrentPost() If on a post's edit page, save the psot cy.saveCurrentPost()




abstract class Seeder implements SeederInterface


Trait Description
Date Shared helper methods for dates


Property | Description --- | --- | --- protected $generate | Reference to a Generator instance protected $faker | Reference to a Faker\Generator instance, see Faker docs


Method Description Return From
now() Get the current date in Y-m-d H:i:s format string Date

interface SeederInterface


Method Description Return
run() Executes when seeded void

trait Date


Method | Description | Return --- | --- | --- | --- now() | Get the current date in Y-m-d H:i:s format | string

class Generator


Method | Description | Return --- | --- | --- | --- posts( array $properties, number $count ) | Generate posts with dummy data | void