- minimize material ui bundle size: https://material-ui.com/guides/minimizing-bundle-size/#option-2
- get proper border effects using panel component alone
- make redux variables sidebarWidth, viewPanelWidth
- move divider to outside flexbox, position absolutely, dragging uses reducers...
- visual effects on divider drag (toggle visibility, color transitions)
- add new users to default server
- fetch initial data:
- users servers ->
- servers channels ->
- check last messages read / last message posted,
- user info,
- other routes
- info on other users (status, names...) => AS NEEDED
- channel creation
- -> backend
- -> frontend
- server creation
- -> backend
- -> frontend
events that require notifying other users
some are emitted by client, some are result of client hitting a route, and route calling socket event
- message received in channel i have access to
- server made ACTIVE SERVER by client ( become listener )
- user joined server
- channel created / deleted -> called by route...
- message edited
- message deleted
add server menu
dark backgroud modal looking menu
menu name,
menu close button
menu description
menu form,
button that's greyed out if invalid entry
add channel button
channel list (closeable) - icon and channel name list items.
add channel button below list
add channel button to right of top "channel" label
add channel menu
everything in server menu
channel description text field
isPrivate toggle, (channel creation)
- check channel name conflict on channel creation
- [] exclude socketio debug from browser bundle with webpack-remove-debug