Narzędzie słuące do wizualizacji tagów dotyczących dróg, głównie tagu destination wprowadzonych do OpenStreetMap. Dane są pobierane przez skrypt perla z Overpass API, z którego tworzony jest kod html.
Fork kodu użytkownika mueschel dostosowany do polskiego oznakowania drogowego.
##Chcesz odpalić u siebie?
Bardzo uproszczone instrukcje dostępne w pliku installing_on_server.
##Jak to działa?
- Otwórz
- Wpisz zapytanie do Overpassa, id drogi, bądź tag ref, name, lub id relacji
- Poczekaj trochę...
- Ciesz się wizualizacją 🎉 i sprawdź czy nie popełniłeś jakiegoś błędu.💭
##Obsługiwane tagowanie(en):
- bicycle[:lanes][:forward|:backward|:both_ways] The values no, designated and official are displayed
- bridge[:name] Bridges are displayed using a shadow behind the lanes, the name is shown
- bus[:lanes][:forward|:backward|:both_ways] The values designated and official are displayed
- change[:lanes][:forward|:backward|:both_ways] Shown as solid or dashed lines between lanes
- destination[:lanes][:forward|:backward|:both_ways] Shown using german-style destination signs.
- destination:colour[:lanes][:forward|:backward|:both_ways] Used as background color for individual destinations on a sign.
- destination:country[:lanes][:forward|:backward|:both_ways] If the number of entries matches the number of destination's, the country codes are listed next to the destination, otherwise they are grouped at the bottom of the sign.
- destination:ref[:lanes][:forward|:backward|:both_ways] Shown using german-style destination signs. The ref's are listed at the bottom of each sign
- destination:ref:to[:lanes][:forward|:backward|:both_ways] Shown using german-style destination signs. The ref's are listed at the bottom of each sign
- destination:symbol[:lanes][:forward|:backward|:both_ways] Some common symbols are displayed. They are listed next to destination names
- destination:symbol:to[:lanes][:forward|:backward|:both_ways] Some common symbols are displayed. They are listed next to destination names
- destination:to:ref[:lanes][:forward|:backward|:both_ways] Shown using german-style destination signs. The ref's are listed at the bottom of each sign
- foot[:lanes][:forward|:backward|:both_ways] The values no, designated and official are displayed
- highway=motorway_junction Junction name and ref are displayed, if they are located at the end of a way
- highway=(traffic_signals|give_way|stop|crossing|mini_roundabout) Some highway tags on nodes are shown using the corresponding traffic sign
- hgv[:lanes][:forward|:backward|:both_ways] The values no, designated and official are displayed
- int_ref Shown in left column and on signs
- junction=roundabout Roundabouts are marked
- lanes[:forward|:backward|:both_ways] Used to determine the number of lanes. Might be overruled by other tags
- maxspeed
- maxspeed[:lanes][:forward|:backward|:both_ways] Supported, shown on left-hand side. Displayed inside lane for lane dependent tags
- maxspeed:conditional Supported, shown on left-hand side, no lane or direction dependence.
- maxspeed:hgv Supported, shown on left-hand side, no lane or direction dependence
- motorroad If yes, the corresponding sign is shown
- name Shown in left column
- oneway Mostly supported, oneway=-1 might fail in some cases
- overtaking[:hgv][:forward|:backward] Shown as solid line between forward and backward lanes
- placement[:forward|:backward][:start|:end] Used for positioning lanes if enabled. Additional: Experimental support for a tag proposed by Imagic to give further detail in case of placement=transistion
- psv[:lanes][:forward|:backward|:both_ways] The values designated and official are displayed
- ref Shown in left column, used to determine color of signs
- shoulder[:left|:right] Shoulders are drawn as gray area left and right of the road
- sidewalk[:left|:right|:both] Shown in light blue on left and right side of the road
- sidewalk[:left|:right|:both]:width Used if enabled
- traffic_calming=island Shown on ways between lanes as dark area
- traffic_calming:width Used if enabled
- tunnel:name Name is shown if available
- turn[:lanes][:forward|:backward|:both_ways] Rendered by using Unicode characters.
- width[:lanes][:forward|:backward] Used if enabled
Oryginalne readme dostępne tutaj
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Ten fork może się różnić od aktualnej wersji dostępnej pod
@Stworzono na licencji CC-BY-NC-SA przez mueschel i javnik36.