- React Native:
npm i -g react-native
- Clone the repo
- Run
npm i
Develop on react-native requires to launch the "packager" whose basically a local server create a bundle.js
send to the native app through HTTP.
You can the server on its own using the command react-native start
. I found that useful to know when using Android Studio.
You can either directly execute react-native run-ios
, or you can open Xcode with open ios/WaterRangers.xcodeproj
and run the app the IDE.
You can either use react-native run-android
, or run the app through Android studio. If so, you'll need to run the "packager" yourself with the command react-native start
Warning: since we use google location (on android), you'll need to make sure your emulator (avd) or virtual machine (genymotion) needs to come with the Google App Services.
When experiencing issues on Android, I recommend using the command adb logcat
. This will give insight on any JAVA errors.
We've noticed major problem with gradle having to bundle conflicting dependencies. It is particularly sensitive when using lots of React Native packages.
React-native-mapbox-gl library has critical issue on android.
You need to update below gradle file information.
- node_modules/react-native-mapbox-gl/android/build.gradle
compile('com.mapbox.mapboxsdk:mapbox-android-sdk:4.2.0-beta.3@aar') {
- if you are using gradle build version 25.0, you need to update all react-native module's gradle version to 25.0.0
compileSdkVersion 23
buildToolsVersion '25.0.0'
Current project support eslint and before every commit, eslint will check out source js files. If there's errors on files in lint-rules, commit will be failed.
- Select "Generic iOS Device" where you would select the simulator or your mobile.
- In the menu, Produce / Archive. This should build the app, and if successful, open up an archive upload wizard.
- Compile JS:
- Build APK through Android Studio: Menu / Build / Generate Signed APK
- Run 'gem install' to get the fastlane gem and other utilities
- The shared private keys are already stored on a github repo so run 'fastlane beta' to deploy to device
- The platform number 'should' auto increase for each build
All scenes have 2 props as below
- navigator: navigator object.
You should use push new scene into navigator using below function on any scene.
this.props.navigator.push({ name: 'SceneName', passProps: { props1, props2 }});
You should pop up scene from navigator using below functions
- resetScene(): this function will be use when you switch initialStacked Scenes.