This is the third iteration of my personal portfolio website. Using SvelteKit, TailwindCSS, and Firebase for authentication and DB purposes.
- Responsive design for mobile and desktop devices
- Pages for Home, Login, About, Projects, Contact, Resume, and Uses (My daily hardware & software/tools).
- CRUD abilities for authenticated users through Firebase
- Contact page with a form to send me an email
- Footer with links to my LinkedIn, GitHub, and email
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies:
npm i
- Locate firebase.js and replace the const firebaseConfig={} with your own config.
- Open Firebase Console/Cloud Firestore and create a new collection with your email/pass
- Start the server:
npm run dev
- Open
in your browser
- HTML/CSS/JavaScript
- SvelteKit
- Tailwind
- Firebase (Auth, Storage, and Database)
- Designed and developed by Jarod Schupp
- Background pattern from (
- Front page illustration from (
- Icons from IconFinder (