This python library let's you talk with Nuki lock (
- install a BLE-compatible USB dongle (or use the built-in bluetooth stack if available)
- sudo apt-get install libffi-dev libbluetooth-dev
- install bluez (
- install pygatt (pip install pygatt)
- replace the /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pygatt/backends/gatttool/ file with the file from this repository.
- install nacl (pip install pynacl)
- install crc16 (pip install crc16)
- install pybluez (pip install pybluez)
- install pexpect (pip install pexpect)
- ready to start using the library in python!
Before you will be able to send commands to the Nuki lock using the library, you must first authenticate (once!) yourself with a self-generated public/private keypair (using NaCl):
import nuki_messages
import nuki
from nacl.public import PrivateKey
nukiMacAddress = "00:00:00:00:00:01"
# generate the private key which must be kept secret
keypair = PrivateKey.generate()
myPublicKeyHex = keypair.public_key.__bytes__().encode("hex")
myPrivateKeyHex = keypair.__bytes__().encode("hex")
myID = 50
# id-type = 00 (app), 01 (bridge) or 02 (fob)
# take 01 (bridge) if you want to make sure that the 'new state available'-flag is cleared on the Nuki if you read it out the state using this library
myIDType = '01'
myName = "PiBridge"
nuki = nuki.Nuki(nukiMacAddress)
nuki.authenticateUser(myPublicKeyHex, myPrivateKeyHex, myID, myIDType, myName)
REMARK 1 The credentials are stored in the file (hard-coded for the moment in : /home/pi/nuki/nuki.cfg
REMARK 2 Authenticating is only possible if the lock is in 'pairing mode'. You can set it to this mode by pressing the button on the lock for 5 seconds until the complete LED ring starts to shine.
REMARK 3 You can find out your Nuki's MAC address by using 'hcitool lescan' for example.
REMARK 4 The device needs to be initialized once (i.e. using the Nuki app on your cell phone) before it can be controlled with this library.
Once you are authenticated (and the nuki.cfg file is created on your system), you can use the library to send command to your Nuki lock:
import nuki_messages
import nuki
nukiMacAddress = "00:00:00:00:00:01"
Pin = "%04x" % 1234
nuki = nuki.Nuki(nukiMacAddress)
logs = nuki.getLogEntries(10,Pin)
print "received %d log entries" % len(logs)
available = nuki.isNewNukiStateAvailable()
print "New state available: %d" % available
REMARK the method isNewNukiStateAvailable()
only works if you run your python script as root (sudo) or if you allow some capabilites. See below. All the other methods do not require root privileges
If you want to run isNewNukiStateAvailable() without root, allow python to use the cap_net_raw+eip capability:
sudo setcap cap_net_raw+eip $(eval readlink -f `which python`)