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+ +
+ +
+ +



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Radbelt: Work in progress to refactor the AE-8/AP-8 Van Allen belt model.




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A Fortran Package Manager manifest file is included, so that the library and test cases can be compiled with FPM. For example:

fpm build --profile release
+fpm test --profile release
+ +

To use radbelt within your fpm project, add the following to your fpm.toml file:

+radbelt = { git="https://github.com/jacobwilliams/radbelt.git" }
+ +



The latest API documentation can be found here. This was generated from the source code using FORD.


See also

+ +

Original Readme


National Space Science Data Center Data set PT-11B Mar 1996

NSSDC-Id     PT-11B (combines PT-11A, MT-18A, MT-18B, MT-2AA, MT-2AB)
+NAME:        Models of trapped particle fluxes AE-8 (electrons) and
+         AP-8 (protons) in inner and outer radiation belts
+SOURCE:      Dieter Bilitza, GSFC/NSSDC code 633, Greenbelt,
+             MD 20771, tel. (301) 286-0190
+             dbilitza@pop600.gsfc.nasa.gov
+CONTENT:     12 files                         *.*   blocks
+            FORTRAN source code:
+         driver program with interface              RADBELT.FOR   48
+             subroutines, functions              TRMFUN.FOR   30
+        model tables binary and ASCII:
+             AE-8, epoch 1964, solar minimum         AE8MIN.BIN  104
+         AE-8, epoch 1970, solar maximum             AE8MAX.BIN  107
+         AP-8, epoch 1964, solar minimum         AP8MIN.BIN   53
+         AP-8, epoch 1970, solar maximum         AP8MAX.BIN   52
+             ASCII version of AE8MIN.BIN                 AE8MIN.ASC  163
+             ASCII version of AE8MAX.BIN                 AE8MAX.ASC  168
+             ASCII version of AP8MIN.BIN                 AP8MIN.BIN   83
+             ASCII version of AP8MAX.BIN                 AP8MAX.BIN   81
+         user manual with examples          RADBELT.LOG   48
+             This file                                AAAREADME.DOC    9
+ +



These empirical models describe the differential or +integral, omnidirectional fluxes of electrons (AE-8) and protons +(AP-8) in the inner and outer radiation belts (electrons: L=1.1 +to 11, protons: L=1.1 to 7) for two epochs representing solar +maximum (1970) and minimum (1964) conditions. The energy spectrum +ranges from 0.1 to 400 MeV for the protons and from 0.04 to 7 MeV +for the electrons. AE-8 and AP-8 are the most recent ones in a +series of models established by J. Vette and his colleges at NSSDC +starting in the early sixties. The models are based on almost all +available satellite data. It is IMPORTANT that the models maps for +solar maximum are used with a magnetic field model for epoch=1970 +and for solar minimum for epoch=1964.


For each epoch and particle the model consists of a three- +dimensional table of (logarithm of) particle fluxes in energy, L-value, +and B/B0 (magnetic field strength normalized to the equator). The program +MODEL finds the particle fluxes for given energy, L-value and B/B0 by +interpolating in energy (subroutine TRARA1) and in L * B/B0 space (TRARA2). +The program RADBELT produces tables of integral or differential fluxes +for different energies varying with L or B/B0.


The coefficient files are provided in VAX/VMS binary (.bin) and +ASCII (.asc) format. For all systems other than VMS the use of the ASCII +files is recommended. If using the ASCII coefficient one needs to slightly +modify the RADBELT.FOR program as described in a comment statement in +RADBELT (this comments are found after the OPEN statement for the coefficient +file).


In March 1995 the earlier used compressed model maps AP8MIC and AP8MAC +were replaced with the full maps AP8MIN/MAX with the help of D. Heynderickx +(BIRA, Brussel, Belgium) and A. Beliaev (INP/MSU, Moscow, Russia). Heynderickx +and Beliaev (1995) had found and corrected a small error in the AP8MIN map; +two lines had been exchanged.




(1) FORTRAN source code from this directory. +(2) Model parameters can be computed and plotted online at http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/space/model/ .




G.W. Singley, and J.I. Vette, The AE-4 Model of the Outer Radiation + Zone Electron Environment, NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 72-06, 1972.


M.J. Teague, and J.I. Vette, A Model of the Trapped Electron + Population for Solar Minimum (AE-5), NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 74-03, 1974.


M.J. Teague, K.W. Chan, and J.I. Vette, AE-6: A Model Environment + of Trapped Electrons for Solar Maximum, NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 76-04, 1976


D.W. Sawyer, and J.I. Vette, AP-8 Trapped Proton Environment for + Solar Maximum and Minimum, NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 76-06, 1976.


J.I. Vette, K.W. Chan, and M.J. Teague, Problems in Modeling the + Earth's Trapped Radiation Environment, AFGL-TR-78-0130, 1978.


K.W. Chan, M.J. Teague, N.J. Schofield, and J.I. Vette, Modeling of + Electron Time Variation in the Radiation Belts, p. 121-149, in: + Quantitative Modeling of Magnetospheric Processes, W.P. Olson + (ed.), geophysical monograph 21, American Geophysical Union, 1979.


M.T. Teague, N.J. Schofield, K.W. Chan, and J.I. Vette, A Study of + Inner Zone Electron Data and their Comparison with Trapped + Radiation Models, NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 79-06, 1979.


J.I. Vette, The AE-8 Trapped Electron Model Environment, + NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 91-24, 1991.


J.I. Vette, The NASA/National Space Science Data Center Trapped + Radiation Environment Model Program (1964-1991), NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S + 91-29, 1991.


(most of these references are available from NSSDC)


D. Heynderickx and A. Beliaev, J. Spacecraft and Rockets 32, 190-192, 1995.


National Space Science Data Center Data set PT-11B Mar 1996


Developer Info


Jacob Williams


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+ +

Source Files

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + +file~~graph~~FileGraph + + + +sourcefile~core.f90 + + +core.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~radbelt_kinds_module.f90 + + +radbelt_kinds_module.F90 + + + + + +sourcefile~radbelt_kinds_module.f90->sourcefile~core.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~shellig.f90 + + +shellig.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~radbelt_kinds_module.f90->sourcefile~shellig.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~trmfun.f90 + + +trmfun.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~radbelt_kinds_module.f90->sourcefile~trmfun.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~shellig.f90->sourcefile~core.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~trmfun.f90->sourcefile~core.f90 + + + + + +
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radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lists/modules.html b/lists/modules.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b55f6c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lists/modules.html @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + All Modules – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
ModuleSource FileDescription

Main module.

Read more…

Numeric kind definitions for radbelt.


IGRF model

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Trapped radiation model.

Read more…
+ + + + + +module~~graph~~ModuleGraph + + + +module~core + + +core + + + + + +module~radbelt_kinds_module + + +radbelt_kinds_module + + + + + +module~core->module~radbelt_kinds_module + + + + + +module~shellig_module + + +shellig_module + + + + + +module~core->module~shellig_module + + + + + +module~trmfun_module + + +trmfun_module + + + + + +module~core->module~trmfun_module + + + + + +iso_fortran_env + +iso_fortran_env + + + +module~radbelt_kinds_module->iso_fortran_env + + + + + +module~shellig_module->module~radbelt_kinds_module + + + + + +module~trmfun_module->module~radbelt_kinds_module + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lists/procedures.html b/lists/procedures.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ef3741 --- /dev/null +++ b/lists/procedures.html @@ -0,0 +1,533 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + All Procedures – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
ProcedureLocationProcedure TypeDescription

Main wrapper for the radiation model. +Reads the coefficient file and calls the low-level routine.


Extrapolates linearly a spherical harmonic model with a + rate-of-change model.

Read more…

Determines coefficients and dipol moment from IGRF models

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Calculates earth magnetic field from spherical harmonics model

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Main routine.


Reads spherical harmonic coefficients from the specified + file into an array.

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Wrapper for IGRF functions.


Interpolates linearly, in time, between two spherical + harmonic models.

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calculates l-value for specified geodaetic coordinates, altitude + and gemagnetic field model.

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subroutine used for field line tracing in shellg +calls entry point feldi in geomagnetic field subroutine feldg


trara1 finds particle fluxes for given energies, magnetic field +strength and l-value. function trara2 is used to interpolate in +b-l-space.


trara2 interpolates linearly in l-b/b0-map to obtain + the logarithm of integral flux at given l and b/b0.

Read more…
+ + + + + +call~~graph~~CallGraph + + + +proc~aep8 + + +trmfun_module::trm_type%aep8 + + + + + +proc~trara1 + + +trmfun_module::trm_type%trara1 + + + + + +proc~aep8->proc~trara1 + + + + + +proc~extrashc + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%extrashc + + + + + +proc~feldcof + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%feldcof + + + + + +proc~feldcof->proc~extrashc + + + + + +proc~getshc + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%getshc + + + + + +proc~feldcof->proc~getshc + + + + + +proc~intershc + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%intershc + + + + + +proc~feldcof->proc~intershc + + + + + +proc~feldg + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%feldg + + + + + +feldc + +feldc + + + +proc~feldg->feldc + + + + + +feldi + +feldi + + + +proc~feldg->feldi + + + + + +proc~findb0 + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%findb0 + + + + + +proc~stoer + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%stoer + + + + + +proc~findb0->proc~stoer + + + + + +proc~get_flux + + +core::get_flux + + + + + +proc~get_flux->proc~aep8 + + + + + +proc~igrf + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%igrf + + + + + +proc~get_flux->proc~igrf + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~feldcof + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~feldg + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~findb0 + + + + + +proc~shellg + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%shellg + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~shellg + + + + + +proc~shellg->proc~stoer + + + + + +shellc + +shellc + + + +proc~shellg->shellc + + + + + +proc~stoer->feldi + + + + + +proc~trara2 + + +trmfun_module::trm_type%trara2 + + + + + +proc~trara1->proc~trara2 + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lists/types.html b/lists/types.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f2e507 --- /dev/null +++ b/lists/types.html @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + All Types – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +

Derived Types

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

main class for the aep8 model

+ + + + + +type~~graph~~TypeGraph + + + +type~shellig_type + + +shellig_type + + + + + +type~trm_type + + +trm_type + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/module/core.html b/module/core.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b02ce3 --- /dev/null +++ b/module/core.html @@ -0,0 +1,508 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + core – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +

core + Module + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +
+ +

Main module.


See also

  • https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/modelweb/geomagnetic/igrf/fortran_code/bilcal.for
  • +
  • https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/modelweb/radiation_belt/radbelt/fortran_code/radbelt.for
  • +


  • + +
  • +
  • +
    + + + + + +module~~core~~UsesGraph + + + +module~core + +core + + + +module~radbelt_kinds_module + + +radbelt_kinds_module + + + + + +module~core->module~radbelt_kinds_module + + + + + +module~shellig_module + + +shellig_module + + + + + +module~core->module~shellig_module + + + + + +module~trmfun_module + + +trmfun_module + + + + + +module~core->module~trmfun_module + + + + + +iso_fortran_env + +iso_fortran_env + + + +module~radbelt_kinds_module->iso_fortran_env + + + + + +module~shellig_module->module~radbelt_kinds_module + + + + + +module~trmfun_module->module~radbelt_kinds_module + + + + + +
    + Help +
    + +
  • +
+ + +
+ + + + + + + +



public function get_flux(lon, lat, height, year, e, imname) result(flux) +

+ +

Main routine.

+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::lon + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::lat + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::height + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::year + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::e + +
+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::imname + +
+ +

+ Return Value + real(kind=wp) +

+ + +
+ +
+ + + + +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/module/radbelt_kinds_module.html b/module/radbelt_kinds_module.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0bf7e2a --- /dev/null +++ b/module/radbelt_kinds_module.html @@ -0,0 +1,527 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + radbelt_kinds_module – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +

radbelt_kinds_module + Module + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +
+ +

Numeric kind definitions for radbelt.



  • + +
  • +
  • +
    + + + + + +module~~radbelt_kinds_module~~UsesGraph + + + +module~radbelt_kinds_module + +radbelt_kinds_module + + + +iso_fortran_env + +iso_fortran_env + + + +module~radbelt_kinds_module->iso_fortran_env + + + + + +
    + Help +
    + +
  • +
+ +

Used by

  • +
    + + + + + +module~~radbelt_kinds_module~~UsedByGraph + + + +module~radbelt_kinds_module + +radbelt_kinds_module + + + +module~core + + +core + + + + + +module~core->module~radbelt_kinds_module + + + + + +module~shellig_module + + +shellig_module + + + + + +module~core->module~shellig_module + + + + + +module~trmfun_module + + +trmfun_module + + + + + +module~core->module~trmfun_module + + + + + +module~shellig_module->module~radbelt_kinds_module + + + + + +module~trmfun_module->module~radbelt_kinds_module + + + + + +
    + Help +
    + +
  • +
+ +
+ + +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
+ + integer, + public, +parameter + ::wp =real64 +

Real working precision if not specified [8 bytes]

+ + integer, + public, +parameter + ::ip =int32 +

Integer working precision if not specified [4 bytes]

+ +
+ + + + + + + + + +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/module/shellig_module.html b/module/shellig_module.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..689e25d --- /dev/null +++ b/module/shellig_module.html @@ -0,0 +1,2089 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + shellig_module – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +

shellig_module + Module + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +
+ +

IGRF model



  • SHELLIG.FOR, Version 2.0, January 1992
  • +
  • 11/01/91-DKB- SHELLG: lowest starting point for B0 search is 2
  • +
  • 1/27/92-DKB- Adopted to IGRF-91 coefficients model
  • +
  • 2/05/92-DKB- Reduce variable-names: INTER(P)SHC,EXTRA(P)SHC,INITI(ALI)ZE
  • +
  • 8/08/95-DKB- Updated to IGRF-45-95; new coeff. DGRF90, IGRF95, IGRF95S
  • +
  • 5/31/00-DKB- Updated to IGRF-45-00; new coeff.: IGRF00, IGRF00s
  • +
  • 3/24/05-DKB- Updated to IGRF-45-10; new coeff.: IGRF05, IGRF05s
  • +


  • + +
  • +
  • +
    + + + + + +module~~shellig_module~~UsesGraph + + + +module~shellig_module + +shellig_module + + + +module~radbelt_kinds_module + + +radbelt_kinds_module + + + + + +module~shellig_module->module~radbelt_kinds_module + + + + + +iso_fortran_env + +iso_fortran_env + + + +module~radbelt_kinds_module->iso_fortran_env + + + + + +
    + Help +
    + +
  • +
+ +

Used by

  • +
    + + + + + +module~~shellig_module~~UsedByGraph + + + +module~shellig_module + +shellig_module + + + +module~core + + +core + + + + + +module~core->module~shellig_module + + + + + +
    + Help +
    + +
  • +
+ +
+ + +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
+ + integer, + private, +parameter + ::filename_len =14 +

length of the model data file names

+ + real(kind=wp), + private, +parameter + ::Era =6371.2_wp +

earth radius for normalization of cartesian coordinates (6371.2 km)

+ + real(kind=wp), + private, +parameter + ::erequ =6378.16_wp + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + private, +parameter + ::erpol =6356.775_wp + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + private, +parameter + ::Aquad =erequ*erequ +

square of major half axis for +earth ellipsoid as recommended by international +astronomical union

+ + real(kind=wp), + private, +parameter + ::Bquad =erpol*erpol +

square of minor half axis for +earth ellipsoid as recommended by international +astronomical union

+ + real(kind=wp), + private, +parameter + ::Umr =atan(1.0_wp)*4.0_wp/180.0_wp +

atan(1.0)4./180. umr=

+ + real(kind=wp), + private, +parameter, dimension(3,3) + ::u =reshape([+0.3511737_wp, -0.9148385_wp, -0.1993679_wp, +0.9335804_wp, +0.3583680_wp, +0.0000000_wp, +0.0714471_wp, -0.1861260_wp, +0.9799247_wp], [3, 3]) + +
+ +
+ + + + +

Derived Types

+ +

+ type, public ::  + shellig_type + +

+ + +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
+ + real(kind=wp), + private, + dimension(3) + ::sp =0.0_wp + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + private, + dimension(3) + ::xi =0.0_wp + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + private, + dimension(144) + ::h =0.0_wp +

Field model coefficients adjusted for shellg

+ + integer, + private + + ::iyea =0 +

the int year corresponding to the file name that has been read

+ + character(len=filename_len), + private + + ::name ='' +

file name

+ + integer, + private + + ::nmax =0 +

maximum order of spherical harmonics

+ + real(kind=wp), + private + + ::Time =0.0_wp +

year (decimal: 1973.5) for which magnetic field is to be calculated

+ + real(kind=wp), + private, + dimension(144) + ::g =0.0_wp +

g(m) -- normalized field coefficients (see feldcof) m=nmax*(nmax+2)

+ + real(kind=wp), + private + + ::step =0.20_wp +

step size for field line tracing

+ + real(kind=wp), + private + + ::steq =0.03_wp +

step size for integration

+ + real(kind=wp), + private, + dimension(120) + ::gh2 =0.0_wp + +
+ + + + +

Type-Bound Procedures

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
procedure, public :: + igrf
procedure, public :: + feldcof
procedure, public :: + feldg
procedure, public :: + shellg
procedure, public :: + findb0
procedure, private :: + extrashc
procedure, private :: + intershc
procedure, private :: + getshc
procedure, private :: + stoer
+ +
+ + +



private subroutine igrf(me, lon, lat, height, year, xl, bbx) +

+ +

Wrapper for IGRF functions.

+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(shellig_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::lon +

geodetic longitude in degrees (east)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::lat +

geodetic latitude in degrees (north)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::height +

altitude in km above sea level

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::year +

decimal year for which geomagnetic field is to +be calculated (e.g.:1995.5 for day 185 of 1995)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::xl +


+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::bbx + +
+ + +
+ +

private subroutine findb0(me, stps, bdel, value, bequ, rr0) +

+ + + +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(shellig_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::stps + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(inout) + + ::bdel + +
+ + logical, + intent(out) + + ::value + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::bequ + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::rr0 + +
+ + +
+ +

private subroutine shellg(me, glat, glon, alt, dimo, fl, icode, b0) +

+ +

calculates l-value for specified geodaetic coordinates, altitude + and gemagnetic field model.

Read more… + +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(shellig_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::glat +


+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::glon +


+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::alt +


+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::dimo +


+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::fl +


+ + integer, + intent(out) + + ::icode +Read more… +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::b0 +

magnetic field strength in gauss

+ + +
+ +

private subroutine stoer(me, p, bq, r) +

+ +

subroutine used for field line tracing in shellg +calls entry point feldi in geomagnetic field subroutine feldg

+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(shellig_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(inout), + dimension(7) + ::p + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::bq + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::r + +
+ + +
+ +

private subroutine feldg(me, glat, glon, alt, bnorth, beast, bdown, Babs) +

+ +

Calculates earth magnetic field from spherical harmonics model

Read more… + +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(shellig_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::glat +

geodetic latitude in degrees (north)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::glon +

geodetic longitude in degrees (east)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::alt +

altitude in km above sea level

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::bnorth +

components of the field with respect +to the local geodetic coordinate system, with axis +pointing in the tangential plane to the north, east +and downward.

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::beast +

components of the field with respect +to the local geodetic coordinate system, with axis +pointing in the tangential plane to the north, east +and downward.

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::bdown +

components of the field with respect +to the local geodetic coordinate system, with axis +pointing in the tangential plane to the north, east +and downward.

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::Babs +

magnetic field strength in gauss

+ + +
+ +

private subroutine feldcof(me, year, dimo) +

+ +

Determines coefficients and dipol moment from IGRF models

Read more… + +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(shellig_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::year +

decimal year for which geomagnetic field is to +be calculated (e.g.:1995.5 for day 185 of 1995)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::dimo +

geomagnetic dipol moment in gauss (normalized +to earth's radius) at the time (year)

+ + +
+ +

private subroutine getshc(me, Fspec, Nmax, Erad, Gh, Ier) +

+ +

Reads spherical harmonic coefficients from the specified + file into an array.

Read more… + +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(shellig_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + character(len=*), + intent(in) + + ::Fspec +

File specification

+ + integer, + intent(out) + + ::Nmax +

Maximum degree and order of model

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::Erad +

Earth's radius associated with the spherical +harmonic coefficients, in the same units as +elevation

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out), + dimension(*) + ::Gh +

Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical +harmonic coefficients

+ + integer, + intent(out) + + ::Ier +

Error number:

+ + +
+ +

private subroutine intershc(me, date, dte1, nmax1, gh1, dte2, nmax2, gh2, nmax, gh) +

+ +

Interpolates linearly, in time, between two spherical + harmonic models.

Read more… + +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(shellig_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::date +

Date of resulting model (in decimal year)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::dte1 +

Date of earlier model

+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::nmax1 +

Maximum degree and order of earlier model

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::gh1(*) +

Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of earlier model

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::dte2 +

Date of later model

+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::nmax2 +

Maximum degree and order of later model

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::gh2(*) +

Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of later model

+ + integer, + intent(out) + + ::nmax +

Maximum degree and order of resulting model

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::gh(*) +

Coefficients of resulting model

+ + +
+ +

private subroutine extrashc(me, date, dte1, nmax1, gh1, nmax2, gh2, nmax, gh) +

+ +

Extrapolates linearly a spherical harmonic model with a + rate-of-change model.

Read more… + +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(shellig_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::date +

Date of resulting model (in decimal year)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::dte1 +

Date of base model

+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::nmax1 +

Maximum degree and order of base model

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::gh1(*) +

Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of base model

+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::nmax2 +

Maximum degree and order of rate-of-change model

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::gh2(*) +

Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of rate-of-change model

+ + integer, + intent(out) + + ::nmax +

Maximum degree and order of resulting model

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::gh(*) +

Coefficients of resulting model

+ + +
+ +
+ + + +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/module/trmfun_module.html b/module/trmfun_module.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a3e20f --- /dev/null +++ b/module/trmfun_module.html @@ -0,0 +1,1046 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + trmfun_module – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +

trmfun_module + Module + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +
+ +

Trapped radiation model.



  • Based on: trmfun.for 1987
  • +


  • + +
  • +
  • +
    + + + + + +module~~trmfun_module~~UsesGraph + + + +module~trmfun_module + +trmfun_module + + + +module~radbelt_kinds_module + + +radbelt_kinds_module + + + + + +module~trmfun_module->module~radbelt_kinds_module + + + + + +iso_fortran_env + +iso_fortran_env + + + +module~radbelt_kinds_module->iso_fortran_env + + + + + +
    + Help +
    + +
  • +
+ +

Used by

  • +
    + + + + + +module~~trmfun_module~~UsedByGraph + + + +module~trmfun_module + +trmfun_module + + + +module~core + + +core + + + + + +module~core->module~trmfun_module + + + + + +
    + Help +
    + +
  • +
+ +
+ + +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
+ + character(len=10), + private, +parameter, dimension(4) + ::mname =['ae8min.asc', 'ae8max.asc', 'ap8min.asc', 'ap8max.asc'] +

data files available

+ +
+ + + + +

Derived Types

+ +

+ type, public ::  + trm_type + +


main class for the aep8 model

+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
+ + character(len=:), + private, + allocatable + ::file_loaded +

the file that has been loaded

+ + integer, + private, + dimension(8) + ::ihead =0 + +
+ + integer, + private, + dimension(:), allocatable + ::map + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + private + + ::fistep =0.0_wp +

the stepsize for the parameterization of the logarithm of flux. +formerly stored in common block tra2

+ + real(kind=wp), + private + + ::f1 =1.001_wp + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + private + + ::f2 =1.002_wp + +
+ + + + +

Type-Bound Procedures

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
procedure, public :: + aep8../../

main routine

procedure, public :: + trara2../../

low-level routine

procedure, public :: + trara1
+ +
+ +



private function trara2(me, map, il, ib) +

+ +

trara2 interpolates linearly in l-b/b0-map to obtain + the logarithm of integral flux at given l and b/b0.

Read more… + +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(trm_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::map(*) +

is sub-map (for specific energy) of +trapped radiation model map

+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::il +

scaled l-value

+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::ib +

scaled b/b0-1

+ +

+ Return Value + real(kind=wp) +


scaled logarithm of particle flux

+ +
+ +
+ +



private subroutine aep8(me, e, l, bb0, imname, flux) +

+ +

Main wrapper for the radiation model. +Reads the coefficient file and calls the low-level routine.

+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(trm_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::e + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::l + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::bb0 + +
+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::imname +

which model to load (index in mname array)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::flux + +
+ + +
+ +

private subroutine trara1(me, descr, map, fl, bb0, e, f, n) +

+ +

trara1 finds particle fluxes for given energies, magnetic field +strength and l-value. function trara2 is used to interpolate in +b-l-space.

+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(trm_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::descr(8) +

header of specified trapped radition model

+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::map(*) +

map of trapped radition model +(descr and map are explained at the begin +of the main program model)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::fl +


+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::bb0 +

=b/b0 magnetic field strength normalized +to field strength at magnetic equator

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::e(n) +

array of energies in mev

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::f(n) +

decadic logarithm of integral fluxes in +particles/(cmcmsec)

+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::n +

number of energies

+ + +
+ +
+ + + +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

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+ +
+ +

aep8 + Subroutine + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +

private subroutine aep8(me, e, l, bb0, imname, flux) +

+ + +

Main wrapper for the radiation model. +Reads the coefficient file and calls the low-level routine.

+ +

Type Bound



+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(trm_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::e + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::l + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::bb0 + +
+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::imname +

which model to load (index in mname array)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::flux + +
+ +


+ + + + + +proc~~aep8~~CallsGraph + + + +proc~aep8 + +trmfun_module::trm_type%aep8 + + + +proc~trara1 + + +trmfun_module::trm_type%trara1 + + + + + +proc~aep8->proc~trara1 + + + + + +proc~trara2 + + +trmfun_module::trm_type%trara2 + + + + + +proc~trara1->proc~trara2 + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +

Called by

+ + + + + +proc~~aep8~~CalledByGraph + + + +proc~aep8 + +trmfun_module::trm_type%aep8 + + + +proc~get_flux + + +core::get_flux + + + + + +proc~get_flux->proc~aep8 + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +

Source Code

   subroutine aep8(me,e,l,bb0,imname,flux)
+      class(trm_type),intent(inout) :: me
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: e
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: l
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: bb0
+      integer,intent(in) :: imname !! which model to load (index in `mname` array)
+      real(wp),intent(out) :: flux
+      real(wp) :: ee(1), f(1) !! temp variables
+      integer :: i , ierr, iuaeap , nmap
+      character(len=len(mname)) :: name
+      logical :: load_file
+      name = mname(Imname) ! the file to load
+      ! check to see if this file has already been loaded
+      ! [the class can store one file at a time]
+      load_file = .true.
+      if (allocated(me%file_loaded)) then
+         if (name == me%file_loaded) load_file = .false.
+      end if
+      if (load_file) then
+         open (newunit = iuaeap,file=name,status='OLD',iostat=ierr,form='FORMATTED')
+         if ( ierr/=0 ) then
+            error stop 'error reading '//trim(name)
+         end if
+         read (iuaeap,'(1X,12I6)') me%ihead
+         nmap = me%ihead(8)
+         allocate(me%map(nmap))
+         read (iuaeap,'(1X,12I6)') (me%map(i),i=1,nmap)
+         close (iuaeap)
+         me%file_loaded = trim(name)
+      end if
+      ee(1) = e
+      call me%trara1(me%ihead,me%map,L,Bb0,ee,f,1)
+      flux = f(1)
+      IF ( Flux>0.0_wp ) Flux = 10.0_wp**Flux
+   end subroutine aep8
+ +
+ +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/proc/extrashc.html b/proc/extrashc.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2397ee9 --- /dev/null +++ b/proc/extrashc.html @@ -0,0 +1,569 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + extrashc – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +

extrashc + Subroutine + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +

private subroutine extrashc(me, date, dte1, nmax1, gh1, nmax2, gh2, nmax, gh) +

+ + +

Extrapolates linearly a spherical harmonic model with a + rate-of-change model.


The coefficients (GH) of the resulting model, at date + DATE, are computed by linearly extrapolating the coef- + ficients of the base model (GH1), at date DTE1, using + those of the rate-of-change model (GH2), at date DTE2. If + one model is smaller than the other, the extrapolation is + performed with the missing coefficients assumed to be 0.



  • Version 1.01, A. Zunde + USGS, MS 964, Box 25046 Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225
  • +
+ +

Type Bound



+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(shellig_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::date +

Date of resulting model (in decimal year)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::dte1 +

Date of base model

+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::nmax1 +

Maximum degree and order of base model

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::gh1(*) +

Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of base model

+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::nmax2 +

Maximum degree and order of rate-of-change model

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::gh2(*) +

Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of rate-of-change model

+ + integer, + intent(out) + + ::nmax +

Maximum degree and order of resulting model

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::gh(*) +

Coefficients of resulting model

+ +

Called by

+ + + + + +proc~~extrashc~~CalledByGraph + + + +proc~extrashc + +shellig_module::shellig_type%extrashc + + + +proc~feldcof + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%feldcof + + + + + +proc~feldcof->proc~extrashc + + + + + +proc~igrf + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%igrf + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~feldcof + + + + + +proc~get_flux + + +core::get_flux + + + + + +proc~get_flux->proc~igrf + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +

Source Code

subroutine extrashc(me,date,dte1,nmax1,gh1,nmax2,gh2,nmax,gh)
+   class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: date   !! Date of resulting model (in decimal year)
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: dte1   !! Date of base model
+   integer,intent(in)  :: nmax1  !! Maximum degree and order of base model
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: gh1(*) !! Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of base model
+   integer,intent(in)  :: nmax2  !! Maximum degree and order of rate-of-change model
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: gh2(*) !! Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of rate-of-change model
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: gh(*) !! Coefficients of resulting model
+   integer,intent(out) :: nmax   !! Maximum degree and order of resulting model
+   real(wp) :: factor
+   integer :: i , k , l
+   factor = (date-dte1)
+   if ( nmax1==nmax2 ) then
+      k = nmax1*(nmax1+2)
+      nmax = nmax1
+   elseif ( nmax1>nmax2 ) then
+      k = nmax2*(nmax2+2)
+      l = nmax1*(nmax1+2)
+      do i = k + 1 , l
+         gh(i) = gh1(i)
+      enddo
+      nmax = nmax1
+   else
+      k = nmax1*(nmax1+2)
+      l = nmax2*(nmax2+2)
+      do i = k + 1 , l
+         gh(i) = factor*gh2(i)
+      enddo
+      nmax = nmax2
+   endif
+   do i = 1 , k
+      gh(i) = gh1(i) + factor*gh2(i)
+   enddo
+end subroutine extrashc
+ +
+ +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/proc/feldcof.html b/proc/feldcof.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a91237e --- /dev/null +++ b/proc/feldcof.html @@ -0,0 +1,659 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + feldcof – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +

feldcof + Subroutine + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +

private subroutine feldcof(me, year, dimo) +

+ + +

Determines coefficients and dipol moment from IGRF models



  • D. BILITZA, NSSDC, GSFC, CODE 633, GREENBELT, MD 20771, + (301) 286-9536 NOV 1987.
  • +


  • corrected for 2000 update - dkb- 5/31/2000
  • +
  • updated to IGRF-2000 version -dkb- 5/31/2000
  • +
  • updated to IGRF-2005 version -dkb- 3/24/2000
  • +
+ +

Type Bound



+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(shellig_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::year +

decimal year for which geomagnetic field is to +be calculated (e.g.:1995.5 for day 185 of 1995)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::dimo +

geomagnetic dipol moment in gauss (normalized +to earth's radius) at the time (year)

+ +


+ + + + + +proc~~feldcof~~CallsGraph + + + +proc~feldcof + +shellig_module::shellig_type%feldcof + + + +proc~extrashc + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%extrashc + + + + + +proc~feldcof->proc~extrashc + + + + + +proc~getshc + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%getshc + + + + + +proc~feldcof->proc~getshc + + + + + +proc~intershc + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%intershc + + + + + +proc~feldcof->proc~intershc + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +

Called by

+ + + + + +proc~~feldcof~~CalledByGraph + + + +proc~feldcof + +shellig_module::shellig_type%feldcof + + + +proc~igrf + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%igrf + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~feldcof + + + + + +proc~get_flux + + +core::get_flux + + + + + +proc~get_flux->proc~igrf + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +

Source Code

   subroutine feldcof(me,year,dimo)
+   class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: year !! decimal year for which geomagnetic field is to
+                               !! be calculated (e.g.:1995.5 for day 185 of 1995)
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: dimo !! geomagnetic dipol moment in gauss (normalized
+                                !! to earth's radius) at the time (year)
+   real(wp) :: dte1 , dte2 , erad , gha(144) , sqrt2
+   integer :: i , ier , j , l , m , n , nmax1 , nmax2, iyea
+   character(len=filename_len) :: fil2
+   real(wp) :: x , f0 , f !! these were double precision in original
+                          !! code while everything else was single precision
+   ! changed to conform with IGRF 45-95, also FILMOD, DTEMOD arrays +1
+   character(len=filename_len),dimension(17),parameter :: filmod = [&
+         'dgrf1945.dat ' , 'dgrf1950.dat ' , 'dgrf1955.dat ' , 'dgrf1960.dat ' , &
+         'dgrf1965.dat ' , 'dgrf1970.dat ' , 'dgrf1975.dat ' , 'dgrf1980.dat ' , &
+         'dgrf1985.dat ' , 'dgrf1990.dat ' , 'dgrf1995.dat ' , 'dgrf2000.dat ' , &
+         'dgrf2005.dat ' , 'dgrf2010.dat ' , 'dgrf2015.dat ' , 'igrf2020.dat ' , &
+         'igrf2020s.dat']
+   real(wp),dimension(17),parameter :: dtemod = [1945.0_wp , 1950.0_wp , 1955.0_wp , &
+                                                 1960.0_wp , 1965.0_wp , 1970.0_wp , &
+                                                 1975.0_wp , 1980.0_wp , 1985.0_wp , &
+                                                 1990.0_wp , 1995.0_wp , 2000.0_wp , &
+                                                 2005.0_wp , 2010.0_wp , 2015.0_wp , &
+                                                 2020.0_wp , 2025.0_wp]
+   integer,parameter :: numye = size(dtemod)-1 ! number of 5-year priods represented by IGRF
+   integer,parameter :: is = 0 !! * is=0 for schmidt normalization
+                               !! * is=1 gauss normalization
+   logical :: read_file
+   !-- determine igrf-years for input-year
+   me%time = year
+   iyea = int(year/5.0_wp)*5
+   read_file = iyea /= me%iyea  ! if we have to read the file
+   me%iyea = iyea
+   l = (me%iyea-1945)/5 + 1
+   if ( l<1 ) l = 1
+   if ( l>numye ) l = numye
+   dte1 = dtemod(l)
+   me%name = filmod(l)
+   dte2 = dtemod(l+1)
+   fil2 = filmod(l+1)
+   if (read_file) then
+      ! get igrf coefficients for the boundary years
+      ! [if they have not ready been loaded]
+      call me%getshc(me%name,nmax1,erad,me%g,ier)
+      if ( ier/=0 ) error stop 'error reading file: '//trim(me%name)
+      call me%getshc(fil2,nmax2,erad,me%gh2,ier)
+      if ( ier/=0 ) error stop 'error reading file: '//trim(fil2)
+   end if
+   !-- determine igrf coefficients for year
+   if ( l<=numye-1 ) then
+      call me%intershc(year,dte1,nmax1,me%g,dte2,nmax2,me%gh2,me%nmax,gha)
+   else
+      call me%extrashc(year,dte1,nmax1,me%g,nmax2,me%gh2,me%nmax,gha)
+   endif
+   !-- determine magnetic dipol moment and coeffiecients g
+   f0 = 0.0_wp
+   do j = 1 , 3
+      f = gha(j)*1.0e-5_wp
+      f0 = f0 + f*f
+   enddo
+   dimo = sqrt(f0)
+   me%g(1) = 0.0_wp
+   i = 2
+   f0 = 1.0e-5_wp
+   if ( is==0 ) f0 = -f0
+   sqrt2 = sqrt(2.0_wp)
+   do n = 1 , me%nmax
+      x = n
+      f0 = f0*x*x/(4.0_wp*x-2.0_wp)
+      if ( is==0 ) f0 = f0*(2.0_wp*x-1.0_wp)/x
+      f = f0*0.5_wp
+      if ( is==0 ) f = f*sqrt2
+      me%g(i) = gha(i-1)*f0
+      i = i + 1
+      do m = 1 , n
+         f = f*(x+m)/(x-m+1.0_wp)
+         if ( is==0 ) f = f*sqrt((x-m+1.0_wp)/(x+m))
+         me%g(i) = gha(i-1)*f
+         me%g(i+1) = gha(i)*f
+         i = i + 2
+      enddo
+   enddo
+end subroutine feldcof
+ +
+ +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/proc/feldg.html b/proc/feldg.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a8af65 --- /dev/null +++ b/proc/feldg.html @@ -0,0 +1,736 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + feldg – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +

feldg + Subroutine + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +

private subroutine feldg(me, glat, glon, alt, bnorth, beast, bdown, Babs) +

+ + +

Calculates earth magnetic field from spherical harmonics model




ref: g. kluge, european space operations centre, internal note 61, + 1970.



  • changes (d. bilitza, nov 87):
  • +
  • field coefficients in binary data files instead of block data
  • +
  • calculates dipol moment
  • +
+ +

Type Bound



+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(shellig_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::glat +

geodetic latitude in degrees (north)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::glon +

geodetic longitude in degrees (east)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::alt +

altitude in km above sea level

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::bnorth +

components of the field with respect +to the local geodetic coordinate system, with axis +pointing in the tangential plane to the north, east +and downward.

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::beast +

components of the field with respect +to the local geodetic coordinate system, with axis +pointing in the tangential plane to the north, east +and downward.

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::bdown +

components of the field with respect +to the local geodetic coordinate system, with axis +pointing in the tangential plane to the north, east +and downward.

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::Babs +

magnetic field strength in gauss

+ +


+ + + + + +proc~~feldg~~CallsGraph + + + +proc~feldg + +shellig_module::shellig_type%feldg + + + +feldc + +feldc + + + +proc~feldg->feldc + + + + + +feldi + +feldi + + + +proc~feldg->feldi + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +

Called by

+ + + + + +proc~~feldg~~CalledByGraph + + + +proc~feldg + +shellig_module::shellig_type%feldg + + + +proc~igrf + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%igrf + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~feldg + + + + + +proc~get_flux + + +core::get_flux + + + + + +proc~get_flux->proc~igrf + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +

Source Code

subroutine feldg(me,glat,glon,alt,bnorth,beast,bdown,babs)
+   class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: glat  !! geodetic latitude in degrees (north)
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: glon  !! geodetic longitude in degrees (east)
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: alt   !! altitude in km above sea level
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: bnorth, beast, bdown !! components of the field with respect
+                                                !! to the local geodetic coordinate system, with axis
+                                                !! pointing in the tangential plane to the north, east
+                                                !! and downward.
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: Babs !! magnetic field strength in gauss
+   real(wp) :: b(3) , brho , bxxx , &
+               byyy , bzzz , cp , ct , d , f , rho , &
+               rlat , rlon , rq , s , sp , st , t , v(3) , x , xxx , &
+               y , yyy , z , zzz
+   integer :: i , ih , ihmax , il , imax , is , k , last , m
+   !-- is records entry point
+   !
+   !*****entry point  feldg  to be used with geodetic co-ordinates
+         is=1
+         rlat=glat*umr
+         ct=sin(rlat)
+         st=cos(rlat)
+         d=sqrt(aquad-(aquad-bquad)*ct*ct)
+         rlon=glon*umr
+         cp=cos(rlon)
+         sp=sin(rlon)
+         zzz=(alt+bquad/d)*ct/era
+         rho=(alt+aquad/d)*st/era
+         xxx=rho*cp
+         yyy=rho*sp
+         goto 10
+   !*****entry point  feldc  to be used with cartesian co-ordinates
+   !        v(3)  cartesian coordinates in earth radii (6371.2 km)
+   !            x-axis pointing to equator at 0 longitude
+   !            y-axis pointing to equator at 90 long.
+   !            z-axis pointing to north pole
+         entry feldc(me,v,b)
+         is=2
+         xxx=v(1)
+         yyy=v(2)
+         zzz=v(3)
+   10    rq=1.0_wp/(xxx*xxx+yyy*yyy+zzz*zzz)
+         me%xi(1)=xxx*rq
+         me%xi(2)=yyy*rq
+         me%xi(3)=zzz*rq
+         goto 20
+   !*****entry point  feldi  used for l computation
+         entry feldi(me)
+         is=3
+   20    ihmax=me%nmax*me%nmax+1
+         last=ihmax+me%nmax+me%nmax
+         imax=me%nmax+me%nmax-1
+         do i=ihmax,last
+             me%h(i)=me%g(i)
+         end do
+         do k=1,3,2
+            i=imax
+            ih=ihmax
+            do
+               il=ih-i
+               f=2.0_wp/real(i-k+2, wp)
+               x=me%xi(1)*f
+               y=me%xi(2)*f
+               z=me%xi(3)*(f+f)
+               i=i-2
+               if ((i-1)>=0) then
+                  if ((i-1)>0) then
+                     do m=3,i,2
+                        me%h(il+m+1)=me%g(il+m+1)+z*me%h(ih+m+1)+x*(me%h(ih+m+3)-&
+                                     me%h(ih+m-1))-y*(me%h(ih+m+2)+me%h(ih+m-2))
+                        me%h(il+m)=me%g(il+m)+z*me%h(ih+m)+x*(me%h(ih+m+2)-&
+                                   me%h(ih+m-2))+y*(me%h(ih+m+3)+me%h(ih+m-1))
+                     end do
+                  end if
+                  me%h(il+2)=me%g(il+2)+z*me%h(ih+2)+x*me%h(ih+4)-y*(me%h(ih+3)+me%h(ih))
+                  me%h(il+1)=me%g(il+1)+z*me%h(ih+1)+y*me%h(ih+4)+x*(me%h(ih+3)-me%h(ih))
+               end if
+               me%h(il)=me%g(il)+z*me%h(ih)+2.0_wp*(x*me%h(ih+1)+y*me%h(ih+2))
+               ih=il
+               if (i<k) exit
+            end do
+         end do
+         if (is==3) return
+         s=0.5_wp*me%h(1)+2.0_wp*(me%h(2)*me%xi(3)+me%h(3)*me%xi(1)+me%h(4)*me%xi(2))
+         t=(rq+rq)*sqrt(rq)
+         bxxx=t*(me%h(3)-s*xxx)
+         byyy=t*(me%h(4)-s*yyy)
+         bzzz=t*(me%h(2)-s*zzz)
+         if (is==2) then
+            b(1)=bxxx
+            b(2)=byyy
+            b(3)=bzzz
+         else
+            babs=sqrt(bxxx*bxxx+byyy*byyy+bzzz*bzzz)
+            beast=byyy*cp-bxxx*sp
+            brho=byyy*sp+bxxx*cp
+            bnorth=bzzz*st-brho*ct
+            bdown=-bzzz*ct-brho*st
+         end if
+   end subroutine feldg
+ +
+ +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/proc/findb0.html b/proc/findb0.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..09d8601 --- /dev/null +++ b/proc/findb0.html @@ -0,0 +1,674 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + findb0 – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +

findb0 + Subroutine + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +

private subroutine findb0(me, stps, bdel, value, bequ, rr0) +

+ + + +

Type Bound



+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(shellig_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::stps + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(inout) + + ::bdel + +
+ + logical, + intent(out) + + ::value + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::bequ + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::rr0 + +
+ +


+ + + + + +proc~~findb0~~CallsGraph + + + +proc~findb0 + +shellig_module::shellig_type%findb0 + + + +proc~stoer + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%stoer + + + + + +proc~findb0->proc~stoer + + + + + +feldi + +feldi + + + +proc~stoer->feldi + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +

Called by

+ + + + + +proc~~findb0~~CalledByGraph + + + +proc~findb0 + +shellig_module::shellig_type%findb0 + + + +proc~igrf + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%igrf + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~findb0 + + + + + +proc~get_flux + + +core::get_flux + + + + + +proc~get_flux->proc~igrf + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +

Source Code

    subroutine findb0(me,stps,bdel,value,bequ,rr0)
+      class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: stps
+      real(wp),intent(inout) :: bdel
+      real(wp),intent(out) :: bequ
+      logical,intent(out) :: value
+      real(wp),intent(out) :: rr0
+      real(wp) :: b , bdelta , bmin , bold , bq1 , &
+                  bq2 , bq3 , p(8,4) , r1 , r2 , r3 , &
+                  rold , step , step12 , zz
+      integer :: i , irun , j , n
+      step=stps
+      irun=0
+      main : do
+        irun=irun+1
+        if (irun>5) then
+            value=.false.
+            exit main
+        endif
+        !*********************first three points
+        p(1,2)=me%sp(1)
+        p(2,2)=me%sp(2)
+        p(3,2)=me%sp(3)
+        step=-sign(step,p(3,2))
+        call me%stoer(p(1,2),bq2,r2)
+        p(1,3)=p(1,2)+0.5_wp*step*p(4,2)
+        p(2,3)=p(2,2)+0.5_wp*step*p(5,2)
+        p(3,3)=p(3,2)+0.5_wp*step
+        call me%stoer(p(1,3),bq3,r3)
+        p(1,1)=p(1,2)-step*(2.0_wp*p(4,2)-p(4,3))
+        p(2,1)=p(2,2)-step*(2.0_wp*p(5,2)-p(5,3))
+        p(3,1)=p(3,2)-step
+        call me%stoer(p(1,1),bq1,r1)
+        p(1,3)=p(1,2)+step*(20.0_wp*p(4,3)-3.*p(4,2)+p(4,1))/18.0_wp
+        p(2,3)=p(2,2)+step*(20.0_wp*p(5,3)-3.*p(5,2)+p(5,1))/18.0_wp
+        p(3,3)=p(3,2)+step
+        call me%stoer(p(1,3),bq3,r3)
+        !******************invert sense if required
+        if (bq3>bq1) then
+            step=-step
+            r3=r1
+            bq3=bq1
+            do i=1,5
+                zz=p(i,1)
+                p(i,1)=p(i,3)
+                p(i,3)=zz
+            end do
+        end if
+        !******************initialization
+        step12=step/12.0_wp
+        value=.true.
+        bmin=1.0e4_wp
+        bold=1.0e4_wp
+        !******************corrector (field line tracing)
+        n=0
+        corrector : do
+            p(1,3)=p(1,2)+step12*(5.0_wp*p(4,3)+8.0_wp*p(4,2)-p(4,1))
+            n=n+1
+            p(2,3)=p(2,2)+step12*(5.0_wp*p(5,3)+8.0_wp*p(5,2)-p(5,1))
+            !******************predictor (field line tracing)
+            p(1,4)=p(1,3)+step12*(23.0_wp*p(4,3)-16.0_wp*p(4,2)+5.0_wp*p(4,1))
+            p(2,4)=p(2,3)+step12*(23.0_wp*p(5,3)-16.0_wp*p(5,2)+5.0_wp*p(5,1))
+            p(3,4)=p(3,3)+step
+            call me%stoer(p(1,4),bq3,r3)
+            do j=1,3
+                do i=1,8
+                    p(i,j)=p(i,j+1)
+                end do
+            end do
+            b=sqrt(bq3)
+            if (b<bmin) bmin=b
+            if (b>bold) exit corrector
+            bold=b
+            rold=1.0_wp/r3
+            me%sp(1)=p(1,4)
+            me%sp(2)=p(2,4)
+            me%sp(3)=p(3,4)
+        end do corrector
+        if (bold/=bmin) value=.false.
+        bdelta=(b-bold)/bold
+        if (bdelta<=bdel) exit main
+        step=step/10.0_wp
+    end do main
+    rr0=rold
+    bequ=bold
+    bdel=bdelta
+  end subroutine findb0
+ +
+ +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/proc/get_flux.html b/proc/get_flux.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2594579 --- /dev/null +++ b/proc/get_flux.html @@ -0,0 +1,677 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + get_flux – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +

get_flux + Function + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +

public function get_flux(lon, lat, height, year, e, imname) result(flux) +

+ + +

Main routine.

+ + +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::lon + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::lat + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::height + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::year + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::e + +
+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::imname + +
+ +

Return Value + + + real(kind=wp) + +

+ +


+ + + + + +proc~~get_flux~~CallsGraph + + + +proc~get_flux + +core::get_flux + + + +proc~aep8 + + +trmfun_module::trm_type%aep8 + + + + + +proc~get_flux->proc~aep8 + + + + + +proc~igrf + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%igrf + + + + + +proc~get_flux->proc~igrf + + + + + +proc~trara1 + + +trmfun_module::trm_type%trara1 + + + + + +proc~aep8->proc~trara1 + + + + + +proc~feldcof + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%feldcof + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~feldcof + + + + + +proc~feldg + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%feldg + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~feldg + + + + + +proc~findb0 + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%findb0 + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~findb0 + + + + + +proc~shellg + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%shellg + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~shellg + + + + + +proc~extrashc + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%extrashc + + + + + +proc~feldcof->proc~extrashc + + + + + +proc~getshc + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%getshc + + + + + +proc~feldcof->proc~getshc + + + + + +proc~intershc + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%intershc + + + + + +proc~feldcof->proc~intershc + + + + + +feldc + +feldc + + + +proc~feldg->feldc + + + + + +feldi + +feldi + + + +proc~feldg->feldi + + + + + +proc~stoer + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%stoer + + + + + +proc~findb0->proc~stoer + + + + + +proc~shellg->proc~stoer + + + + + +shellc + +shellc + + + +proc~shellg->shellc + + + + + +proc~trara2 + + +trmfun_module::trm_type%trara2 + + + + + +proc~trara1->proc~trara2 + + + + + +proc~stoer->feldi + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +

Source Code

   function get_flux(Lon,Lat,Height,Year,E,Imname) result(flux)
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: lon
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: lat
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: height
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: year
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: e
+      integer,intent(in) :: imname
+      real(wp) :: flux
+      real(wp) :: xl, bbx
+      type(trm_type) :: trm
+      type(shellig_type) :: igrf
+      call igrf%igrf(lon,lat,height,year,xl,bbx)
+      call trm%aep8(e,xl,bbx,imname,flux)
+   end function get_flux
+ +
+ +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/proc/getshc.html b/proc/getshc.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c08e8a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/proc/getshc.html @@ -0,0 +1,562 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + getshc – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +

getshc + Subroutine + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +

private subroutine getshc(me, Fspec, Nmax, Erad, Gh, Ier) +

+ + +

Reads spherical harmonic coefficients from the specified + file into an array.



  • Version 1.01, A. Zunde, USGS, MS 964, + Box 25046 Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225
  • +
+ +

Type Bound



+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(shellig_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + character(len=*), + intent(in) + + ::Fspec +

File specification

+ + integer, + intent(out) + + ::Nmax +

Maximum degree and order of model

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::Erad +

Earth's radius associated with the spherical +harmonic coefficients, in the same units as +elevation

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out), + dimension(*) + ::Gh +

Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical +harmonic coefficients

+ + integer, + intent(out) + + ::Ier +

Error number:

  • 0, no error
  • +
  • -2, records out of order
  • +
  • FORTRAN run-time error number
  • +
+ +

Called by

+ + + + + +proc~~getshc~~CalledByGraph + + + +proc~getshc + +shellig_module::shellig_type%getshc + + + +proc~feldcof + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%feldcof + + + + + +proc~feldcof->proc~getshc + + + + + +proc~igrf + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%igrf + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~feldcof + + + + + +proc~get_flux + + +core::get_flux + + + + + +proc~get_flux->proc~igrf + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +

Source Code

subroutine getshc(me,Fspec,Nmax,Erad,Gh,Ier)
+   class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me
+   character(len=*),intent(in) :: Fspec !! File specification
+   integer,intent(out) :: Nmax !! Maximum degree and order of model
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: Erad !! Earth's radius associated with the spherical
+                                !! harmonic coefficients, in the same units as
+                                !! elevation
+   real(wp),dimension(*),intent(out) :: Gh !! Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical
+                                           !! harmonic coefficients
+   integer,intent(out) :: Ier !! Error number:
+                              !!
+                              !!  * 0, no error
+                              !!  * -2, records out of order
+                              !!  * FORTRAN run-time error number
+   integer :: iu !! logical unit number
+   real(wp) :: g , h
+   integer :: i , m , mm , n , nn
+   read_file : block
+      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Open coefficient file. Read past first header record.
+      !  Read degree and order of model and Earth's radius.
+      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+      OPEN (newunit=Iu,FILE=Fspec,STATUS='OLD',IOSTAT=Ier)
+      if (Ier/=0) then
+         write(*,*) 'Error opening file: '//trim(fspec)
+         exit read_file
+      end if
+      READ (Iu,*,IOSTAT=Ier)
+      if (Ier/=0) exit read_file
+      READ (Iu,*,IOSTAT=Ier) Nmax , Erad
+      if (Ier/=0) exit read_file
+      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Read the coefficient file, arranged as follows:
+      !
+      !          N     M     G     H
+      !          ----------------------
+      !            /   1     0    GH(1)  -
+      !           /  1     1    GH(2) GH(3)
+      !          /  2     0    GH(4)  -
+      !         /  2     1    GH(5) GH(6)
+      !      NMAX*(NMAX+3)/2   /  2     2    GH(7) GH(8)
+      !         records    \  3     0    GH(9)  -
+      !         \      .     .     .     .
+      !          \  .     .     .     .
+      !      NMAX*(NMAX+2)     \  .     .     .     .
+      !      elements in GH      \  NMAX  NMAX   .     .
+      !
+      !  N and M are, respectively, the degree and order of the
+      !  coefficient.
+      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+      i = 0
+      main: DO nn = 1 , Nmax
+         DO mm = 0 , nn
+            READ (Iu,*,IOSTAT=Ier) n , m , g , h
+            if (Ier/=0) exit main
+            IF ( nn/=n .OR. mm/=m ) THEN
+               Ier = -2
+               EXIT main
+            ENDIF
+            i = i + 1
+            Gh(i) = g
+            IF ( m/=0 ) THEN
+               i = i + 1
+               Gh(i) = h
+            ENDIF
+         ENDDO
+      ENDDO main
+   end block read_file
+   CLOSE (Iu)
+END subroutine getshc
+ +
+ +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/proc/igrf.html b/proc/igrf.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..453d3c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/proc/igrf.html @@ -0,0 +1,759 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + igrf – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +

igrf + Subroutine + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +

private subroutine igrf(me, lon, lat, height, year, xl, bbx) +

+ + +

Wrapper for IGRF functions.

+ +

Type Bound



+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(shellig_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::lon +

geodetic longitude in degrees (east)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::lat +

geodetic latitude in degrees (north)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::height +

altitude in km above sea level

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::year +

decimal year for which geomagnetic field is to +be calculated (e.g.:1995.5 for day 185 of 1995)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::xl +


+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::bbx + +
+ +


+ + + + + +proc~~igrf~~CallsGraph + + + +proc~igrf + +shellig_module::shellig_type%igrf + + + +proc~feldcof + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%feldcof + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~feldcof + + + + + +proc~feldg + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%feldg + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~feldg + + + + + +proc~findb0 + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%findb0 + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~findb0 + + + + + +proc~shellg + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%shellg + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~shellg + + + + + +proc~extrashc + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%extrashc + + + + + +proc~feldcof->proc~extrashc + + + + + +proc~getshc + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%getshc + + + + + +proc~feldcof->proc~getshc + + + + + +proc~intershc + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%intershc + + + + + +proc~feldcof->proc~intershc + + + + + +feldc + +feldc + + + +proc~feldg->feldc + + + + + +feldi + +feldi + + + +proc~feldg->feldi + + + + + +proc~stoer + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%stoer + + + + + +proc~findb0->proc~stoer + + + + + +proc~shellg->proc~stoer + + + + + +shellc + +shellc + + + +proc~shellg->shellc + + + + + +proc~stoer->feldi + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +

Called by

+ + + + + +proc~~igrf~~CalledByGraph + + + +proc~igrf + +shellig_module::shellig_type%igrf + + + +proc~get_flux + + +core::get_flux + + + + + +proc~get_flux->proc~igrf + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +

Source Code

   subroutine igrf(me,lon,lat,height,year,xl,bbx)
+      class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: lon !! geodetic longitude in degrees (east)
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: lat !! geodetic latitude in degrees (north)
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: height !! altitude in km above sea level
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: year !! decimal year for which geomagnetic field is to
+                                  !! be calculated (e.g.:1995.5 for day 185 of 1995)
+      real(wp),intent(out) :: xl !! l-value
+      real(wp),intent(out) :: bbx
+      real(wp) :: bab1 , babs , bdel , bdown , beast , &
+                  beq , bequ , bnorth , dimo , rr0
+      integer :: icode
+      logical :: val
+      real(wp),parameter :: stps = 0.05_wp
+      call me%feldcof(year,dimo)
+      call me%feldg(lat,lon,height,bnorth,beast,bdown,babs)
+      call me%shellg(lat,lon,height,dimo,xl,icode,bab1)
+      bequ = dimo/(xl*xl*xl)
+      if ( icode==1 ) then
+         bdel = 1.0e-3_wp
+         call me%findb0(stps,bdel,val,beq,rr0)
+         if ( val ) bequ = beq
+      endif
+      bbx = babs/bequ
+   end subroutine igrf
+ +
+ +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/proc/intershc.html b/proc/intershc.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbfbeed --- /dev/null +++ b/proc/intershc.html @@ -0,0 +1,585 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + intershc – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +

intershc + Subroutine + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +

private subroutine intershc(me, date, dte1, nmax1, gh1, dte2, nmax2, gh2, nmax, gh) +

+ + +

Interpolates linearly, in time, between two spherical + harmonic models.


The coefficients (GH) of the resulting model, at date + DATE, are computed by linearly interpolating between the + coefficients of the earlier model (GH1), at date DTE1, + and those of the later model (GH2), at date DTE2. If one + model is smaller than the other, the interpolation is + performed with the missing coefficients assumed to be 0.



  • Version 1.01, A. Zunde + USGS, MS 964, Box 25046 Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225
  • +
+ +

Type Bound



+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(shellig_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::date +

Date of resulting model (in decimal year)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::dte1 +

Date of earlier model

+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::nmax1 +

Maximum degree and order of earlier model

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::gh1(*) +

Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of earlier model

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::dte2 +

Date of later model

+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::nmax2 +

Maximum degree and order of later model

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::gh2(*) +

Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of later model

+ + integer, + intent(out) + + ::nmax +

Maximum degree and order of resulting model

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::gh(*) +

Coefficients of resulting model

+ +

Called by

+ + + + + +proc~~intershc~~CalledByGraph + + + +proc~intershc + +shellig_module::shellig_type%intershc + + + +proc~feldcof + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%feldcof + + + + + +proc~feldcof->proc~intershc + + + + + +proc~igrf + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%igrf + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~feldcof + + + + + +proc~get_flux + + +core::get_flux + + + + + +proc~get_flux->proc~igrf + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +

Source Code

subroutine intershc(me,date,dte1,nmax1,gh1,dte2,nmax2,gh2,nmax,gh)
+   class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: date !! Date of resulting model (in decimal year)
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: dte1 !! Date of earlier model
+   integer,intent(in) :: nmax1 !! Maximum degree and order of earlier model
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: gh1(*) !! Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of earlier model
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: dte2 !! Date of later model
+   integer,intent(in) :: nmax2 !! Maximum degree and order of later model
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: gh2(*) !! Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of later model
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: gh(*) !! Coefficients of resulting model
+   integer,intent(out) :: nmax !! Maximum degree and order of resulting model
+   real(wp) :: factor
+   integer :: i , k , l
+   factor = (date-dte1)/(dte2-dte1)
+   if ( nmax1==nmax2 ) then
+      k = nmax1*(nmax1+2)
+      nmax = nmax1
+   elseif ( nmax1>nmax2 ) then
+      k = nmax2*(nmax2+2)
+      l = nmax1*(nmax1+2)
+      do i = k + 1 , l
+         gh(i) = gh1(i) + factor*(-gh1(i))
+      enddo
+      nmax = nmax1
+   else
+      k = nmax1*(nmax1+2)
+      l = nmax2*(nmax2+2)
+      do i = k + 1 , l
+         gh(i) = factor*gh2(i)
+      enddo
+      nmax = nmax2
+   endif
+   do i = 1 , k
+      gh(i) = gh1(i) + factor*(gh2(i)-gh1(i))
+   enddo
+end subroutine intershc
+ +
+ +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/proc/shellg.html b/proc/shellg.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34131da --- /dev/null +++ b/proc/shellg.html @@ -0,0 +1,873 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + shellg – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +

shellg + Subroutine + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +

private subroutine shellg(me, glat, glon, alt, dimo, fl, icode, b0) +

+ + +

calculates l-value for specified geodaetic coordinates, altitude + and gemagnetic field model.



  • +
  • +


  • +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Type Bound



+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(shellig_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::glat +


+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::glon +


+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::alt +


+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::dimo +


+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::fl +


+ + integer, + intent(out) + + ::icode +
  • =1 normal completion
  • +
  • =2 unphysical conjugate point (fl meaningless)
  • +
  • =3 shell parameter greater than limit up to + which accurate calculation is required; + approximation is used.
  • +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::b0 +

magnetic field strength in gauss

+ +


+ + + + + +proc~~shellg~~CallsGraph + + + +proc~shellg + +shellig_module::shellig_type%shellg + + + +proc~stoer + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%stoer + + + + + +proc~shellg->proc~stoer + + + + + +shellc + +shellc + + + +proc~shellg->shellc + + + + + +feldi + +feldi + + + +proc~stoer->feldi + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +

Called by

+ + + + + +proc~~shellg~~CalledByGraph + + + +proc~shellg + +shellig_module::shellig_type%shellg + + + +proc~igrf + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%igrf + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~shellg + + + + + +proc~get_flux + + +core::get_flux + + + + + +proc~get_flux->proc~igrf + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +

Source Code

  subroutine shellg(me,glat,glon,alt,dimo,fl,icode,b0)
+   class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: glat !! GEODETIC LATITUDE IN DEGREES (NORTH)
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: glon !! GEODETIC LONGITUDE IN DEGREES (EAST)
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: alt  !! ALTITUDE IN KM ABOVE SEA LEVEL
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: dimo !! DIPOL MOMENT IN GAUSS (NORMALIZED TO EARTH RADIUS)
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: fl  !! l-value
+   integer,intent(out) :: icode  !! * =1 normal completion
+                                 !! * =2 unphysical conjugate point (fl meaningless)
+                                 !! * =3 shell parameter greater than limit up to
+                                 !!   which accurate calculation is required;
+                                 !!   approximation is used.
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: b0 !! magnetic field strength in gauss
+   real(wp) :: arg1 , arg2 , bequ , bq1 , bq2 , bq3 , c0 , c1 , c2 , c3 , &
+               ct , d , d0 , d1 , d2, dimob0 , e0 , e1 , e2 , ff , fi , gg , &
+               hli , oradik , oterm , p(8,100) , r , r1 , r2 , r3 , r3h , radik , &
+               rlat , rlon , rq , st , step12 , step2 , &
+               stp , t , term , v(3) , xx , z , zq , zz
+   integer :: i , iequ , n
+   real(wp),parameter :: rmin = 0.05_wp !! boundaries for identification of `icode=2 and 3`
+   real(wp),parameter :: rmax = 1.01_wp !! boundaries for identification of `icode=2 and 3`
+   bequ = 1.0e10_wp
+   rlat = Glat*Umr
+   ct = sin(rlat)
+   st = cos(rlat)
+   d = sqrt(Aquad-(Aquad-Bquad)*ct*ct)
+   me%Xi(1) = (Alt+Aquad/d)*st/Era
+   me%Xi(3) = (Alt+Bquad/d)*ct/Era
+   rlon = Glon*Umr
+   me%Xi(2) = me%Xi(1)*sin(rlon)
+   me%Xi(1) = me%Xi(1)*cos(rlon)
+   CALL spag_block_1()
+!*****ENTRY POINT SHELLC TO BE USED WITH CARTESIAN CO-ORDINATES   ! JW : does not appear to be used anywhere.
+   ENTRY shellc(me,V,Fl,B0)
+   me%Xi(1) = V(1)
+   me%Xi(2) = V(2)
+   me%Xi(3) = V(3)
+   CALL spag_block_1()
+   subroutine spag_block_1
+      integer,parameter :: max_loop_index = 100  ! 3333   <--- JW : original code had 3333 ... was this a bug ????
+      rq = 1.0_wp/(me%Xi(1)*me%Xi(1)+me%Xi(2)*me%Xi(2)+me%Xi(3)*me%Xi(3))
+      r3h = sqrt(rq*sqrt(rq))
+      p(1,2) = (me%Xi(1)*u(1,1)+me%Xi(2)*u(2,1)+me%Xi(3)*u(3,1))*r3h
+      p(2,2) = (me%Xi(1)*u(1,2)+me%Xi(2)*u(2,2))*r3h
+      p(3,2) = (me%Xi(1)*u(1,3)+me%Xi(2)*u(2,3)+me%Xi(3)*u(3,3))*rq
+      me%step = -sign(me%step,p(3,2))
+      call me%stoer(p(1,2),bq2,r2)
+      B0 = sqrt(bq2)
+      p(1,3) = p(1,2) + 0.5_wp*me%step*p(4,2)
+      p(2,3) = p(2,2) + 0.5_wp*me%step*p(5,2)
+      p(3,3) = p(3,2) + 0.5_wp*me%step
+      call me%stoer(p(1,3),bq3,r3)
+      p(1,1) = p(1,2) - me%step*(2.0_wp*p(4,2)-p(4,3))
+      p(2,1) = p(2,2) - me%step*(2.0_wp*p(5,2)-p(5,3))
+      p(3,1) = p(3,2) - me%step
+      call me%stoer(p(1,1),bq1,r1)
+      p(1,3) = p(1,2) + me%step*(20.0_wp*p(4,3)-3.*p(4,2)+p(4,1))/18.0_wp
+      p(2,3) = p(2,2) + me%step*(20.0_wp*p(5,3)-3.*p(5,2)+p(5,1))/18.0_wp
+      p(3,3) = p(3,2) + me%step
+      call me%stoer(p(1,3),bq3,r3)
+      IF ( bq3>bq1 ) THEN
+         me%step = -me%step
+         r3 = r1
+         bq3 = bq1
+         DO i = 1 , 7
+            zz = p(i,1)
+            p(i,1) = p(i,3)
+            p(i,3) = zz
+         ENDDO
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( bq1<bequ ) THEN
+         bequ = bq1
+         iequ = 1
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( bq2<bequ ) THEN
+         bequ = bq2
+         iequ = 2
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( bq3<bequ ) THEN
+         bequ = bq3
+         iequ = 3
+      ENDIF
+      step12 = me%step/12.0_wp
+      step2 = me%step + me%step
+      me%steq = sign(me%steq,me%step)
+      fi = 0.0_wp
+      Icode = 1
+      oradik = 0.0_wp
+      oterm = 0.0_wp
+      stp = r2*me%steq
+      z = p(3,2) + stp
+      stp = stp/0.75_wp
+      p(8,1) = step2*(p(1,1)*p(4,1)+p(2,1)*p(5,1))
+      p(8,2) = step2*(p(1,2)*p(4,2)+p(2,2)*p(5,2))
+      main: DO n = 3 , max_loop_index
+         p(1,n) = p(1,n-1) + step12*(5.0_wp*p(4,n)+8.0_wp*p(4,n-1)-p(4,n-2))
+         p(2,n) = p(2,n-1) + step12*(5.0_wp*p(5,n)+8.0_wp*p(5,n-1)-p(5,n-2))
+         p(8,n) = step2*(p(1,n)*p(4,n)+p(2,n)*p(5,n))
+         c0 = p(1,n-1)**2 + p(2,n-1)**2
+         c1 = p(8,n-1)
+         c2 = (p(8,n)-p(8,n-2))*0.25_wp
+         c3 = (p(8,n)+p(8,n-2)-c1-c1)/6.0_wp
+         d0 = p(6,n-1)
+         d1 = (p(6,n)-p(6,n-2))*0.5_wp
+         d2 = (p(6,n)+p(6,n-2)-d0-d0)*0.5_wp
+         e0 = p(7,n-1)
+         e1 = (p(7,n)-p(7,n-2))*0.5_wp
+         e2 = (p(7,n)+p(7,n-2)-e0-e0)*0.5_wp
+         inner: DO
+            !*****INNER LOOP (FOR QUADRATURE)
+            t = (z-p(3,n-1))/me%step
+            IF ( t>1.0_wp ) THEN
+               !*****PREDICTOR (FIELD LINE TRACING)
+               p(1,n+1) = p(1,n) + step12*(23.0_wp*p(4,n)-16.0_wp*p(4,n-1)+5.0_wp*p(4,n-2))
+               p(2,n+1) = p(2,n) + step12*(23.0_wp*p(5,n)-16.0_wp*p(5,n-1)+5.0_wp*p(5,n-2))
+               p(3,n+1) = p(3,n) + me%step
+               call me%stoer(p(1,n+1),bq3,r3)
+               IF ( bq3<bequ ) THEN
+                  iequ = n + 1
+                  bequ = bq3
+               ENDIF
+               EXIT inner
+            ELSE
+               hli = 0.5_wp*(((c3*t+c2)*t+c1)*t+c0)
+               zq = z*z
+               r = hli + sqrt(hli*hli+zq)
+               IF ( r<=rmin ) THEN
+                  !*****APPROXIMATION FOR HIGH VALUES OF L.
+                  Icode = 3
+                  t = -p(3,n-1)/me%step
+                  Fl = 1.0_wp/(abs(((c3*t+c2)*t+c1)*t+c0)+1.0e-15_wp)
+                  RETURN
+               ENDIF
+               rq = r*r
+               ff = sqrt(1.0_wp+3.0_wp*zq/rq)
+               radik = B0 - ((d2*t+d1)*t+d0)*r*rq*ff
+               IF ( r>rmax ) THEN
+                  Icode = 2
+                  radik = radik - 12.0_wp*(r-rmax)**2
+               ENDIF
+               IF ( radik+radik<=oradik ) EXIT main
+               term = sqrt(radik)*ff*((e2*t+e1)*t+e0)/(rq+zq)
+               fi = fi + stp*(oterm+term)
+               oradik = radik
+               oterm = term
+               stp = r*me%steq
+               z = z + stp
+            ENDIF
+         ENDDO inner
+      ENDDO main
+      IF ( iequ<2 ) iequ = 2
+      me%Sp(1) = p(1,iequ-1)
+      me%Sp(2) = p(2,iequ-1)
+      me%Sp(3) = p(3,iequ-1)
+      IF ( oradik>=1.0e-15_wp ) fi = fi + stp/0.75_wp*oterm*oradik/(oradik-radik)
+      !
+      !-- The minimal allowable value of FI was changed from 1E-15 to 1E-12,
+      !-- because 1E-38 is the minimal allowable arg. for ALOG in our envir.
+      !-- D. Bilitza, Nov 87.
+      !
+      fi = 0.5_wp*abs(fi)/sqrt(B0) + 1.0e-12_wp
+      !
+      !-- Correct dipole moment is used here. D. Bilitza, Nov 87.
+      !
+      dimob0 = Dimo/B0
+      arg1 = log(fi)
+      arg2 = log(dimob0)
+!       arg = FI*FI*FI/DIMOB0
+!       if(abs(arg)>88.0_wp) arg=88.0_wp
+      xx = 3*arg1 - arg2
+      IF ( xx>23.0_wp ) THEN
+         gg = xx - 3.0460681_wp
+      ELSEIF ( xx>11.7_wp ) THEN
+         gg = (((((2.8212095E-8_wp*xx-3.8049276E-6_wp)*xx+&
+                   2.170224E-4_wp)*xx-6.7310339E-3_wp)*xx+&
+                   1.2038224E-1_wp)*xx-1.8461796E-1_wp)*xx + 2.0007187_wp
+      ELSEIF ( xx>+3.0_wp ) THEN
+         gg = ((((((((6.3271665E-10_wp*xx-3.958306E-8_wp)*xx+&
+                      9.9766148E-07_wp)*xx-1.2531932E-5_wp)*xx+&
+                      7.9451313E-5_wp)*xx-3.2077032E-4_wp)*xx+&
+                      2.1680398E-3_wp)*xx+1.2817956E-2_wp)*xx+&
+                      4.3510529E-1_wp)*xx + 6.222355E-1_wp
+      ELSEIF ( xx>-3.0_wp ) THEN
+         gg = ((((((((2.6047023E-10_wp*xx+2.3028767E-9_wp)*xx-&
+                      2.1997983E-8_wp)*xx-5.3977642E-7_wp)*xx-&
+                      3.3408822E-6_wp)*xx+3.8379917E-5_wp)*xx+&
+                      1.1784234E-3_wp)*xx+1.4492441E-2_wp)*xx+&
+                      4.3352788E-1_wp)*xx + 6.228644E-1_wp
+      ELSEIF ( xx>-22.0_wp ) THEN
+         gg = ((((((((-8.1537735E-14_wp*xx+8.3232531E-13_wp)*xx+&
+                       1.0066362E-9_wp)*xx+8.1048663E-8_wp)*xx+&
+                       3.2916354E-6_wp)*xx+8.2711096E-5_wp)*xx+&
+                       1.3714667E-3_wp)*xx+1.5017245E-2_wp)*xx+&
+                       4.3432642E-1_wp)*xx + 6.2337691E-1_wp
+      ELSE
+         gg = 3.33338E-1_wp*xx + 3.0062102E-1_wp
+      ENDIF
+      Fl = exp(log((1.0_wp+exp(gg))*dimob0)/3.0_wp)
+      RETURN
+   END subroutine spag_block_1
+END subroutine shellg
+ +
+ +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/proc/stoer.html b/proc/stoer.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ba87df --- /dev/null +++ b/proc/stoer.html @@ -0,0 +1,622 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + stoer – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +

stoer + Subroutine + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +

private subroutine stoer(me, p, bq, r) +

+ + +

subroutine used for field line tracing in shellg +calls entry point feldi in geomagnetic field subroutine feldg

+ +

Type Bound



+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(shellig_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(inout), + dimension(7) + ::p + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::bq + +
+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::r + +
+ +


+ + + + + +proc~~stoer~~CallsGraph + + + +proc~stoer + +shellig_module::shellig_type%stoer + + + +feldi + +feldi + + + +proc~stoer->feldi + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +

Called by

+ + + + + +proc~~stoer~~CalledByGraph + + + +proc~stoer + +shellig_module::shellig_type%stoer + + + +proc~findb0 + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%findb0 + + + + + +proc~findb0->proc~stoer + + + + + +proc~shellg + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%shellg + + + + + +proc~shellg->proc~stoer + + + + + +proc~igrf + + +shellig_module::shellig_type%igrf + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~findb0 + + + + + +proc~igrf->proc~shellg + + + + + +proc~get_flux + + +core::get_flux + + + + + +proc~get_flux->proc~igrf + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +

Source Code

subroutine stoer(me,p,bq,r)
+   class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me
+   real(wp),dimension(7),intent(inout) :: p
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: bq
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: r
+   real(wp) :: dr , dsq , dx , dxm , dy , dym , dz , &
+               dzm , fli , q , rq , wr , xm , ym , zm
+   zm = P(3)
+   fli = P(1)*P(1) + P(2)*P(2) + 1.0e-15_wp
+   R = 0.5_wp*(fli+sqrt(fli*fli+(zm+zm)**2))
+   rq = R*R
+   wr = sqrt(R)
+   xm = P(1)*wr
+   ym = P(2)*wr
+   me%Xi(1) = xm*u(1,1) + ym*u(1,2) + zm*u(1,3)
+   me%Xi(2) = xm*u(2,1) + ym*u(2,2) + zm*u(2,3)
+   me%Xi(3) = xm*u(3,1) + zm*u(3,3)
+! Changed from CALL FELDI(XI,H); XI, H are in COMMON block; results
+! are the same; dkb Feb 1998.
+! JW : feb 2024 : xi, h now class variables.
+   CALL feldi(me)
+   q = me%H(1)/rq
+   dx = me%H(3) + me%H(3) + q*me%Xi(1)
+   dy = me%H(4) + me%H(4) + q*me%Xi(2)
+   dz = me%H(2) + me%H(2) + q*me%Xi(3)
+   dxm = u(1,1)*dx + u(2,1)*dy + u(3,1)*dz
+   dym = u(1,2)*dx + u(2,2)*dy
+   dzm = u(1,3)*dx + u(2,3)*dy + u(3,3)*dz
+   dr = (xm*dxm+ym*dym+zm*dzm)/R
+   P(4) = (wr*dxm-0.5_wp*P(1)*dr)/(R*dzm)
+   P(5) = (wr*dym-0.5_wp*P(2)*dr)/(R*dzm)
+   dsq = rq*(dxm*dxm+dym*dym+dzm*dzm)
+   Bq = dsq*rq*rq
+   P(6) = sqrt(dsq/(rq+3.0_wp*zm*zm))
+   P(7) = P(6)*(rq+zm*zm)/(rq*dzm)
+END subroutine stoer
+ +
+ +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/proc/trara1.html b/proc/trara1.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91e1f6e --- /dev/null +++ b/proc/trara1.html @@ -0,0 +1,709 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + trara1 – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +

trara1 + Subroutine + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +

private subroutine trara1(me, descr, map, fl, bb0, e, f, n) +

+ + +

trara1 finds particle fluxes for given energies, magnetic field +strength and l-value. function trara2 is used to interpolate in +b-l-space.

+ +

Type Bound



+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(trm_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::descr(8) +

header of specified trapped radition model

+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::map(*) +

map of trapped radition model +(descr and map are explained at the begin +of the main program model)

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::fl +


+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::bb0 +

=b/b0 magnetic field strength normalized +to field strength at magnetic equator

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(in) + + ::e(n) +

array of energies in mev

+ + real(kind=wp), + intent(out) + + ::f(n) +

decadic logarithm of integral fluxes in +particles/(cmcmsec)

+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::n +

number of energies

+ +


+ + + + + +proc~~trara1~~CallsGraph + + + +proc~trara1 + +trmfun_module::trm_type%trara1 + + + +proc~trara2 + + +trmfun_module::trm_type%trara2 + + + + + +proc~trara1->proc~trara2 + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +

Called by

+ + + + + +proc~~trara1~~CalledByGraph + + + +proc~trara1 + +trmfun_module::trm_type%trara1 + + + +proc~aep8 + + +trmfun_module::trm_type%aep8 + + + + + +proc~aep8->proc~trara1 + + + + + +proc~get_flux + + +core::get_flux + + + + + +proc~get_flux->proc~aep8 + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +

Source Code

   subroutine trara1(me,descr,map,fl,bb0,e,f,n)
+   class(trm_type),intent(inout) :: me
+   integer,intent(in) :: n !! number of energies
+   integer,intent(in) :: descr(8) !! header of specified trapped radition model
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: e(n) !! array of energies in mev
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: fl !! l-value
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: bb0 !! =b/b0  magnetic field strength normalized
+                                 !! to field strength at magnetic equator
+   integer,intent(in) :: map(*) !! map of trapped radition model
+                                !! (descr and map are explained at the begin
+                                !! of the main program model)
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: f(n) !! decadic logarithm of integral fluxes in
+                                !! particles/(cm*cm*sec)
+   real(wp) :: e0 , e1 , e2 , escale , f0 , fscale , xnl
+   real(wp) :: bb0_ !! local copy of `bb0`. in the original code
+                    !! this was modified by this routine.
+                    !! added this so `bb0` could be `intent(in)`
+   integer :: i0 , i1 , i2 , i3 , ie , l3 , nb , nl
+   logical :: s0 , s1 , s2
+   bb0_ = bb0
+   me%fistep = descr(7)/descr(2)
+   escale = descr(4)
+   fscale = descr(7)
+   xnl = min(15.6_wp,abs(fl))
+   nl = xnl*descr(5)
+   if ( bb0_<1.0_wp ) bb0_ = 1.0_wp
+   nb = (bb0_-1.0_wp)*descr(6)
+   ! i2 is the number of elements in the flux map for the first energy.
+   ! i3 is the index of the last element of the second energy map.
+   ! l3 is the length of the map for the third energy.
+   ! e1 is the energy of the first energy map (unscaled)
+   ! e2 is the energy of the second energy map (unscaled)
+   i1 = 0
+   i2 = map(1)
+   i3 = i2 + map(i2+1)
+   l3 = map(i3+1)
+   e1 = map(i1+2)/escale
+   e2 = map(i2+2)/escale
+   ! s0, s1, s2 are logical variables which indicate whether the flux for
+   ! a particular e, b, l point has already been found in a previous call
+   ! to function trara2. if not, s.. =.true.
+   s1 = .true.
+   s2 = .true.
+   ! energy loop
+   do ie = 1 , n
+      ! for each energy e(i) find the successive energies e0,e1,e2 in
+      ! model map, which obey  e0 < e1 < e(i) < e2 .
+      do while ( (e(ie)>e2) .and. (l3/=0) )
+         i0 = i1
+         i1 = i2
+         i2 = i3
+         i3 = i3 + l3
+         l3 = map(i3+1)
+         e0 = e1
+         e1 = e2
+         e2 = map(i2+2)/escale
+         s0 = s1
+         s1 = s2
+         s2 = .true.
+         f0 = me%f1
+         me%f1 = me%f2
+      enddo
+      ! call trara2 to interpolate the flux-maps for e1,e2 in l-b/b0-
+      ! space to find fluxes f1,f2 [if they have not already been
+      ! calculated for a previous e(i)].
+      if ( s1 ) me%f1 = me%trara2(map(i1+3),nl,nb)/fscale
+      if ( s2 ) me%f2 = me%trara2(map(i2+3),nl,nb)/fscale
+      s1 = .false.
+      s2 = .false.
+      ! finally, interpolate in energy.
+      f(ie) = me%f1 + (me%f2-me%f1)*(e(ie)-e1)/(e2-e1)
+      if ( me%f2<=0.0_wp ) then
+         if ( i1/=0 ) then
+            ! --------- special interpolation ---------------------------------
+            ! if the flux for the second energy cannot be found (i.e. f2=0.0),
+            ! and the zeroth energy map has been defined (i.e. i1 not equal 0),
+            ! then interpolate using the flux maps for the zeroth and first
+            ! energy and choose the minimum of this interpolations and the
+            ! interpolation that was done with f2=0.
+            if ( s0 ) f0 = me%trara2(map(i0+3),nl,nb)/fscale
+            s0 = .false.
+            f(ie) = min(f(ie),f0+(me%f1-f0)*(e(ie)-e0)/(e1-e0))
+         endif
+      endif
+      ! the logarithmic flux is always kept greater or equal zero.
+      f(ie) = max(f(ie),0.0_wp)
+   enddo
+end subroutine trara1
+ +
+ +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/proc/trara2.html b/proc/trara2.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2fd8c87 --- /dev/null +++ b/proc/trara2.html @@ -0,0 +1,655 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + trara2 – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +

trara2 + Function + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +

private function trara2(me, map, il, ib) +

+ + +

trara2 interpolates linearly in l-b/b0-map to obtain + the logarithm of integral flux at given l and b/b0.




see main program 'model' for explanation of map format + scaling factors.

+ +

Type Bound



+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TypeIntentOptional AttributesName
+ + class(trm_type), + intent(inout) + + ::me + +
+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::map(*) +

is sub-map (for specific energy) of +trapped radiation model map

+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::il +

scaled l-value

+ + integer, + intent(in) + + ::ib +

scaled b/b0-1

+ +

Return Value + + + real(kind=wp) + +


scaled logarithm of particle flux


Called by

+ + + + + +proc~~trara2~~CalledByGraph + + + +proc~trara2 + +trmfun_module::trm_type%trara2 + + + +proc~trara1 + + +trmfun_module::trm_type%trara1 + + + + + +proc~trara1->proc~trara2 + + + + + +proc~aep8 + + +trmfun_module::trm_type%aep8 + + + + + +proc~aep8->proc~trara1 + + + + + +proc~get_flux + + +core::get_flux + + + + + +proc~get_flux->proc~aep8 + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +

Source Code

function trara2(me,map,il,ib)
+   class(trm_type),intent(inout) :: me
+   integer,intent(in) :: map(*) !! is sub-map (for specific energy) of
+                                !! trapped radiation model map
+   integer,intent(in) :: il !! scaled l-value
+   integer,intent(in) :: ib !! scaled b/b0-1
+   real(wp) :: trara2 !! scaled logarithm of particle flux
+   real(wp) :: dfl , fincr1 , fincr2 , fistep , fkb , fkb1 , fkb2 , fkbj1 , fkbj2 , &
+               fkbm , fll1 , fll2 , flog , flog1 , flog2 , flogm , &
+               fnb , fnl , sl1 , sl2
+   integer :: i1 , i2 , itime , j1 , j2 , kt , l1 , l2
+   integer :: spag_nextblock_1
+   fistep = me%fistep
+   spag_nextblock_1 = 1
+   main: do
+      select case (spag_nextblock_1)
+      case (1)
+         fnl = il
+         fnb = ib
+         itime = 0
+         i2 = 0
+         do
+            ! find consecutive sub-sub-maps for scaled l-values ls1,ls2,
+            ! with il less or equal ls2.  l1,l2 are lengths of sub-sub-maps.
+            ! i1,i2 are indeces of first elements minus 1.
+            l2 = map(i2+1)
+            if ( map(i2+2)<=il ) then
+               i1 = i2
+               l1 = l2
+               i2 = i2 + l2
+               ! if sub-sub-maps are empty, i. e. length less 4, than trara2=0
+            elseif ( (l1<4) .and. (l2<4) ) then
+               trara2 = 0.0_wp
+               return
+            else
+               ! if flog2 less flog1, than ls2 first map and ls1 second map
+               if ( map(i2+3)<=map(i1+3) ) exit
+               spag_nextblock_1 = 3
+               cycle main
+            endif
+         enddo
+         spag_nextblock_1 = 2
+      case (2)
+         kt = i1
+         i1 = i2
+         i2 = kt
+         kt = l1
+         l1 = l2
+         l2 = kt
+         spag_nextblock_1 = 3
+      case (3)
+         ! determine interpolate in scaled l-value
+         fll1 = map(i1+2)
+         fll2 = map(i2+2)
+         dfl = (fnl-fll1)/(fll2-fll1)
+         flog1 = map(i1+3)
+         flog2 = map(i2+3)
+         fkb1 = 0.0_wp
+         fkb2 = 0.0_wp
+         if ( l1>=4 ) then
+            ! b/b0 loop
+            do j2 = 4 , l2
+               fincr2 = map(i2+j2)
+               if ( fkb2+fincr2>fnb ) goto 10
+               fkb2 = fkb2 + fincr2
+               flog2 = flog2 - fistep
+            enddo
+            itime = itime + 1
+            if ( itime==1 ) then
+               spag_nextblock_1 = 2
+               cycle main
+            endif
+            trara2 = 0.0_wp
+            return
+ 10         if ( itime/=1 ) then
+               if ( j2==4 ) then
+                  spag_nextblock_1 = 4
+                  cycle main
+               endif
+               sl2 = flog2/fkb2
+               do j1 = 4 , l1
+                  fincr1 = map(i1+j1)
+                  fkb1 = fkb1 + fincr1
+                  flog1 = flog1 - fistep
+                  fkbj1 = ((flog1/fistep)*fincr1+fkb1)/((fincr1/fistep)*sl2+1.0_wp)
+                  if ( fkbj1<=fkb1 ) goto 15
+               enddo
+               if ( fkbj1<=fkb2 ) then
+                  trara2 = 0.0_wp
+                  return
+               endif
+ 15            if ( fkbj1<=fkb2 ) then
+                  fkbm = fkbj1 + (fkb2-fkbj1)*dfl
+                  flogm = fkbm*sl2
+                  flog2 = flog2 - fistep
+                  fkb2 = fkb2 + fincr2
+                  sl1 = flog1/fkb1
+                  sl2 = flog2/fkb2
+                  spag_nextblock_1 = 5
+                  cycle main
+               else
+                  fkb1 = 0.0_wp
+               endif
+            endif
+            fkb2 = 0.0_wp
+         endif
+         j2 = 4
+         fincr2 = map(i2+j2)
+         flog2 = map(i2+3)
+         flog1 = map(i1+3)
+         spag_nextblock_1 = 4
+      case (4)
+         flogm = flog1 + (flog2-flog1)*dfl
+         fkbm = 0.0_wp
+         fkb2 = fkb2 + fincr2
+         flog2 = flog2 - fistep
+         sl2 = flog2/fkb2
+         if ( l1<4 ) then
+            fincr1 = 0.0_wp
+            sl1 = -900000.0_wp
+            spag_nextblock_1 = 6
+            cycle main
+         else
+            j1 = 4
+            fincr1 = map(i1+j1)
+            fkb1 = fkb1 + fincr1
+            flog1 = flog1 - fistep
+            sl1 = flog1/fkb1
+         endif
+         spag_nextblock_1 = 5
+      case (5)
+         do while ( sl1>=sl2 )
+            fkbj2 = ((flog2/fistep)*fincr2+fkb2)/((fincr2/fistep)*sl1+1.0_wp)
+            fkb = fkb1 + (fkbj2-fkb1)*dfl
+            flog = fkb*sl1
+            if ( fkb>=fnb ) then
+               spag_nextblock_1 = 7
+               cycle main
+            endif
+            fkbm = fkb
+            flogm = flog
+            if ( j1>=l1 ) then
+               trara2 = 0.0_wp
+               return
+            else
+               j1 = j1 + 1
+               fincr1 = map(i1+j1)
+               flog1 = flog1 - fistep
+               fkb1 = fkb1 + fincr1
+               sl1 = flog1/fkb1
+            endif
+         enddo
+         spag_nextblock_1 = 6
+      case (6)
+         fkbj1 = ((flog1/fistep)*fincr1+fkb1)/((fincr1/fistep)*sl2+1.0_wp)
+         fkb = fkbj1 + (fkb2-fkbj1)*dfl
+         flog = fkb*sl2
+         if ( fkb<fnb ) then
+            fkbm = fkb
+            flogm = flog
+            if ( j2>=l2 ) then
+               trara2 = 0.0_wp
+               return
+            else
+               j2 = j2 + 1
+               fincr2 = map(i2+j2)
+               flog2 = flog2 - fistep
+               fkb2 = fkb2 + fincr2
+               sl2 = flog2/fkb2
+               spag_nextblock_1 = 5
+               cycle main
+            endif
+         endif
+         spag_nextblock_1 = 7
+      case (7)
+         if ( fkb<fkbm+1.0e-10_wp ) then
+            trara2 = 0.0_wp
+         else
+            trara2 = flogm + (flog-flogm)*((fnb-fkbm)/(fkb-fkbm))
+            trara2 = max(trara2,0.0_wp)
+            return
+         endif
+         exit main
+      end select
+   enddo main
+end function trara2
+ +
+ +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


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Search Results

+ + +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sourcefile/core.f90.html b/sourcefile/core.f90.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..385572e --- /dev/null +++ b/sourcefile/core.f90.html @@ -0,0 +1,375 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + core.f90 – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +

core.f90 + Source File + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ +

This file depends on

+ + + + + +sourcefile~~core.f90~~EfferentGraph + + + +sourcefile~core.f90 + +core.f90 + + + +sourcefile~radbelt_kinds_module.f90 + + +radbelt_kinds_module.F90 + + + + + +sourcefile~core.f90->sourcefile~radbelt_kinds_module.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~shellig.f90 + + +shellig.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~core.f90->sourcefile~shellig.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~trmfun.f90 + + +trmfun.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~core.f90->sourcefile~trmfun.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~shellig.f90->sourcefile~radbelt_kinds_module.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~trmfun.f90->sourcefile~radbelt_kinds_module.f90 + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +

Source Code

+!  Main module.
+!### See also
+!   * https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/modelweb/geomagnetic/igrf/fortran_code/bilcal.for
+!   * https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/modelweb/radiation_belt/radbelt/fortran_code/radbelt.for
+module core
+   use radbelt_kinds_module
+   use trmfun_module
+   use shellig_module
+   implicit none
+   public :: get_flux
+   contains
+!  Main routine.
+   function get_flux(Lon,Lat,Height,Year,E,Imname) result(flux)
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: lon
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: lat
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: height
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: year
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: e
+      integer,intent(in) :: imname
+      real(wp) :: flux
+      real(wp) :: xl, bbx
+      type(trm_type) :: trm
+      type(shellig_type) :: igrf
+      call igrf%igrf(lon,lat,height,year,xl,bbx)
+      call trm%aep8(e,xl,bbx,imname,flux)
+   end function get_flux
+end module core
+ +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


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+ +
+ +

radbelt_kinds_module.F90 + Source File + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ +

Files dependent on this one

+ + + + + +sourcefile~~radbelt_kinds_module.f90~~AfferentGraph + + + +sourcefile~radbelt_kinds_module.f90 + +radbelt_kinds_module.F90 + + + +sourcefile~core.f90 + + +core.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~core.f90->sourcefile~radbelt_kinds_module.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~shellig.f90 + + +shellig.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~core.f90->sourcefile~shellig.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~trmfun.f90 + + +trmfun.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~core.f90->sourcefile~trmfun.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~shellig.f90->sourcefile~radbelt_kinds_module.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~trmfun.f90->sourcefile~radbelt_kinds_module.f90 + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +

Source Code

+!  Numeric kind definitions for radbelt.
+    module radbelt_kinds_module
+    use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
+    implicit none
+    private
+#ifdef REAL32
+    integer,parameter,public :: wp = real32   !! Real working precision [4 bytes]
+#elif REAL64
+    integer,parameter,public :: wp = real64   !! Real working precision [8 bytes]
+#elif REAL128
+    integer,parameter,public :: wp = real128  !! Real working precision [16 bytes]
+    integer,parameter,public :: wp = real64   !! Real working precision if not specified [8 bytes]
+#ifdef INT8
+    integer,parameter,public :: ip = int8     !! Integer working precision [1 byte]
+#elif INT16
+    integer,parameter,public :: ip = int16    !! Integer working precision [2 bytes]
+#elif INT32
+    integer,parameter,public :: ip = int32    !! Integer working precision [4 bytes]
+#elif INT64
+    integer,parameter,public :: ip = int64    !! Integer working precision [8 bytes]
+    integer,parameter,public :: ip = int32    !! Integer working precision if not specified [4 bytes]
+    end module radbelt_kinds_module
+ +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sourcefile/shellig.f90.html b/sourcefile/shellig.f90.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6efb95c --- /dev/null +++ b/sourcefile/shellig.f90.html @@ -0,0 +1,1316 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + shellig.f90 – radbelt + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +

shellig.f90 + Source File + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ +

This file depends on

+ + + + + +sourcefile~~shellig.f90~~EfferentGraph + + + +sourcefile~shellig.f90 + +shellig.f90 + + + +sourcefile~radbelt_kinds_module.f90 + + +radbelt_kinds_module.F90 + + + + + +sourcefile~shellig.f90->sourcefile~radbelt_kinds_module.f90 + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +

Files dependent on this one

+ + + + + +sourcefile~~shellig.f90~~AfferentGraph + + + +sourcefile~shellig.f90 + +shellig.f90 + + + +sourcefile~core.f90 + + +core.f90 + + + + + +sourcefile~core.f90->sourcefile~shellig.f90 + + + + + +
+ Help +
+ +

Source Code

+!  IGRF model
+!### History
+!  * SHELLIG.FOR, Version 2.0, January 1992
+!  * 11/01/91-DKB- SHELLG: lowest starting point for B0 search is 2
+!  * 1/27/92-DKB- Adopted to IGRF-91 coefficients model
+!  * 2/05/92-DKB- Reduce variable-names: INTER(P)SHC,EXTRA(P)SHC,INITI(ALI)ZE
+!  * 8/08/95-DKB- Updated to IGRF-45-95; new coeff. DGRF90, IGRF95, IGRF95S
+!  * 5/31/00-DKB- Updated to IGRF-45-00; new coeff.: IGRF00, IGRF00s
+!  * 3/24/05-DKB- Updated to IGRF-45-10; new coeff.: IGRF05, IGRF05s
+   module shellig_module
+      use radbelt_kinds_module
+      implicit none
+      private
+      integer,parameter :: filename_len = 14 !! length of the model data file names
+      ! parameters formerly in `gener` common block
+      real(wp),parameter :: Era = 6371.2_wp !! earth radius for normalization of cartesian coordinates (6371.2 km)
+      real(wp),parameter :: erequ = 6378.16_wp
+      real(wp),parameter :: erpol = 6356.775_wp
+      real(wp),parameter :: Aquad = erequ*erequ !! square of major half axis for
+                                                !! earth ellipsoid as recommended by international
+                                                !! astronomical union
+      real(wp),parameter :: Bquad = erpol*erpol !! square of minor half axis for
+                                                !! earth ellipsoid as recommended by international
+                                                !! astronomical union
+      real(wp),parameter :: Umr = atan(1.0_wp)*4.0_wp/180.0_wp !! atan(1.0)*4./180.   <degree>*umr=<radiant>
+      real(wp),dimension(3,3),parameter ::  u = reshape([ +0.3511737_wp , -0.9148385_wp , -0.1993679_wp , &
+                                                          +0.9335804_wp , +0.3583680_wp , +0.0000000_wp , &
+                                                          +0.0714471_wp , -0.1861260_wp , +0.9799247_wp], [3,3])
+       type,public :: shellig_type
+         private
+         ! formerly in the `fidb0` common block
+         real(wp),dimension(3) :: sp = 0.0_wp
+         ! formerly in blank common
+         real(wp),dimension(3) :: xi = 0.0_wp
+         real(wp),dimension(144) :: h = 0.0_wp !! Field model coefficients adjusted for [[shellg]]
+         ! formerly in `model` common block
+         integer :: iyea = 0 !! the int year corresponding to the file `name` that has been read
+         character(len=filename_len) :: name = '' !! file name
+         integer :: nmax = 0 !! maximum order of spherical harmonics
+         real(wp) :: Time = 0.0_wp !! year (decimal: 1973.5) for which magnetic field is to be calculated
+         real(wp),dimension(144) :: g = 0.0_wp  !! `g(m)` -- normalized field coefficients (see [[feldcof]]) m=nmax*(nmax+2)
+         ! formerly saved vars in shellg:
+         real(wp) :: step = 0.20_wp !! step size for field line tracing
+         real(wp) :: steq = 0.03_wp !! step size for integration
+         ! from feldcof, so we can cache the coefficients
+         real(wp),dimension(120) :: gh2 = 0.0_wp   ! JW : why is this 120 and g is 144 ???
+         contains
+         private
+         procedure,public :: igrf
+         procedure, public :: feldcof
+         procedure, public :: feldg
+         procedure, public :: shellg
+         procedure, public :: findb0
+         procedure :: stoer, getshc, intershc, extrashc
+      end type shellig_type
+   contains
+!  Wrapper for IGRF functions.
+   subroutine igrf(me,lon,lat,height,year,xl,bbx)
+      class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: lon !! geodetic longitude in degrees (east)
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: lat !! geodetic latitude in degrees (north)
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: height !! altitude in km above sea level
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: year !! decimal year for which geomagnetic field is to
+                                  !! be calculated (e.g.:1995.5 for day 185 of 1995)
+      real(wp),intent(out) :: xl !! l-value
+      real(wp),intent(out) :: bbx
+      real(wp) :: bab1 , babs , bdel , bdown , beast , &
+                  beq , bequ , bnorth , dimo , rr0
+      integer :: icode
+      logical :: val
+      real(wp),parameter :: stps = 0.05_wp
+      call me%feldcof(year,dimo)
+      call me%feldg(lat,lon,height,bnorth,beast,bdown,babs)
+      call me%shellg(lat,lon,height,dimo,xl,icode,bab1)
+      bequ = dimo/(xl*xl*xl)
+      if ( icode==1 ) then
+         bdel = 1.0e-3_wp
+         call me%findb0(stps,bdel,val,beq,rr0)
+         if ( val ) bequ = beq
+      endif
+      bbx = babs/bequ
+   end subroutine igrf
+    subroutine findb0(me,stps,bdel,value,bequ,rr0)
+      class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: stps
+      real(wp),intent(inout) :: bdel
+      real(wp),intent(out) :: bequ
+      logical,intent(out) :: value
+      real(wp),intent(out) :: rr0
+      real(wp) :: b , bdelta , bmin , bold , bq1 , &
+                  bq2 , bq3 , p(8,4) , r1 , r2 , r3 , &
+                  rold , step , step12 , zz
+      integer :: i , irun , j , n
+      step=stps
+      irun=0
+      main : do
+        irun=irun+1
+        if (irun>5) then
+            value=.false.
+            exit main
+        endif
+        !*********************first three points
+        p(1,2)=me%sp(1)
+        p(2,2)=me%sp(2)
+        p(3,2)=me%sp(3)
+        step=-sign(step,p(3,2))
+        call me%stoer(p(1,2),bq2,r2)
+        p(1,3)=p(1,2)+0.5_wp*step*p(4,2)
+        p(2,3)=p(2,2)+0.5_wp*step*p(5,2)
+        p(3,3)=p(3,2)+0.5_wp*step
+        call me%stoer(p(1,3),bq3,r3)
+        p(1,1)=p(1,2)-step*(2.0_wp*p(4,2)-p(4,3))
+        p(2,1)=p(2,2)-step*(2.0_wp*p(5,2)-p(5,3))
+        p(3,1)=p(3,2)-step
+        call me%stoer(p(1,1),bq1,r1)
+        p(1,3)=p(1,2)+step*(20.0_wp*p(4,3)-3.*p(4,2)+p(4,1))/18.0_wp
+        p(2,3)=p(2,2)+step*(20.0_wp*p(5,3)-3.*p(5,2)+p(5,1))/18.0_wp
+        p(3,3)=p(3,2)+step
+        call me%stoer(p(1,3),bq3,r3)
+        !******************invert sense if required
+        if (bq3>bq1) then
+            step=-step
+            r3=r1
+            bq3=bq1
+            do i=1,5
+                zz=p(i,1)
+                p(i,1)=p(i,3)
+                p(i,3)=zz
+            end do
+        end if
+        !******************initialization
+        step12=step/12.0_wp
+        value=.true.
+        bmin=1.0e4_wp
+        bold=1.0e4_wp
+        !******************corrector (field line tracing)
+        n=0
+        corrector : do
+            p(1,3)=p(1,2)+step12*(5.0_wp*p(4,3)+8.0_wp*p(4,2)-p(4,1))
+            n=n+1
+            p(2,3)=p(2,2)+step12*(5.0_wp*p(5,3)+8.0_wp*p(5,2)-p(5,1))
+            !******************predictor (field line tracing)
+            p(1,4)=p(1,3)+step12*(23.0_wp*p(4,3)-16.0_wp*p(4,2)+5.0_wp*p(4,1))
+            p(2,4)=p(2,3)+step12*(23.0_wp*p(5,3)-16.0_wp*p(5,2)+5.0_wp*p(5,1))
+            p(3,4)=p(3,3)+step
+            call me%stoer(p(1,4),bq3,r3)
+            do j=1,3
+                do i=1,8
+                    p(i,j)=p(i,j+1)
+                end do
+            end do
+            b=sqrt(bq3)
+            if (b<bmin) bmin=b
+            if (b>bold) exit corrector
+            bold=b
+            rold=1.0_wp/r3
+            me%sp(1)=p(1,4)
+            me%sp(2)=p(2,4)
+            me%sp(3)=p(3,4)
+        end do corrector
+        if (bold/=bmin) value=.false.
+        bdelta=(b-bold)/bold
+        if (bdelta<=bdel) exit main
+        step=step/10.0_wp
+    end do main
+    rr0=rold
+    bequ=bold
+    bdel=bdelta
+  end subroutine findb0
+!  calculates l-value for specified geodaetic coordinates, altitude
+!  and gemagnetic field model.
+!### Reference
+!    NO. 67, 1970.
+!### History
+  subroutine shellg(me,glat,glon,alt,dimo,fl,icode,b0)
+   class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: glat !! GEODETIC LATITUDE IN DEGREES (NORTH)
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: glon !! GEODETIC LONGITUDE IN DEGREES (EAST)
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: alt  !! ALTITUDE IN KM ABOVE SEA LEVEL
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: dimo !! DIPOL MOMENT IN GAUSS (NORMALIZED TO EARTH RADIUS)
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: fl  !! l-value
+   integer,intent(out) :: icode  !! * =1 normal completion
+                                 !! * =2 unphysical conjugate point (fl meaningless)
+                                 !! * =3 shell parameter greater than limit up to
+                                 !!   which accurate calculation is required;
+                                 !!   approximation is used.
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: b0 !! magnetic field strength in gauss
+   real(wp) :: arg1 , arg2 , bequ , bq1 , bq2 , bq3 , c0 , c1 , c2 , c3 , &
+               ct , d , d0 , d1 , d2, dimob0 , e0 , e1 , e2 , ff , fi , gg , &
+               hli , oradik , oterm , p(8,100) , r , r1 , r2 , r3 , r3h , radik , &
+               rlat , rlon , rq , st , step12 , step2 , &
+               stp , t , term , v(3) , xx , z , zq , zz
+   integer :: i , iequ , n
+   real(wp),parameter :: rmin = 0.05_wp !! boundaries for identification of `icode=2 and 3`
+   real(wp),parameter :: rmax = 1.01_wp !! boundaries for identification of `icode=2 and 3`
+   bequ = 1.0e10_wp
+   rlat = Glat*Umr
+   ct = sin(rlat)
+   st = cos(rlat)
+   d = sqrt(Aquad-(Aquad-Bquad)*ct*ct)
+   me%Xi(1) = (Alt+Aquad/d)*st/Era
+   me%Xi(3) = (Alt+Bquad/d)*ct/Era
+   rlon = Glon*Umr
+   me%Xi(2) = me%Xi(1)*sin(rlon)
+   me%Xi(1) = me%Xi(1)*cos(rlon)
+   CALL spag_block_1()
+!*****ENTRY POINT SHELLC TO BE USED WITH CARTESIAN CO-ORDINATES   ! JW : does not appear to be used anywhere.
+   ENTRY shellc(me,V,Fl,B0)
+   me%Xi(1) = V(1)
+   me%Xi(2) = V(2)
+   me%Xi(3) = V(3)
+   CALL spag_block_1()
+   subroutine spag_block_1
+      integer,parameter :: max_loop_index = 100  ! 3333   <--- JW : original code had 3333 ... was this a bug ????
+      rq = 1.0_wp/(me%Xi(1)*me%Xi(1)+me%Xi(2)*me%Xi(2)+me%Xi(3)*me%Xi(3))
+      r3h = sqrt(rq*sqrt(rq))
+      p(1,2) = (me%Xi(1)*u(1,1)+me%Xi(2)*u(2,1)+me%Xi(3)*u(3,1))*r3h
+      p(2,2) = (me%Xi(1)*u(1,2)+me%Xi(2)*u(2,2))*r3h
+      p(3,2) = (me%Xi(1)*u(1,3)+me%Xi(2)*u(2,3)+me%Xi(3)*u(3,3))*rq
+      me%step = -sign(me%step,p(3,2))
+      call me%stoer(p(1,2),bq2,r2)
+      B0 = sqrt(bq2)
+      p(1,3) = p(1,2) + 0.5_wp*me%step*p(4,2)
+      p(2,3) = p(2,2) + 0.5_wp*me%step*p(5,2)
+      p(3,3) = p(3,2) + 0.5_wp*me%step
+      call me%stoer(p(1,3),bq3,r3)
+      p(1,1) = p(1,2) - me%step*(2.0_wp*p(4,2)-p(4,3))
+      p(2,1) = p(2,2) - me%step*(2.0_wp*p(5,2)-p(5,3))
+      p(3,1) = p(3,2) - me%step
+      call me%stoer(p(1,1),bq1,r1)
+      p(1,3) = p(1,2) + me%step*(20.0_wp*p(4,3)-3.*p(4,2)+p(4,1))/18.0_wp
+      p(2,3) = p(2,2) + me%step*(20.0_wp*p(5,3)-3.*p(5,2)+p(5,1))/18.0_wp
+      p(3,3) = p(3,2) + me%step
+      call me%stoer(p(1,3),bq3,r3)
+      IF ( bq3>bq1 ) THEN
+         me%step = -me%step
+         r3 = r1
+         bq3 = bq1
+         DO i = 1 , 7
+            zz = p(i,1)
+            p(i,1) = p(i,3)
+            p(i,3) = zz
+         ENDDO
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( bq1<bequ ) THEN
+         bequ = bq1
+         iequ = 1
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( bq2<bequ ) THEN
+         bequ = bq2
+         iequ = 2
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( bq3<bequ ) THEN
+         bequ = bq3
+         iequ = 3
+      ENDIF
+      step12 = me%step/12.0_wp
+      step2 = me%step + me%step
+      me%steq = sign(me%steq,me%step)
+      fi = 0.0_wp
+      Icode = 1
+      oradik = 0.0_wp
+      oterm = 0.0_wp
+      stp = r2*me%steq
+      z = p(3,2) + stp
+      stp = stp/0.75_wp
+      p(8,1) = step2*(p(1,1)*p(4,1)+p(2,1)*p(5,1))
+      p(8,2) = step2*(p(1,2)*p(4,2)+p(2,2)*p(5,2))
+      main: DO n = 3 , max_loop_index
+         p(1,n) = p(1,n-1) + step12*(5.0_wp*p(4,n)+8.0_wp*p(4,n-1)-p(4,n-2))
+         p(2,n) = p(2,n-1) + step12*(5.0_wp*p(5,n)+8.0_wp*p(5,n-1)-p(5,n-2))
+         p(8,n) = step2*(p(1,n)*p(4,n)+p(2,n)*p(5,n))
+         c0 = p(1,n-1)**2 + p(2,n-1)**2
+         c1 = p(8,n-1)
+         c2 = (p(8,n)-p(8,n-2))*0.25_wp
+         c3 = (p(8,n)+p(8,n-2)-c1-c1)/6.0_wp
+         d0 = p(6,n-1)
+         d1 = (p(6,n)-p(6,n-2))*0.5_wp
+         d2 = (p(6,n)+p(6,n-2)-d0-d0)*0.5_wp
+         e0 = p(7,n-1)
+         e1 = (p(7,n)-p(7,n-2))*0.5_wp
+         e2 = (p(7,n)+p(7,n-2)-e0-e0)*0.5_wp
+         inner: DO
+            !*****INNER LOOP (FOR QUADRATURE)
+            t = (z-p(3,n-1))/me%step
+            IF ( t>1.0_wp ) THEN
+               !*****PREDICTOR (FIELD LINE TRACING)
+               p(1,n+1) = p(1,n) + step12*(23.0_wp*p(4,n)-16.0_wp*p(4,n-1)+5.0_wp*p(4,n-2))
+               p(2,n+1) = p(2,n) + step12*(23.0_wp*p(5,n)-16.0_wp*p(5,n-1)+5.0_wp*p(5,n-2))
+               p(3,n+1) = p(3,n) + me%step
+               call me%stoer(p(1,n+1),bq3,r3)
+               IF ( bq3<bequ ) THEN
+                  iequ = n + 1
+                  bequ = bq3
+               ENDIF
+               EXIT inner
+            ELSE
+               hli = 0.5_wp*(((c3*t+c2)*t+c1)*t+c0)
+               zq = z*z
+               r = hli + sqrt(hli*hli+zq)
+               IF ( r<=rmin ) THEN
+                  !*****APPROXIMATION FOR HIGH VALUES OF L.
+                  Icode = 3
+                  t = -p(3,n-1)/me%step
+                  Fl = 1.0_wp/(abs(((c3*t+c2)*t+c1)*t+c0)+1.0e-15_wp)
+                  RETURN
+               ENDIF
+               rq = r*r
+               ff = sqrt(1.0_wp+3.0_wp*zq/rq)
+               radik = B0 - ((d2*t+d1)*t+d0)*r*rq*ff
+               IF ( r>rmax ) THEN
+                  Icode = 2
+                  radik = radik - 12.0_wp*(r-rmax)**2
+               ENDIF
+               IF ( radik+radik<=oradik ) EXIT main
+               term = sqrt(radik)*ff*((e2*t+e1)*t+e0)/(rq+zq)
+               fi = fi + stp*(oterm+term)
+               oradik = radik
+               oterm = term
+               stp = r*me%steq
+               z = z + stp
+            ENDIF
+         ENDDO inner
+      ENDDO main
+      IF ( iequ<2 ) iequ = 2
+      me%Sp(1) = p(1,iequ-1)
+      me%Sp(2) = p(2,iequ-1)
+      me%Sp(3) = p(3,iequ-1)
+      IF ( oradik>=1.0e-15_wp ) fi = fi + stp/0.75_wp*oterm*oradik/(oradik-radik)
+      !
+      !-- The minimal allowable value of FI was changed from 1E-15 to 1E-12,
+      !-- because 1E-38 is the minimal allowable arg. for ALOG in our envir.
+      !-- D. Bilitza, Nov 87.
+      !
+      fi = 0.5_wp*abs(fi)/sqrt(B0) + 1.0e-12_wp
+      !
+      !-- Correct dipole moment is used here. D. Bilitza, Nov 87.
+      !
+      dimob0 = Dimo/B0
+      arg1 = log(fi)
+      arg2 = log(dimob0)
+!       arg = FI*FI*FI/DIMOB0
+!       if(abs(arg)>88.0_wp) arg=88.0_wp
+      xx = 3*arg1 - arg2
+      IF ( xx>23.0_wp ) THEN
+         gg = xx - 3.0460681_wp
+      ELSEIF ( xx>11.7_wp ) THEN
+         gg = (((((2.8212095E-8_wp*xx-3.8049276E-6_wp)*xx+&
+                   2.170224E-4_wp)*xx-6.7310339E-3_wp)*xx+&
+                   1.2038224E-1_wp)*xx-1.8461796E-1_wp)*xx + 2.0007187_wp
+      ELSEIF ( xx>+3.0_wp ) THEN
+         gg = ((((((((6.3271665E-10_wp*xx-3.958306E-8_wp)*xx+&
+                      9.9766148E-07_wp)*xx-1.2531932E-5_wp)*xx+&
+                      7.9451313E-5_wp)*xx-3.2077032E-4_wp)*xx+&
+                      2.1680398E-3_wp)*xx+1.2817956E-2_wp)*xx+&
+                      4.3510529E-1_wp)*xx + 6.222355E-1_wp
+      ELSEIF ( xx>-3.0_wp ) THEN
+         gg = ((((((((2.6047023E-10_wp*xx+2.3028767E-9_wp)*xx-&
+                      2.1997983E-8_wp)*xx-5.3977642E-7_wp)*xx-&
+                      3.3408822E-6_wp)*xx+3.8379917E-5_wp)*xx+&
+                      1.1784234E-3_wp)*xx+1.4492441E-2_wp)*xx+&
+                      4.3352788E-1_wp)*xx + 6.228644E-1_wp
+      ELSEIF ( xx>-22.0_wp ) THEN
+         gg = ((((((((-8.1537735E-14_wp*xx+8.3232531E-13_wp)*xx+&
+                       1.0066362E-9_wp)*xx+8.1048663E-8_wp)*xx+&
+                       3.2916354E-6_wp)*xx+8.2711096E-5_wp)*xx+&
+                       1.3714667E-3_wp)*xx+1.5017245E-2_wp)*xx+&
+                       4.3432642E-1_wp)*xx + 6.2337691E-1_wp
+      ELSE
+         gg = 3.33338E-1_wp*xx + 3.0062102E-1_wp
+      ENDIF
+      Fl = exp(log((1.0_wp+exp(gg))*dimob0)/3.0_wp)
+      RETURN
+   END subroutine spag_block_1
+END subroutine shellg
+!  subroutine used for field line tracing in [[shellg]]
+!  calls entry point [[feldi]] in geomagnetic field subroutine [[feldg]]
+subroutine stoer(me,p,bq,r)
+   class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me
+   real(wp),dimension(7),intent(inout) :: p
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: bq
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: r
+   real(wp) :: dr , dsq , dx , dxm , dy , dym , dz , &
+               dzm , fli , q , rq , wr , xm , ym , zm
+   zm = P(3)
+   fli = P(1)*P(1) + P(2)*P(2) + 1.0e-15_wp
+   R = 0.5_wp*(fli+sqrt(fli*fli+(zm+zm)**2))
+   rq = R*R
+   wr = sqrt(R)
+   xm = P(1)*wr
+   ym = P(2)*wr
+   me%Xi(1) = xm*u(1,1) + ym*u(1,2) + zm*u(1,3)
+   me%Xi(2) = xm*u(2,1) + ym*u(2,2) + zm*u(2,3)
+   me%Xi(3) = xm*u(3,1) + zm*u(3,3)
+! Changed from CALL FELDI(XI,H); XI, H are in COMMON block; results
+! are the same; dkb Feb 1998.
+! JW : feb 2024 : xi, h now class variables.
+   CALL feldi(me)
+   q = me%H(1)/rq
+   dx = me%H(3) + me%H(3) + q*me%Xi(1)
+   dy = me%H(4) + me%H(4) + q*me%Xi(2)
+   dz = me%H(2) + me%H(2) + q*me%Xi(3)
+   dxm = u(1,1)*dx + u(2,1)*dy + u(3,1)*dz
+   dym = u(1,2)*dx + u(2,2)*dy
+   dzm = u(1,3)*dx + u(2,3)*dy + u(3,3)*dz
+   dr = (xm*dxm+ym*dym+zm*dzm)/R
+   P(4) = (wr*dxm-0.5_wp*P(1)*dr)/(R*dzm)
+   P(5) = (wr*dym-0.5_wp*P(2)*dr)/(R*dzm)
+   dsq = rq*(dxm*dxm+dym*dym+dzm*dzm)
+   Bq = dsq*rq*rq
+   P(6) = sqrt(dsq/(rq+3.0_wp*zm*zm))
+   P(7) = P(6)*(rq+zm*zm)/(rq*dzm)
+END subroutine stoer
+!  Calculates earth magnetic field from spherical harmonics model
+!### Reference
+! ref: g. kluge, european space operations centre, internal note 61,
+!      1970.
+!### History
+!  * changes (d. bilitza, nov 87):
+!   - field coefficients in binary data files instead of block data
+!   - calculates dipol moment
+subroutine feldg(me,glat,glon,alt,bnorth,beast,bdown,babs)
+   class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: glat  !! geodetic latitude in degrees (north)
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: glon  !! geodetic longitude in degrees (east)
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: alt   !! altitude in km above sea level
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: bnorth, beast, bdown !! components of the field with respect
+                                                !! to the local geodetic coordinate system, with axis
+                                                !! pointing in the tangential plane to the north, east
+                                                !! and downward.
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: Babs !! magnetic field strength in gauss
+   real(wp) :: b(3) , brho , bxxx , &
+               byyy , bzzz , cp , ct , d , f , rho , &
+               rlat , rlon , rq , s , sp , st , t , v(3) , x , xxx , &
+               y , yyy , z , zzz
+   integer :: i , ih , ihmax , il , imax , is , k , last , m
+   !-- is records entry point
+   !
+   !*****entry point  feldg  to be used with geodetic co-ordinates
+         is=1
+         rlat=glat*umr
+         ct=sin(rlat)
+         st=cos(rlat)
+         d=sqrt(aquad-(aquad-bquad)*ct*ct)
+         rlon=glon*umr
+         cp=cos(rlon)
+         sp=sin(rlon)
+         zzz=(alt+bquad/d)*ct/era
+         rho=(alt+aquad/d)*st/era
+         xxx=rho*cp
+         yyy=rho*sp
+         goto 10
+   !*****entry point  feldc  to be used with cartesian co-ordinates
+   !        v(3)  cartesian coordinates in earth radii (6371.2 km)
+   !            x-axis pointing to equator at 0 longitude
+   !            y-axis pointing to equator at 90 long.
+   !            z-axis pointing to north pole
+         entry feldc(me,v,b)
+         is=2
+         xxx=v(1)
+         yyy=v(2)
+         zzz=v(3)
+   10    rq=1.0_wp/(xxx*xxx+yyy*yyy+zzz*zzz)
+         me%xi(1)=xxx*rq
+         me%xi(2)=yyy*rq
+         me%xi(3)=zzz*rq
+         goto 20
+   !*****entry point  feldi  used for l computation
+         entry feldi(me)
+         is=3
+   20    ihmax=me%nmax*me%nmax+1
+         last=ihmax+me%nmax+me%nmax
+         imax=me%nmax+me%nmax-1
+         do i=ihmax,last
+             me%h(i)=me%g(i)
+         end do
+         do k=1,3,2
+            i=imax
+            ih=ihmax
+            do
+               il=ih-i
+               f=2.0_wp/real(i-k+2, wp)
+               x=me%xi(1)*f
+               y=me%xi(2)*f
+               z=me%xi(3)*(f+f)
+               i=i-2
+               if ((i-1)>=0) then
+                  if ((i-1)>0) then
+                     do m=3,i,2
+                        me%h(il+m+1)=me%g(il+m+1)+z*me%h(ih+m+1)+x*(me%h(ih+m+3)-&
+                                     me%h(ih+m-1))-y*(me%h(ih+m+2)+me%h(ih+m-2))
+                        me%h(il+m)=me%g(il+m)+z*me%h(ih+m)+x*(me%h(ih+m+2)-&
+                                   me%h(ih+m-2))+y*(me%h(ih+m+3)+me%h(ih+m-1))
+                     end do
+                  end if
+                  me%h(il+2)=me%g(il+2)+z*me%h(ih+2)+x*me%h(ih+4)-y*(me%h(ih+3)+me%h(ih))
+                  me%h(il+1)=me%g(il+1)+z*me%h(ih+1)+y*me%h(ih+4)+x*(me%h(ih+3)-me%h(ih))
+               end if
+               me%h(il)=me%g(il)+z*me%h(ih)+2.0_wp*(x*me%h(ih+1)+y*me%h(ih+2))
+               ih=il
+               if (i<k) exit
+            end do
+         end do
+         if (is==3) return
+         s=0.5_wp*me%h(1)+2.0_wp*(me%h(2)*me%xi(3)+me%h(3)*me%xi(1)+me%h(4)*me%xi(2))
+         t=(rq+rq)*sqrt(rq)
+         bxxx=t*(me%h(3)-s*xxx)
+         byyy=t*(me%h(4)-s*yyy)
+         bzzz=t*(me%h(2)-s*zzz)
+         if (is==2) then
+            b(1)=bxxx
+            b(2)=byyy
+            b(3)=bzzz
+         else
+            babs=sqrt(bxxx*bxxx+byyy*byyy+bzzz*bzzz)
+            beast=byyy*cp-bxxx*sp
+            brho=byyy*sp+bxxx*cp
+            bnorth=bzzz*st-brho*ct
+            bdown=-bzzz*ct-brho*st
+         end if
+   end subroutine feldg
+!  Determines coefficients and dipol moment from IGRF models
+!### Author
+!    (301) 286-9536 NOV 1987.
+!### History
+!  * corrected for 2000 update - dkb- 5/31/2000
+!  * updated to IGRF-2000 version -dkb- 5/31/2000
+!  * updated to IGRF-2005 version -dkb- 3/24/2000
+   subroutine feldcof(me,year,dimo)
+   class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: year !! decimal year for which geomagnetic field is to
+                               !! be calculated (e.g.:1995.5 for day 185 of 1995)
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: dimo !! geomagnetic dipol moment in gauss (normalized
+                                !! to earth's radius) at the time (year)
+   real(wp) :: dte1 , dte2 , erad , gha(144) , sqrt2
+   integer :: i , ier , j , l , m , n , nmax1 , nmax2, iyea
+   character(len=filename_len) :: fil2
+   real(wp) :: x , f0 , f !! these were double precision in original
+                          !! code while everything else was single precision
+   ! changed to conform with IGRF 45-95, also FILMOD, DTEMOD arrays +1
+   character(len=filename_len),dimension(17),parameter :: filmod = [&
+         'dgrf1945.dat ' , 'dgrf1950.dat ' , 'dgrf1955.dat ' , 'dgrf1960.dat ' , &
+         'dgrf1965.dat ' , 'dgrf1970.dat ' , 'dgrf1975.dat ' , 'dgrf1980.dat ' , &
+         'dgrf1985.dat ' , 'dgrf1990.dat ' , 'dgrf1995.dat ' , 'dgrf2000.dat ' , &
+         'dgrf2005.dat ' , 'dgrf2010.dat ' , 'dgrf2015.dat ' , 'igrf2020.dat ' , &
+         'igrf2020s.dat']
+   real(wp),dimension(17),parameter :: dtemod = [1945.0_wp , 1950.0_wp , 1955.0_wp , &
+                                                 1960.0_wp , 1965.0_wp , 1970.0_wp , &
+                                                 1975.0_wp , 1980.0_wp , 1985.0_wp , &
+                                                 1990.0_wp , 1995.0_wp , 2000.0_wp , &
+                                                 2005.0_wp , 2010.0_wp , 2015.0_wp , &
+                                                 2020.0_wp , 2025.0_wp]
+   integer,parameter :: numye = size(dtemod)-1 ! number of 5-year priods represented by IGRF
+   integer,parameter :: is = 0 !! * is=0 for schmidt normalization
+                               !! * is=1 gauss normalization
+   logical :: read_file
+   !-- determine igrf-years for input-year
+   me%time = year
+   iyea = int(year/5.0_wp)*5
+   read_file = iyea /= me%iyea  ! if we have to read the file
+   me%iyea = iyea
+   l = (me%iyea-1945)/5 + 1
+   if ( l<1 ) l = 1
+   if ( l>numye ) l = numye
+   dte1 = dtemod(l)
+   me%name = filmod(l)
+   dte2 = dtemod(l+1)
+   fil2 = filmod(l+1)
+   if (read_file) then
+      ! get igrf coefficients for the boundary years
+      ! [if they have not ready been loaded]
+      call me%getshc(me%name,nmax1,erad,me%g,ier)
+      if ( ier/=0 ) error stop 'error reading file: '//trim(me%name)
+      call me%getshc(fil2,nmax2,erad,me%gh2,ier)
+      if ( ier/=0 ) error stop 'error reading file: '//trim(fil2)
+   end if
+   !-- determine igrf coefficients for year
+   if ( l<=numye-1 ) then
+      call me%intershc(year,dte1,nmax1,me%g,dte2,nmax2,me%gh2,me%nmax,gha)
+   else
+      call me%extrashc(year,dte1,nmax1,me%g,nmax2,me%gh2,me%nmax,gha)
+   endif
+   !-- determine magnetic dipol moment and coeffiecients g
+   f0 = 0.0_wp
+   do j = 1 , 3
+      f = gha(j)*1.0e-5_wp
+      f0 = f0 + f*f
+   enddo
+   dimo = sqrt(f0)
+   me%g(1) = 0.0_wp
+   i = 2
+   f0 = 1.0e-5_wp
+   if ( is==0 ) f0 = -f0
+   sqrt2 = sqrt(2.0_wp)
+   do n = 1 , me%nmax
+      x = n
+      f0 = f0*x*x/(4.0_wp*x-2.0_wp)
+      if ( is==0 ) f0 = f0*(2.0_wp*x-1.0_wp)/x
+      f = f0*0.5_wp
+      if ( is==0 ) f = f*sqrt2
+      me%g(i) = gha(i-1)*f0
+      i = i + 1
+      do m = 1 , n
+         f = f*(x+m)/(x-m+1.0_wp)
+         if ( is==0 ) f = f*sqrt((x-m+1.0_wp)/(x+m))
+         me%g(i) = gha(i-1)*f
+         me%g(i+1) = gha(i)*f
+         i = i + 2
+      enddo
+   enddo
+end subroutine feldcof
+!  Reads spherical harmonic coefficients from the specified
+!  file into an array.
+!### Author
+!  * Version 1.01, A. Zunde, USGS, MS 964,
+!    Box 25046 Federal Center, Denver, CO  80225
+subroutine getshc(me,Fspec,Nmax,Erad,Gh,Ier)
+   class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me
+   character(len=*),intent(in) :: Fspec !! File specification
+   integer,intent(out) :: Nmax !! Maximum degree and order of model
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: Erad !! Earth's radius associated with the spherical
+                                !! harmonic coefficients, in the same units as
+                                !! elevation
+   real(wp),dimension(*),intent(out) :: Gh !! Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical
+                                           !! harmonic coefficients
+   integer,intent(out) :: Ier !! Error number:
+                              !!
+                              !!  * 0, no error
+                              !!  * -2, records out of order
+                              !!  * FORTRAN run-time error number
+   integer :: iu !! logical unit number
+   real(wp) :: g , h
+   integer :: i , m , mm , n , nn
+   read_file : block
+      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Open coefficient file. Read past first header record.
+      !  Read degree and order of model and Earth's radius.
+      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+      OPEN (newunit=Iu,FILE=Fspec,STATUS='OLD',IOSTAT=Ier)
+      if (Ier/=0) then
+         write(*,*) 'Error opening file: '//trim(fspec)
+         exit read_file
+      end if
+      READ (Iu,*,IOSTAT=Ier)
+      if (Ier/=0) exit read_file
+      READ (Iu,*,IOSTAT=Ier) Nmax , Erad
+      if (Ier/=0) exit read_file
+      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  Read the coefficient file, arranged as follows:
+      !
+      !          N     M     G     H
+      !          ----------------------
+      !            /   1     0    GH(1)  -
+      !           /  1     1    GH(2) GH(3)
+      !          /  2     0    GH(4)  -
+      !         /  2     1    GH(5) GH(6)
+      !      NMAX*(NMAX+3)/2   /  2     2    GH(7) GH(8)
+      !         records    \  3     0    GH(9)  -
+      !         \      .     .     .     .
+      !          \  .     .     .     .
+      !      NMAX*(NMAX+2)     \  .     .     .     .
+      !      elements in GH      \  NMAX  NMAX   .     .
+      !
+      !  N and M are, respectively, the degree and order of the
+      !  coefficient.
+      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+      i = 0
+      main: DO nn = 1 , Nmax
+         DO mm = 0 , nn
+            READ (Iu,*,IOSTAT=Ier) n , m , g , h
+            if (Ier/=0) exit main
+            IF ( nn/=n .OR. mm/=m ) THEN
+               Ier = -2
+               EXIT main
+            ENDIF
+            i = i + 1
+            Gh(i) = g
+            IF ( m/=0 ) THEN
+               i = i + 1
+               Gh(i) = h
+            ENDIF
+         ENDDO
+      ENDDO main
+   end block read_file
+   CLOSE (Iu)
+END subroutine getshc
+!  Interpolates linearly, in time, between two spherical
+!  harmonic models.
+!  The coefficients (GH) of the resulting model, at date
+!  DATE, are computed by linearly interpolating between the
+!  coefficients of the earlier model (GH1), at date DTE1,
+!  and those of the later model (GH2), at date DTE2. If one
+!  model is smaller than the other, the interpolation is
+!  performed with the missing coefficients assumed to be 0.
+!### Author
+!  * Version 1.01, A. Zunde
+!    USGS, MS 964, Box 25046 Federal Center, Denver, CO  80225
+subroutine intershc(me,date,dte1,nmax1,gh1,dte2,nmax2,gh2,nmax,gh)
+   class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: date !! Date of resulting model (in decimal year)
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: dte1 !! Date of earlier model
+   integer,intent(in) :: nmax1 !! Maximum degree and order of earlier model
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: gh1(*) !! Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of earlier model
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: dte2 !! Date of later model
+   integer,intent(in) :: nmax2 !! Maximum degree and order of later model
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: gh2(*) !! Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of later model
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: gh(*) !! Coefficients of resulting model
+   integer,intent(out) :: nmax !! Maximum degree and order of resulting model
+   real(wp) :: factor
+   integer :: i , k , l
+   factor = (date-dte1)/(dte2-dte1)
+   if ( nmax1==nmax2 ) then
+      k = nmax1*(nmax1+2)
+      nmax = nmax1
+   elseif ( nmax1>nmax2 ) then
+      k = nmax2*(nmax2+2)
+      l = nmax1*(nmax1+2)
+      do i = k + 1 , l
+         gh(i) = gh1(i) + factor*(-gh1(i))
+      enddo
+      nmax = nmax1
+   else
+      k = nmax1*(nmax1+2)
+      l = nmax2*(nmax2+2)
+      do i = k + 1 , l
+         gh(i) = factor*gh2(i)
+      enddo
+      nmax = nmax2
+   endif
+   do i = 1 , k
+      gh(i) = gh1(i) + factor*(gh2(i)-gh1(i))
+   enddo
+end subroutine intershc
+!  Extrapolates linearly a spherical harmonic model with a
+!  rate-of-change model.
+!  The coefficients (GH) of the resulting model, at date
+!  DATE, are computed by linearly extrapolating the coef-
+!  ficients of the base model (GH1), at date DTE1, using
+!  those of the rate-of-change model (GH2), at date DTE2. If
+!  one model is smaller than the other, the extrapolation is
+!  performed with the missing coefficients assumed to be 0.
+!### Author
+!  * Version 1.01, A. Zunde
+!    USGS, MS 964, Box 25046 Federal Center, Denver, CO  80225
+subroutine extrashc(me,date,dte1,nmax1,gh1,nmax2,gh2,nmax,gh)
+   class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: date   !! Date of resulting model (in decimal year)
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: dte1   !! Date of base model
+   integer,intent(in)  :: nmax1  !! Maximum degree and order of base model
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: gh1(*) !! Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of base model
+   integer,intent(in)  :: nmax2  !! Maximum degree and order of rate-of-change model
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: gh2(*) !! Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of rate-of-change model
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: gh(*) !! Coefficients of resulting model
+   integer,intent(out) :: nmax   !! Maximum degree and order of resulting model
+   real(wp) :: factor
+   integer :: i , k , l
+   factor = (date-dte1)
+   if ( nmax1==nmax2 ) then
+      k = nmax1*(nmax1+2)
+      nmax = nmax1
+   elseif ( nmax1>nmax2 ) then
+      k = nmax2*(nmax2+2)
+      l = nmax1*(nmax1+2)
+      do i = k + 1 , l
+         gh(i) = gh1(i)
+      enddo
+      nmax = nmax1
+   else
+      k = nmax1*(nmax1+2)
+      l = nmax2*(nmax2+2)
+      do i = k + 1 , l
+         gh(i) = factor*gh2(i)
+      enddo
+      nmax = nmax2
+   endif
+   do i = 1 , k
+      gh(i) = gh1(i) + factor*gh2(i)
+   enddo
+end subroutine extrashc
+end module SHELLIG_module
+ +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


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Source Code

+!  Trapped radiation model.
+!### History
+!  * Based on: `trmfun.for` 1987
+module trmfun_module
+   use radbelt_kinds_module
+   implicit none
+   private
+   character(len=10),dimension(4),parameter :: mname = [ 'ae8min.asc' , &
+                                                         'ae8max.asc' , &
+                                                         'ap8min.asc' , &
+                                                         'ap8max.asc'] !! data files available
+   type,public :: trm_type
+      !! main class for the `aep8` model
+      private
+      ! data read from the files:
+      character(len=:),allocatable :: file_loaded !! the file that has been loaded
+      integer,dimension(8) :: ihead = 0
+      integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: map
+      real(wp) :: fistep = 0.0_wp !! the stepsize for the parameterization of the logarithm of flux.
+                                  !! formerly stored in common block `tra2`
+      ! formerly saved variables in trara1:
+      real(wp) :: f1 = 1.001_wp
+      real(wp) :: f2 = 1.002_wp
+      contains
+      private
+      procedure,public :: aep8 !! main routine
+      procedure,public :: trara1, trara2 !! low-level routine
+   end type trm_type
+   contains
+!  Main wrapper for the radiation model.
+!  Reads the coefficient file and calls the low-level routine.
+   subroutine aep8(me,e,l,bb0,imname,flux)
+      class(trm_type),intent(inout) :: me
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: e
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: l
+      real(wp),intent(in) :: bb0
+      integer,intent(in) :: imname !! which model to load (index in `mname` array)
+      real(wp),intent(out) :: flux
+      real(wp) :: ee(1), f(1) !! temp variables
+      integer :: i , ierr, iuaeap , nmap
+      character(len=len(mname)) :: name
+      logical :: load_file
+      name = mname(Imname) ! the file to load
+      ! check to see if this file has already been loaded
+      ! [the class can store one file at a time]
+      load_file = .true.
+      if (allocated(me%file_loaded)) then
+         if (name == me%file_loaded) load_file = .false.
+      end if
+      if (load_file) then
+         open (newunit = iuaeap,file=name,status='OLD',iostat=ierr,form='FORMATTED')
+         if ( ierr/=0 ) then
+            error stop 'error reading '//trim(name)
+         end if
+         read (iuaeap,'(1X,12I6)') me%ihead
+         nmap = me%ihead(8)
+         allocate(me%map(nmap))
+         read (iuaeap,'(1X,12I6)') (me%map(i),i=1,nmap)
+         close (iuaeap)
+         me%file_loaded = trim(name)
+      end if
+      ee(1) = e
+      call me%trara1(me%ihead,me%map,L,Bb0,ee,f,1)
+      flux = f(1)
+      IF ( Flux>0.0_wp ) Flux = 10.0_wp**Flux
+   end subroutine aep8
+!  [[trara1]] finds particle fluxes for given energies, magnetic field
+!  strength and l-value. function [[trara2]] is used to interpolate in
+!  b-l-space.
+   subroutine trara1(me,descr,map,fl,bb0,e,f,n)
+   class(trm_type),intent(inout) :: me
+   integer,intent(in) :: n !! number of energies
+   integer,intent(in) :: descr(8) !! header of specified trapped radition model
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: e(n) !! array of energies in mev
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: fl !! l-value
+   real(wp),intent(in) :: bb0 !! =b/b0  magnetic field strength normalized
+                                 !! to field strength at magnetic equator
+   integer,intent(in) :: map(*) !! map of trapped radition model
+                                !! (descr and map are explained at the begin
+                                !! of the main program model)
+   real(wp),intent(out) :: f(n) !! decadic logarithm of integral fluxes in
+                                !! particles/(cm*cm*sec)
+   real(wp) :: e0 , e1 , e2 , escale , f0 , fscale , xnl
+   real(wp) :: bb0_ !! local copy of `bb0`. in the original code
+                    !! this was modified by this routine.
+                    !! added this so `bb0` could be `intent(in)`
+   integer :: i0 , i1 , i2 , i3 , ie , l3 , nb , nl
+   logical :: s0 , s1 , s2
+   bb0_ = bb0
+   me%fistep = descr(7)/descr(2)
+   escale = descr(4)
+   fscale = descr(7)
+   xnl = min(15.6_wp,abs(fl))
+   nl = xnl*descr(5)
+   if ( bb0_<1.0_wp ) bb0_ = 1.0_wp
+   nb = (bb0_-1.0_wp)*descr(6)
+   ! i2 is the number of elements in the flux map for the first energy.
+   ! i3 is the index of the last element of the second energy map.
+   ! l3 is the length of the map for the third energy.
+   ! e1 is the energy of the first energy map (unscaled)
+   ! e2 is the energy of the second energy map (unscaled)
+   i1 = 0
+   i2 = map(1)
+   i3 = i2 + map(i2+1)
+   l3 = map(i3+1)
+   e1 = map(i1+2)/escale
+   e2 = map(i2+2)/escale
+   ! s0, s1, s2 are logical variables which indicate whether the flux for
+   ! a particular e, b, l point has already been found in a previous call
+   ! to function trara2. if not, s.. =.true.
+   s1 = .true.
+   s2 = .true.
+   ! energy loop
+   do ie = 1 , n
+      ! for each energy e(i) find the successive energies e0,e1,e2 in
+      ! model map, which obey  e0 < e1 < e(i) < e2 .
+      do while ( (e(ie)>e2) .and. (l3/=0) )
+         i0 = i1
+         i1 = i2
+         i2 = i3
+         i3 = i3 + l3
+         l3 = map(i3+1)
+         e0 = e1
+         e1 = e2
+         e2 = map(i2+2)/escale
+         s0 = s1
+         s1 = s2
+         s2 = .true.
+         f0 = me%f1
+         me%f1 = me%f2
+      enddo
+      ! call trara2 to interpolate the flux-maps for e1,e2 in l-b/b0-
+      ! space to find fluxes f1,f2 [if they have not already been
+      ! calculated for a previous e(i)].
+      if ( s1 ) me%f1 = me%trara2(map(i1+3),nl,nb)/fscale
+      if ( s2 ) me%f2 = me%trara2(map(i2+3),nl,nb)/fscale
+      s1 = .false.
+      s2 = .false.
+      ! finally, interpolate in energy.
+      f(ie) = me%f1 + (me%f2-me%f1)*(e(ie)-e1)/(e2-e1)
+      if ( me%f2<=0.0_wp ) then
+         if ( i1/=0 ) then
+            ! --------- special interpolation ---------------------------------
+            ! if the flux for the second energy cannot be found (i.e. f2=0.0),
+            ! and the zeroth energy map has been defined (i.e. i1 not equal 0),
+            ! then interpolate using the flux maps for the zeroth and first
+            ! energy and choose the minimum of this interpolations and the
+            ! interpolation that was done with f2=0.
+            if ( s0 ) f0 = me%trara2(map(i0+3),nl,nb)/fscale
+            s0 = .false.
+            f(ie) = min(f(ie),f0+(me%f1-f0)*(e(ie)-e0)/(e1-e0))
+         endif
+      endif
+      ! the logarithmic flux is always kept greater or equal zero.
+      f(ie) = max(f(ie),0.0_wp)
+   enddo
+end subroutine trara1
+!  [[trara2]] interpolates linearly in l-b/b0-map to obtain
+!  the logarithm of integral flux at given l and b/b0.
+!### Note
+!  see main program 'model' for explanation of map format
+!  scaling factors.
+function trara2(me,map,il,ib)
+   class(trm_type),intent(inout) :: me
+   integer,intent(in) :: map(*) !! is sub-map (for specific energy) of
+                                !! trapped radiation model map
+   integer,intent(in) :: il !! scaled l-value
+   integer,intent(in) :: ib !! scaled b/b0-1
+   real(wp) :: trara2 !! scaled logarithm of particle flux
+   real(wp) :: dfl , fincr1 , fincr2 , fistep , fkb , fkb1 , fkb2 , fkbj1 , fkbj2 , &
+               fkbm , fll1 , fll2 , flog , flog1 , flog2 , flogm , &
+               fnb , fnl , sl1 , sl2
+   integer :: i1 , i2 , itime , j1 , j2 , kt , l1 , l2
+   integer :: spag_nextblock_1
+   fistep = me%fistep
+   spag_nextblock_1 = 1
+   main: do
+      select case (spag_nextblock_1)
+      case (1)
+         fnl = il
+         fnb = ib
+         itime = 0
+         i2 = 0
+         do
+            ! find consecutive sub-sub-maps for scaled l-values ls1,ls2,
+            ! with il less or equal ls2.  l1,l2 are lengths of sub-sub-maps.
+            ! i1,i2 are indeces of first elements minus 1.
+            l2 = map(i2+1)
+            if ( map(i2+2)<=il ) then
+               i1 = i2
+               l1 = l2
+               i2 = i2 + l2
+               ! if sub-sub-maps are empty, i. e. length less 4, than trara2=0
+            elseif ( (l1<4) .and. (l2<4) ) then
+               trara2 = 0.0_wp
+               return
+            else
+               ! if flog2 less flog1, than ls2 first map and ls1 second map
+               if ( map(i2+3)<=map(i1+3) ) exit
+               spag_nextblock_1 = 3
+               cycle main
+            endif
+         enddo
+         spag_nextblock_1 = 2
+      case (2)
+         kt = i1
+         i1 = i2
+         i2 = kt
+         kt = l1
+         l1 = l2
+         l2 = kt
+         spag_nextblock_1 = 3
+      case (3)
+         ! determine interpolate in scaled l-value
+         fll1 = map(i1+2)
+         fll2 = map(i2+2)
+         dfl = (fnl-fll1)/(fll2-fll1)
+         flog1 = map(i1+3)
+         flog2 = map(i2+3)
+         fkb1 = 0.0_wp
+         fkb2 = 0.0_wp
+         if ( l1>=4 ) then
+            ! b/b0 loop
+            do j2 = 4 , l2
+               fincr2 = map(i2+j2)
+               if ( fkb2+fincr2>fnb ) goto 10
+               fkb2 = fkb2 + fincr2
+               flog2 = flog2 - fistep
+            enddo
+            itime = itime + 1
+            if ( itime==1 ) then
+               spag_nextblock_1 = 2
+               cycle main
+            endif
+            trara2 = 0.0_wp
+            return
+ 10         if ( itime/=1 ) then
+               if ( j2==4 ) then
+                  spag_nextblock_1 = 4
+                  cycle main
+               endif
+               sl2 = flog2/fkb2
+               do j1 = 4 , l1
+                  fincr1 = map(i1+j1)
+                  fkb1 = fkb1 + fincr1
+                  flog1 = flog1 - fistep
+                  fkbj1 = ((flog1/fistep)*fincr1+fkb1)/((fincr1/fistep)*sl2+1.0_wp)
+                  if ( fkbj1<=fkb1 ) goto 15
+               enddo
+               if ( fkbj1<=fkb2 ) then
+                  trara2 = 0.0_wp
+                  return
+               endif
+ 15            if ( fkbj1<=fkb2 ) then
+                  fkbm = fkbj1 + (fkb2-fkbj1)*dfl
+                  flogm = fkbm*sl2
+                  flog2 = flog2 - fistep
+                  fkb2 = fkb2 + fincr2
+                  sl1 = flog1/fkb1
+                  sl2 = flog2/fkb2
+                  spag_nextblock_1 = 5
+                  cycle main
+               else
+                  fkb1 = 0.0_wp
+               endif
+            endif
+            fkb2 = 0.0_wp
+         endif
+         j2 = 4
+         fincr2 = map(i2+j2)
+         flog2 = map(i2+3)
+         flog1 = map(i1+3)
+         spag_nextblock_1 = 4
+      case (4)
+         flogm = flog1 + (flog2-flog1)*dfl
+         fkbm = 0.0_wp
+         fkb2 = fkb2 + fincr2
+         flog2 = flog2 - fistep
+         sl2 = flog2/fkb2
+         if ( l1<4 ) then
+            fincr1 = 0.0_wp
+            sl1 = -900000.0_wp
+            spag_nextblock_1 = 6
+            cycle main
+         else
+            j1 = 4
+            fincr1 = map(i1+j1)
+            fkb1 = fkb1 + fincr1
+            flog1 = flog1 - fistep
+            sl1 = flog1/fkb1
+         endif
+         spag_nextblock_1 = 5
+      case (5)
+         do while ( sl1>=sl2 )
+            fkbj2 = ((flog2/fistep)*fincr2+fkb2)/((fincr2/fistep)*sl1+1.0_wp)
+            fkb = fkb1 + (fkbj2-fkb1)*dfl
+            flog = fkb*sl1
+            if ( fkb>=fnb ) then
+               spag_nextblock_1 = 7
+               cycle main
+            endif
+            fkbm = fkb
+            flogm = flog
+            if ( j1>=l1 ) then
+               trara2 = 0.0_wp
+               return
+            else
+               j1 = j1 + 1
+               fincr1 = map(i1+j1)
+               flog1 = flog1 - fistep
+               fkb1 = fkb1 + fincr1
+               sl1 = flog1/fkb1
+            endif
+         enddo
+         spag_nextblock_1 = 6
+      case (6)
+         fkbj1 = ((flog1/fistep)*fincr1+fkb1)/((fincr1/fistep)*sl2+1.0_wp)
+         fkb = fkbj1 + (fkb2-fkbj1)*dfl
+         flog = fkb*sl2
+         if ( fkb<fnb ) then
+            fkbm = fkb
+            flogm = flog
+            if ( j2>=l2 ) then
+               trara2 = 0.0_wp
+               return
+            else
+               j2 = j2 + 1
+               fincr2 = map(i2+j2)
+               flog2 = flog2 - fistep
+               fkb2 = fkb2 + fincr2
+               sl2 = flog2/fkb2
+               spag_nextblock_1 = 5
+               cycle main
+            endif
+         endif
+         spag_nextblock_1 = 7
+      case (7)
+         if ( fkb<fkbm+1.0e-10_wp ) then
+            trara2 = 0.0_wp
+         else
+            trara2 = flogm + (flog-flogm)*((fnb-fkbm)/(fkb-fkbm))
+            trara2 = max(trara2,0.0_wp)
+            return
+         endif
+         exit main
+      end select
+   enddo main
+end function trara2
+end module trmfun_module
+ +
+ +

radbelt was developed by Jacob Williams
© 2024 +


+ Documentation generated by + FORD +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/core.f90 b/src/core.f90 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e0d1a69 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core.f90 @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +!***************************************************************************************** +!> +! Main module. +! +!### See also +! * https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/modelweb/geomagnetic/igrf/fortran_code/bilcal.for +! * https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/modelweb/radiation_belt/radbelt/fortran_code/radbelt.for + +module core + + use radbelt_kinds_module + use trmfun_module + use shellig_module + + implicit none + + public :: get_flux + + contains + +!***************************************************************************************** +!> +! Main routine. + + function get_flux(Lon,Lat,Height,Year,E,Imname) result(flux) + + real(wp),intent(in) :: lon + real(wp),intent(in) :: lat + real(wp),intent(in) :: height + real(wp),intent(in) :: year + real(wp),intent(in) :: e + integer,intent(in) :: imname + real(wp) :: flux + + real(wp) :: xl, bbx + type(trm_type) :: trm + type(shellig_type) :: igrf + + call igrf%igrf(lon,lat,height,year,xl,bbx) + call trm%aep8(e,xl,bbx,imname,flux) + + end function get_flux +!***************************************************************************************** + +end module core diff --git a/src/radbelt_kinds_module.F90 b/src/radbelt_kinds_module.F90 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b814007 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/radbelt_kinds_module.F90 @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +!***************************************************************************************** +!> +! Numeric kind definitions for radbelt. + + module radbelt_kinds_module + + use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env + + implicit none + + private + +#ifdef REAL32 + integer,parameter,public :: wp = real32 !! Real working precision [4 bytes] +#elif REAL64 + integer,parameter,public :: wp = real64 !! Real working precision [8 bytes] +#elif REAL128 + integer,parameter,public :: wp = real128 !! Real working precision [16 bytes] +#else + integer,parameter,public :: wp = real64 !! Real working precision if not specified [8 bytes] +#endif + +#ifdef INT8 + integer,parameter,public :: ip = int8 !! Integer working precision [1 byte] +#elif INT16 + integer,parameter,public :: ip = int16 !! Integer working precision [2 bytes] +#elif INT32 + integer,parameter,public :: ip = int32 !! Integer working precision [4 bytes] +#elif INT64 + integer,parameter,public :: ip = int64 !! Integer working precision [8 bytes] +#else + integer,parameter,public :: ip = int32 !! Integer working precision if not specified [4 bytes] +#endif + +!***************************************************************************************** + end module radbelt_kinds_module +!***************************************************************************************** diff --git a/src/shellig.f90 b/src/shellig.f90 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4227bd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/shellig.f90 @@ -0,0 +1,941 @@ +!***************************************************************************************** +!> +! IGRF model +! +!### History +! * SHELLIG.FOR, Version 2.0, January 1992 +! * 11/01/91-DKB- SHELLG: lowest starting point for B0 search is 2 +! * 1/27/92-DKB- Adopted to IGRF-91 coefficients model +! * 2/05/92-DKB- Reduce variable-names: INTER(P)SHC,EXTRA(P)SHC,INITI(ALI)ZE +! * 8/08/95-DKB- Updated to IGRF-45-95; new coeff. DGRF90, IGRF95, IGRF95S +! * 5/31/00-DKB- Updated to IGRF-45-00; new coeff.: IGRF00, IGRF00s +! * 3/24/05-DKB- Updated to IGRF-45-10; new coeff.: IGRF05, IGRF05s + + module shellig_module + + use radbelt_kinds_module + + implicit none + + private + + integer,parameter :: filename_len = 14 !! length of the model data file names + + ! parameters formerly in `gener` common block + real(wp),parameter :: Era = 6371.2_wp !! earth radius for normalization of cartesian coordinates (6371.2 km) + real(wp),parameter :: erequ = 6378.16_wp + real(wp),parameter :: erpol = 6356.775_wp + real(wp),parameter :: Aquad = erequ*erequ !! square of major half axis for + !! earth ellipsoid as recommended by international + !! astronomical union + real(wp),parameter :: Bquad = erpol*erpol !! square of minor half axis for + !! earth ellipsoid as recommended by international + !! astronomical union + real(wp),parameter :: Umr = atan(1.0_wp)*4.0_wp/180.0_wp !! atan(1.0)*4./180. *umr= + + real(wp),dimension(3,3),parameter :: u = reshape([ +0.3511737_wp , -0.9148385_wp , -0.1993679_wp , & + +0.9335804_wp , +0.3583680_wp , +0.0000000_wp , & + +0.0714471_wp , -0.1861260_wp , +0.9799247_wp], [3,3]) + + type,public :: shellig_type + private + + ! formerly in the `fidb0` common block + real(wp),dimension(3) :: sp = 0.0_wp + + ! formerly in blank common + real(wp),dimension(3) :: xi = 0.0_wp + real(wp),dimension(144) :: h = 0.0_wp !! Field model coefficients adjusted for [[shellg]] + + ! formerly in `model` common block + integer :: iyea = 0 !! the int year corresponding to the file `name` that has been read + character(len=filename_len) :: name = '' !! file name + integer :: nmax = 0 !! maximum order of spherical harmonics + real(wp) :: Time = 0.0_wp !! year (decimal: 1973.5) for which magnetic field is to be calculated + real(wp),dimension(144) :: g = 0.0_wp !! `g(m)` -- normalized field coefficients (see [[feldcof]]) m=nmax*(nmax+2) + + ! formerly saved vars in shellg: + real(wp) :: step = 0.20_wp !! step size for field line tracing + real(wp) :: steq = 0.03_wp !! step size for integration + + ! from feldcof, so we can cache the coefficients + real(wp),dimension(120) :: gh2 = 0.0_wp ! JW : why is this 120 and g is 144 ??? + + contains + private + + procedure,public :: igrf + + procedure, public :: feldcof + procedure, public :: feldg + procedure, public :: shellg + procedure, public :: findb0 + procedure :: stoer, getshc, intershc, extrashc + + end type shellig_type + + contains +!***************************************************************************************** + +!***************************************************************************************** +!> +! Wrapper for IGRF functions. + + subroutine igrf(me,lon,lat,height,year,xl,bbx) + + class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me + real(wp),intent(in) :: lon !! geodetic longitude in degrees (east) + real(wp),intent(in) :: lat !! geodetic latitude in degrees (north) + real(wp),intent(in) :: height !! altitude in km above sea level + real(wp),intent(in) :: year !! decimal year for which geomagnetic field is to + !! be calculated (e.g.:1995.5 for day 185 of 1995) + real(wp),intent(out) :: xl !! l-value + real(wp),intent(out) :: bbx + + real(wp) :: bab1 , babs , bdel , bdown , beast , & + beq , bequ , bnorth , dimo , rr0 + integer :: icode + logical :: val + + real(wp),parameter :: stps = 0.05_wp + + call me%feldcof(year,dimo) + call me%feldg(lat,lon,height,bnorth,beast,bdown,babs) + call me%shellg(lat,lon,height,dimo,xl,icode,bab1) + + bequ = dimo/(xl*xl*xl) + if ( icode==1 ) then + bdel = 1.0e-3_wp + call me%findb0(stps,bdel,val,beq,rr0) + if ( val ) bequ = beq + endif + bbx = babs/bequ + + end subroutine igrf +!***************************************************************************************** + +!***************************************************************************************** +!> + subroutine findb0(me,stps,bdel,value,bequ,rr0) + + class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me + real(wp),intent(in) :: stps + real(wp),intent(inout) :: bdel + real(wp),intent(out) :: bequ + logical,intent(out) :: value + real(wp),intent(out) :: rr0 + + real(wp) :: b , bdelta , bmin , bold , bq1 , & + bq2 , bq3 , p(8,4) , r1 , r2 , r3 , & + rold , step , step12 , zz + integer :: i , irun , j , n + + step=stps + irun=0 + + main : do + irun=irun+1 + if (irun>5) then + value=.false. + exit main + endif + !*********************first three points + p(1,2)=me%sp(1) + p(2,2)=me%sp(2) + p(3,2)=me%sp(3) + step=-sign(step,p(3,2)) + call me%stoer(p(1,2),bq2,r2) + p(1,3)=p(1,2)+0.5_wp*step*p(4,2) + p(2,3)=p(2,2)+0.5_wp*step*p(5,2) + p(3,3)=p(3,2)+0.5_wp*step + call me%stoer(p(1,3),bq3,r3) + p(1,1)=p(1,2)-step*(2.0_wp*p(4,2)-p(4,3)) + p(2,1)=p(2,2)-step*(2.0_wp*p(5,2)-p(5,3)) + p(3,1)=p(3,2)-step + call me%stoer(p(1,1),bq1,r1) + p(1,3)=p(1,2)+step*(20.0_wp*p(4,3)-3.*p(4,2)+p(4,1))/18.0_wp + p(2,3)=p(2,2)+step*(20.0_wp*p(5,3)-3.*p(5,2)+p(5,1))/18.0_wp + p(3,3)=p(3,2)+step + call me%stoer(p(1,3),bq3,r3) + !******************invert sense if required + if (bq3>bq1) then + step=-step + r3=r1 + bq3=bq1 + do i=1,5 + zz=p(i,1) + p(i,1)=p(i,3) + p(i,3)=zz + end do + end if + !******************initialization + step12=step/12.0_wp + value=.true. + bmin=1.0e4_wp + bold=1.0e4_wp + !******************corrector (field line tracing) + n=0 + corrector : do + p(1,3)=p(1,2)+step12*(5.0_wp*p(4,3)+8.0_wp*p(4,2)-p(4,1)) + n=n+1 + p(2,3)=p(2,2)+step12*(5.0_wp*p(5,3)+8.0_wp*p(5,2)-p(5,1)) + !******************predictor (field line tracing) + p(1,4)=p(1,3)+step12*(23.0_wp*p(4,3)-16.0_wp*p(4,2)+5.0_wp*p(4,1)) + p(2,4)=p(2,3)+step12*(23.0_wp*p(5,3)-16.0_wp*p(5,2)+5.0_wp*p(5,1)) + p(3,4)=p(3,3)+step + call me%stoer(p(1,4),bq3,r3) + do j=1,3 + do i=1,8 + p(i,j)=p(i,j+1) + end do + end do + b=sqrt(bq3) + if (bbold) exit corrector + bold=b + rold=1.0_wp/r3 + me%sp(1)=p(1,4) + me%sp(2)=p(2,4) + me%sp(3)=p(3,4) + end do corrector + if (bold/=bmin) value=.false. + bdelta=(b-bold)/bold + if (bdelta<=bdel) exit main + step=step/10.0_wp + end do main + + rr0=rold + bequ=bold + bdel=bdelta + + end subroutine findb0 + +!***************************************************************************************** +!> +! calculates l-value for specified geodaetic coordinates, altitude +! and gemagnetic field model. +! +!### Reference +! * G. KLUGE, EUROPEAN SPACE OPERATIONS CENTER, INTERNAL NOTE +! NO. 67, 1970. +! * G. KLUGE, COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS 3, 31-35, 1972 +! +!### History +! * CHANGES (D. BILITZA, NOV 87): +! - USING CORRECT DIPOL MOMENT I.E.,DIFFERENT COMMON/MODEL/ +! - USING IGRF EARTH MAGNETIC FIELD MODELS FROM 1945 TO 1990 + + subroutine shellg(me,glat,glon,alt,dimo,fl,icode,b0) + + class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me + real(wp),intent(in) :: glat !! GEODETIC LATITUDE IN DEGREES (NORTH) + real(wp),intent(in) :: glon !! GEODETIC LONGITUDE IN DEGREES (EAST) + real(wp),intent(in) :: alt !! ALTITUDE IN KM ABOVE SEA LEVEL + real(wp),intent(in) :: dimo !! DIPOL MOMENT IN GAUSS (NORMALIZED TO EARTH RADIUS) + real(wp),intent(out) :: fl !! l-value + integer,intent(out) :: icode !! * =1 normal completion + !! * =2 unphysical conjugate point (fl meaningless) + !! * =3 shell parameter greater than limit up to + !! which accurate calculation is required; + !! approximation is used. + real(wp),intent(out) :: b0 !! magnetic field strength in gauss + + real(wp) :: arg1 , arg2 , bequ , bq1 , bq2 , bq3 , c0 , c1 , c2 , c3 , & + ct , d , d0 , d1 , d2, dimob0 , e0 , e1 , e2 , ff , fi , gg , & + hli , oradik , oterm , p(8,100) , r , r1 , r2 , r3 , r3h , radik , & + rlat , rlon , rq , st , step12 , step2 , & + stp , t , term , v(3) , xx , z , zq , zz + integer :: i , iequ , n + + real(wp),parameter :: rmin = 0.05_wp !! boundaries for identification of `icode=2 and 3` + real(wp),parameter :: rmax = 1.01_wp !! boundaries for identification of `icode=2 and 3` + + bequ = 1.0e10_wp + + !*****ENTRY POINT SHELLG TO BE USED WITH GEODETIC CO-ORDINATES + rlat = Glat*Umr + ct = sin(rlat) + st = cos(rlat) + d = sqrt(Aquad-(Aquad-Bquad)*ct*ct) + me%Xi(1) = (Alt+Aquad/d)*st/Era + me%Xi(3) = (Alt+Bquad/d)*ct/Era + rlon = Glon*Umr + me%Xi(2) = me%Xi(1)*sin(rlon) + me%Xi(1) = me%Xi(1)*cos(rlon) + CALL spag_block_1() + RETURN + +!*****ENTRY POINT SHELLC TO BE USED WITH CARTESIAN CO-ORDINATES ! JW : does not appear to be used anywhere. +! V(3) CARTESIAN COORDINATES IN EARTH RADII (6371.2 KM) +! X-AXIS POINTING TO EQUATOR AT 0 LONGITUDE +! Y-AXIS POINTING TO EQUATOR AT 90 LONG. +! Z-AXIS POINTING TO NORTH POLE + ENTRY shellc(me,V,Fl,B0) + me%Xi(1) = V(1) + me%Xi(2) = V(2) + me%Xi(3) = V(3) + CALL spag_block_1() + +CONTAINS + + subroutine spag_block_1 + + integer,parameter :: max_loop_index = 100 ! 3333 <--- JW : original code had 3333 ... was this a bug ???? + + !*****CONVERT TO DIPOL-ORIENTED CO-ORDINATES + rq = 1.0_wp/(me%Xi(1)*me%Xi(1)+me%Xi(2)*me%Xi(2)+me%Xi(3)*me%Xi(3)) + r3h = sqrt(rq*sqrt(rq)) + p(1,2) = (me%Xi(1)*u(1,1)+me%Xi(2)*u(2,1)+me%Xi(3)*u(3,1))*r3h + p(2,2) = (me%Xi(1)*u(1,2)+me%Xi(2)*u(2,2))*r3h + p(3,2) = (me%Xi(1)*u(1,3)+me%Xi(2)*u(2,3)+me%Xi(3)*u(3,3))*rq + ! *****FIRST THREE POINTS OF FIELD LINE + me%step = -sign(me%step,p(3,2)) + call me%stoer(p(1,2),bq2,r2) + B0 = sqrt(bq2) + p(1,3) = p(1,2) + 0.5_wp*me%step*p(4,2) + p(2,3) = p(2,2) + 0.5_wp*me%step*p(5,2) + p(3,3) = p(3,2) + 0.5_wp*me%step + call me%stoer(p(1,3),bq3,r3) + p(1,1) = p(1,2) - me%step*(2.0_wp*p(4,2)-p(4,3)) + p(2,1) = p(2,2) - me%step*(2.0_wp*p(5,2)-p(5,3)) + p(3,1) = p(3,2) - me%step + call me%stoer(p(1,1),bq1,r1) + p(1,3) = p(1,2) + me%step*(20.0_wp*p(4,3)-3.*p(4,2)+p(4,1))/18.0_wp + p(2,3) = p(2,2) + me%step*(20.0_wp*p(5,3)-3.*p(5,2)+p(5,1))/18.0_wp + p(3,3) = p(3,2) + me%step + call me%stoer(p(1,3),bq3,r3) + !*****INVERT SENSE IF REQUIRED + IF ( bq3>bq1 ) THEN + me%step = -me%step + r3 = r1 + bq3 = bq1 + DO i = 1 , 7 + zz = p(i,1) + p(i,1) = p(i,3) + p(i,3) = zz + ENDDO + ENDIF + !*****SEARCH FOR LOWEST MAGNETIC FIELD STRENGTH + IF ( bq11.0_wp ) THEN + !*****PREDICTOR (FIELD LINE TRACING) + p(1,n+1) = p(1,n) + step12*(23.0_wp*p(4,n)-16.0_wp*p(4,n-1)+5.0_wp*p(4,n-2)) + p(2,n+1) = p(2,n) + step12*(23.0_wp*p(5,n)-16.0_wp*p(5,n-1)+5.0_wp*p(5,n-2)) + p(3,n+1) = p(3,n) + me%step + call me%stoer(p(1,n+1),bq3,r3) + !*****SEARCH FOR LOWEST MAGNETIC FIELD STRENGTH + IF ( bq3rmax ) THEN + Icode = 2 + radik = radik - 12.0_wp*(r-rmax)**2 + ENDIF + IF ( radik+radik<=oradik ) EXIT main + term = sqrt(radik)*ff*((e2*t+e1)*t+e0)/(rq+zq) + fi = fi + stp*(oterm+term) + oradik = radik + oterm = term + stp = r*me%steq + z = z + stp + ENDIF + ENDDO inner + ENDDO main + IF ( iequ<2 ) iequ = 2 + me%Sp(1) = p(1,iequ-1) + me%Sp(2) = p(2,iequ-1) + me%Sp(3) = p(3,iequ-1) + IF ( oradik>=1.0e-15_wp ) fi = fi + stp/0.75_wp*oterm*oradik/(oradik-radik) + ! + !-- The minimal allowable value of FI was changed from 1E-15 to 1E-12, + !-- because 1E-38 is the minimal allowable arg. for ALOG in our envir. + !-- D. Bilitza, Nov 87. + ! + fi = 0.5_wp*abs(fi)/sqrt(B0) + 1.0e-12_wp + !*****COMPUTE L FROM B AND I. SAME AS CARMEL IN INVAR. + ! + !-- Correct dipole moment is used here. D. Bilitza, Nov 87. + ! + dimob0 = Dimo/B0 + arg1 = log(fi) + arg2 = log(dimob0) +! arg = FI*FI*FI/DIMOB0 +! if(abs(arg)>88.0_wp) arg=88.0_wp + xx = 3*arg1 - arg2 + IF ( xx>23.0_wp ) THEN + gg = xx - 3.0460681_wp + ELSEIF ( xx>11.7_wp ) THEN + gg = (((((2.8212095E-8_wp*xx-3.8049276E-6_wp)*xx+& + 2.170224E-4_wp)*xx-6.7310339E-3_wp)*xx+& + 1.2038224E-1_wp)*xx-1.8461796E-1_wp)*xx + 2.0007187_wp + ELSEIF ( xx>+3.0_wp ) THEN + gg = ((((((((6.3271665E-10_wp*xx-3.958306E-8_wp)*xx+& + 9.9766148E-07_wp)*xx-1.2531932E-5_wp)*xx+& + 7.9451313E-5_wp)*xx-3.2077032E-4_wp)*xx+& + 2.1680398E-3_wp)*xx+1.2817956E-2_wp)*xx+& + 4.3510529E-1_wp)*xx + 6.222355E-1_wp + ELSEIF ( xx>-3.0_wp ) THEN + gg = ((((((((2.6047023E-10_wp*xx+2.3028767E-9_wp)*xx-& + 2.1997983E-8_wp)*xx-5.3977642E-7_wp)*xx-& + 3.3408822E-6_wp)*xx+3.8379917E-5_wp)*xx+& + 1.1784234E-3_wp)*xx+1.4492441E-2_wp)*xx+& + 4.3352788E-1_wp)*xx + 6.228644E-1_wp + ELSEIF ( xx>-22.0_wp ) THEN + gg = ((((((((-8.1537735E-14_wp*xx+8.3232531E-13_wp)*xx+& + 1.0066362E-9_wp)*xx+8.1048663E-8_wp)*xx+& + 3.2916354E-6_wp)*xx+8.2711096E-5_wp)*xx+& + 1.3714667E-3_wp)*xx+1.5017245E-2_wp)*xx+& + 4.3432642E-1_wp)*xx + 6.2337691E-1_wp + ELSE + gg = 3.33338E-1_wp*xx + 3.0062102E-1_wp + ENDIF + Fl = exp(log((1.0_wp+exp(gg))*dimob0)/3.0_wp) + RETURN + END subroutine spag_block_1 + +END subroutine shellg + +!***************************************************************************************** +!> +! subroutine used for field line tracing in [[shellg]] +! calls entry point [[feldi]] in geomagnetic field subroutine [[feldg]] + +subroutine stoer(me,p,bq,r) + + class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me + real(wp),dimension(7),intent(inout) :: p + real(wp),intent(out) :: bq + real(wp),intent(out) :: r + + real(wp) :: dr , dsq , dx , dxm , dy , dym , dz , & + dzm , fli , q , rq , wr , xm , ym , zm + +!*****XM,YM,ZM ARE GEOMAGNETIC CARTESIAN INVERSE CO-ORDINATES + zm = P(3) + fli = P(1)*P(1) + P(2)*P(2) + 1.0e-15_wp + R = 0.5_wp*(fli+sqrt(fli*fli+(zm+zm)**2)) + rq = R*R + wr = sqrt(R) + xm = P(1)*wr + ym = P(2)*wr +!*****TRANSFORM TO GEOGRAPHIC CO-ORDINATE SYSTEM + me%Xi(1) = xm*u(1,1) + ym*u(1,2) + zm*u(1,3) + me%Xi(2) = xm*u(2,1) + ym*u(2,2) + zm*u(2,3) + me%Xi(3) = xm*u(3,1) + zm*u(3,3) +!*****COMPUTE DERIVATIVES +! Changed from CALL FELDI(XI,H); XI, H are in COMMON block; results +! are the same; dkb Feb 1998. +! JW : feb 2024 : xi, h now class variables. + CALL feldi(me) + q = me%H(1)/rq + dx = me%H(3) + me%H(3) + q*me%Xi(1) + dy = me%H(4) + me%H(4) + q*me%Xi(2) + dz = me%H(2) + me%H(2) + q*me%Xi(3) +!*****TRANSFORM BACK TO GEOMAGNETIC CO-ORDINATE SYSTEM + dxm = u(1,1)*dx + u(2,1)*dy + u(3,1)*dz + dym = u(1,2)*dx + u(2,2)*dy + dzm = u(1,3)*dx + u(2,3)*dy + u(3,3)*dz + dr = (xm*dxm+ym*dym+zm*dzm)/R +!*****FORM SLOWLY VARYING EXPRESSIONS + P(4) = (wr*dxm-0.5_wp*P(1)*dr)/(R*dzm) + P(5) = (wr*dym-0.5_wp*P(2)*dr)/(R*dzm) + dsq = rq*(dxm*dxm+dym*dym+dzm*dzm) + Bq = dsq*rq*rq + P(6) = sqrt(dsq/(rq+3.0_wp*zm*zm)) + P(7) = P(6)*(rq+zm*zm)/(rq*dzm) +END subroutine stoer + +!***************************************************************************************** +!> +! Calculates earth magnetic field from spherical harmonics model +! +!### Reference +! ref: g. kluge, european space operations centre, internal note 61, +! 1970. +! +!### History +! * changes (d. bilitza, nov 87): +! - field coefficients in binary data files instead of block data +! - calculates dipol moment + +subroutine feldg(me,glat,glon,alt,bnorth,beast,bdown,babs) + + class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me + real(wp),intent(in) :: glat !! geodetic latitude in degrees (north) + real(wp),intent(in) :: glon !! geodetic longitude in degrees (east) + real(wp),intent(in) :: alt !! altitude in km above sea level + real(wp),intent(out) :: bnorth, beast, bdown !! components of the field with respect + !! to the local geodetic coordinate system, with axis + !! pointing in the tangential plane to the north, east + !! and downward. + real(wp),intent(out) :: Babs !! magnetic field strength in gauss + + real(wp) :: b(3) , brho , bxxx , & + byyy , bzzz , cp , ct , d , f , rho , & + rlat , rlon , rq , s , sp , st , t , v(3) , x , xxx , & + y , yyy , z , zzz + integer :: i , ih , ihmax , il , imax , is , k , last , m + + !-- is records entry point + ! + !*****entry point feldg to be used with geodetic co-ordinates + is=1 + rlat=glat*umr + ct=sin(rlat) + st=cos(rlat) + d=sqrt(aquad-(aquad-bquad)*ct*ct) + rlon=glon*umr + cp=cos(rlon) + sp=sin(rlon) + zzz=(alt+bquad/d)*ct/era + rho=(alt+aquad/d)*st/era + xxx=rho*cp + yyy=rho*sp + goto 10 + + !*****entry point feldc to be used with cartesian co-ordinates + ! v(3) cartesian coordinates in earth radii (6371.2 km) + ! x-axis pointing to equator at 0 longitude + ! y-axis pointing to equator at 90 long. + ! z-axis pointing to north pole + entry feldc(me,v,b) + is=2 + xxx=v(1) + yyy=v(2) + zzz=v(3) + + 10 rq=1.0_wp/(xxx*xxx+yyy*yyy+zzz*zzz) + me%xi(1)=xxx*rq + me%xi(2)=yyy*rq + me%xi(3)=zzz*rq + goto 20 + + !*****entry point feldi used for l computation + entry feldi(me) + is=3 + 20 ihmax=me%nmax*me%nmax+1 + last=ihmax+me%nmax+me%nmax + imax=me%nmax+me%nmax-1 + do i=ihmax,last + me%h(i)=me%g(i) + end do + do k=1,3,2 + i=imax + ih=ihmax + do + il=ih-i + f=2.0_wp/real(i-k+2, wp) + x=me%xi(1)*f + y=me%xi(2)*f + z=me%xi(3)*(f+f) + i=i-2 + if ((i-1)>=0) then + if ((i-1)>0) then + do m=3,i,2 + me%h(il+m+1)=me%g(il+m+1)+z*me%h(ih+m+1)+x*(me%h(ih+m+3)-& + me%h(ih+m-1))-y*(me%h(ih+m+2)+me%h(ih+m-2)) + me%h(il+m)=me%g(il+m)+z*me%h(ih+m)+x*(me%h(ih+m+2)-& + me%h(ih+m-2))+y*(me%h(ih+m+3)+me%h(ih+m-1)) + end do + end if + me%h(il+2)=me%g(il+2)+z*me%h(ih+2)+x*me%h(ih+4)-y*(me%h(ih+3)+me%h(ih)) + me%h(il+1)=me%g(il+1)+z*me%h(ih+1)+y*me%h(ih+4)+x*(me%h(ih+3)-me%h(ih)) + end if + me%h(il)=me%g(il)+z*me%h(ih)+2.0_wp*(x*me%h(ih+1)+y*me%h(ih+2)) + ih=il + if (i +! Determines coefficients and dipol moment from IGRF models +! +!### Author +! * D. BILITZA, NSSDC, GSFC, CODE 633, GREENBELT, MD 20771, +! (301) 286-9536 NOV 1987. +! +!### History +! * corrected for 2000 update - dkb- 5/31/2000 +! * updated to IGRF-2000 version -dkb- 5/31/2000 +! * updated to IGRF-2005 version -dkb- 3/24/2000 + + subroutine feldcof(me,year,dimo) + + class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me + real(wp),intent(in) :: year !! decimal year for which geomagnetic field is to + !! be calculated (e.g.:1995.5 for day 185 of 1995) + real(wp),intent(out) :: dimo !! geomagnetic dipol moment in gauss (normalized + !! to earth's radius) at the time (year) + + real(wp) :: dte1 , dte2 , erad , gha(144) , sqrt2 + integer :: i , ier , j , l , m , n , nmax1 , nmax2, iyea + character(len=filename_len) :: fil2 + real(wp) :: x , f0 , f !! these were double precision in original + !! code while everything else was single precision + + ! changed to conform with IGRF 45-95, also FILMOD, DTEMOD arrays +1 + character(len=filename_len),dimension(17),parameter :: filmod = [& + 'dgrf1945.dat ' , 'dgrf1950.dat ' , 'dgrf1955.dat ' , 'dgrf1960.dat ' , & + 'dgrf1965.dat ' , 'dgrf1970.dat ' , 'dgrf1975.dat ' , 'dgrf1980.dat ' , & + 'dgrf1985.dat ' , 'dgrf1990.dat ' , 'dgrf1995.dat ' , 'dgrf2000.dat ' , & + 'dgrf2005.dat ' , 'dgrf2010.dat ' , 'dgrf2015.dat ' , 'igrf2020.dat ' , & + 'igrf2020s.dat'] + real(wp),dimension(17),parameter :: dtemod = [1945.0_wp , 1950.0_wp , 1955.0_wp , & + 1960.0_wp , 1965.0_wp , 1970.0_wp , & + 1975.0_wp , 1980.0_wp , 1985.0_wp , & + 1990.0_wp , 1995.0_wp , 2000.0_wp , & + 2005.0_wp , 2010.0_wp , 2015.0_wp , & + 2020.0_wp , 2025.0_wp] + integer,parameter :: numye = size(dtemod)-1 ! number of 5-year priods represented by IGRF + integer,parameter :: is = 0 !! * is=0 for schmidt normalization + !! * is=1 gauss normalization + + logical :: read_file + + !-- determine igrf-years for input-year + me%time = year + iyea = int(year/5.0_wp)*5 + read_file = iyea /= me%iyea ! if we have to read the file + me%iyea = iyea + l = (me%iyea-1945)/5 + 1 + if ( l<1 ) l = 1 + if ( l>numye ) l = numye + dte1 = dtemod(l) + me%name = filmod(l) + dte2 = dtemod(l+1) + fil2 = filmod(l+1) + if (read_file) then + ! get igrf coefficients for the boundary years + ! [if they have not ready been loaded] + call me%getshc(me%name,nmax1,erad,me%g,ier) + if ( ier/=0 ) error stop 'error reading file: '//trim(me%name) + call me%getshc(fil2,nmax2,erad,me%gh2,ier) + if ( ier/=0 ) error stop 'error reading file: '//trim(fil2) + end if + !-- determine igrf coefficients for year + if ( l<=numye-1 ) then + call me%intershc(year,dte1,nmax1,me%g,dte2,nmax2,me%gh2,me%nmax,gha) + else + call me%extrashc(year,dte1,nmax1,me%g,nmax2,me%gh2,me%nmax,gha) + endif + !-- determine magnetic dipol moment and coeffiecients g + f0 = 0.0_wp + do j = 1 , 3 + f = gha(j)*1.0e-5_wp + f0 = f0 + f*f + enddo + dimo = sqrt(f0) + + me%g(1) = 0.0_wp + i = 2 + f0 = 1.0e-5_wp + if ( is==0 ) f0 = -f0 + sqrt2 = sqrt(2.0_wp) + + do n = 1 , me%nmax + x = n + f0 = f0*x*x/(4.0_wp*x-2.0_wp) + if ( is==0 ) f0 = f0*(2.0_wp*x-1.0_wp)/x + f = f0*0.5_wp + if ( is==0 ) f = f*sqrt2 + me%g(i) = gha(i-1)*f0 + i = i + 1 + do m = 1 , n + f = f*(x+m)/(x-m+1.0_wp) + if ( is==0 ) f = f*sqrt((x-m+1.0_wp)/(x+m)) + me%g(i) = gha(i-1)*f + me%g(i+1) = gha(i)*f + i = i + 2 + enddo + enddo + +end subroutine feldcof + +!***************************************************************************************** +!> +! Reads spherical harmonic coefficients from the specified +! file into an array. +! +!### Author +! * Version 1.01, A. Zunde, USGS, MS 964, +! Box 25046 Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225 + +subroutine getshc(me,Fspec,Nmax,Erad,Gh,Ier) + + class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me + character(len=*),intent(in) :: Fspec !! File specification + integer,intent(out) :: Nmax !! Maximum degree and order of model + real(wp),intent(out) :: Erad !! Earth's radius associated with the spherical + !! harmonic coefficients, in the same units as + !! elevation + real(wp),dimension(*),intent(out) :: Gh !! Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical + !! harmonic coefficients + integer,intent(out) :: Ier !! Error number: + !! + !! * 0, no error + !! * -2, records out of order + !! * FORTRAN run-time error number + + integer :: iu !! logical unit number + real(wp) :: g , h + integer :: i , m , mm , n , nn + + read_file : block + ! --------------------------------------------------------------- + ! Open coefficient file. Read past first header record. + ! Read degree and order of model and Earth's radius. + ! --------------------------------------------------------------- + OPEN (newunit=Iu,FILE=Fspec,STATUS='OLD',IOSTAT=Ier) + if (Ier/=0) then + write(*,*) 'Error opening file: '//trim(fspec) + exit read_file + end if + READ (Iu,*,IOSTAT=Ier) + if (Ier/=0) exit read_file + READ (Iu,*,IOSTAT=Ier) Nmax , Erad + if (Ier/=0) exit read_file + + ! --------------------------------------------------------------- + ! Read the coefficient file, arranged as follows: + ! + ! N M G H + ! ---------------------- + ! / 1 0 GH(1) - + ! / 1 1 GH(2) GH(3) + ! / 2 0 GH(4) - + ! / 2 1 GH(5) GH(6) + ! NMAX*(NMAX+3)/2 / 2 2 GH(7) GH(8) + ! records \ 3 0 GH(9) - + ! \ . . . . + ! \ . . . . + ! NMAX*(NMAX+2) \ . . . . + ! elements in GH \ NMAX NMAX . . + ! + ! N and M are, respectively, the degree and order of the + ! coefficient. + ! --------------------------------------------------------------- + i = 0 + main: DO nn = 1 , Nmax + DO mm = 0 , nn + READ (Iu,*,IOSTAT=Ier) n , m , g , h + if (Ier/=0) exit main + IF ( nn/=n .OR. mm/=m ) THEN + Ier = -2 + EXIT main + ENDIF + i = i + 1 + Gh(i) = g + IF ( m/=0 ) THEN + i = i + 1 + Gh(i) = h + ENDIF + ENDDO + ENDDO main + + end block read_file + + CLOSE (Iu) + +END subroutine getshc + +!***************************************************************************************** +!> +! Interpolates linearly, in time, between two spherical +! harmonic models. +! +! The coefficients (GH) of the resulting model, at date +! DATE, are computed by linearly interpolating between the +! coefficients of the earlier model (GH1), at date DTE1, +! and those of the later model (GH2), at date DTE2. If one +! model is smaller than the other, the interpolation is +! performed with the missing coefficients assumed to be 0. +! +!### Author +! * Version 1.01, A. Zunde +! USGS, MS 964, Box 25046 Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225 + +subroutine intershc(me,date,dte1,nmax1,gh1,dte2,nmax2,gh2,nmax,gh) + + class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me + real(wp),intent(in) :: date !! Date of resulting model (in decimal year) + real(wp),intent(in) :: dte1 !! Date of earlier model + integer,intent(in) :: nmax1 !! Maximum degree and order of earlier model + real(wp),intent(in) :: gh1(*) !! Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of earlier model + real(wp),intent(in) :: dte2 !! Date of later model + integer,intent(in) :: nmax2 !! Maximum degree and order of later model + real(wp),intent(in) :: gh2(*) !! Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of later model + real(wp),intent(out) :: gh(*) !! Coefficients of resulting model + integer,intent(out) :: nmax !! Maximum degree and order of resulting model + + real(wp) :: factor + integer :: i , k , l + + factor = (date-dte1)/(dte2-dte1) + + if ( nmax1==nmax2 ) then + k = nmax1*(nmax1+2) + nmax = nmax1 + elseif ( nmax1>nmax2 ) then + k = nmax2*(nmax2+2) + l = nmax1*(nmax1+2) + do i = k + 1 , l + gh(i) = gh1(i) + factor*(-gh1(i)) + enddo + nmax = nmax1 + else + k = nmax1*(nmax1+2) + l = nmax2*(nmax2+2) + do i = k + 1 , l + gh(i) = factor*gh2(i) + enddo + nmax = nmax2 + endif + + do i = 1 , k + gh(i) = gh1(i) + factor*(gh2(i)-gh1(i)) + enddo + +end subroutine intershc + +!***************************************************************************************** +!> +! Extrapolates linearly a spherical harmonic model with a +! rate-of-change model. +! +! The coefficients (GH) of the resulting model, at date +! DATE, are computed by linearly extrapolating the coef- +! ficients of the base model (GH1), at date DTE1, using +! those of the rate-of-change model (GH2), at date DTE2. If +! one model is smaller than the other, the extrapolation is +! performed with the missing coefficients assumed to be 0. +! +!### Author +! * Version 1.01, A. Zunde +! USGS, MS 964, Box 25046 Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225 + +subroutine extrashc(me,date,dte1,nmax1,gh1,nmax2,gh2,nmax,gh) + + class(shellig_type),intent(inout) :: me + real(wp),intent(in) :: date !! Date of resulting model (in decimal year) + real(wp),intent(in) :: dte1 !! Date of base model + integer,intent(in) :: nmax1 !! Maximum degree and order of base model + real(wp),intent(in) :: gh1(*) !! Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of base model + integer,intent(in) :: nmax2 !! Maximum degree and order of rate-of-change model + real(wp),intent(in) :: gh2(*) !! Schmidt quasi-normal internal spherical harmonic coefficients of rate-of-change model + real(wp),intent(out) :: gh(*) !! Coefficients of resulting model + integer,intent(out) :: nmax !! Maximum degree and order of resulting model + + real(wp) :: factor + integer :: i , k , l + + factor = (date-dte1) + + if ( nmax1==nmax2 ) then + k = nmax1*(nmax1+2) + nmax = nmax1 + elseif ( nmax1>nmax2 ) then + k = nmax2*(nmax2+2) + l = nmax1*(nmax1+2) + do i = k + 1 , l + gh(i) = gh1(i) + enddo + nmax = nmax1 + else + k = nmax1*(nmax1+2) + l = nmax2*(nmax2+2) + do i = k + 1 , l + gh(i) = factor*gh2(i) + enddo + nmax = nmax2 + endif + + do i = 1 , k + gh(i) = gh1(i) + factor*gh2(i) + enddo + +end subroutine extrashc + +end module SHELLIG_module \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/trmfun.f90 b/src/trmfun.f90 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..baab593 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/trmfun.f90 @@ -0,0 +1,417 @@ +!***************************************************************************************** +!> +! Trapped radiation model. +! +!### History +! * Based on: `trmfun.for` 1987 + +module trmfun_module + + use radbelt_kinds_module + + implicit none + + private + + character(len=10),dimension(4),parameter :: mname = [ 'ae8min.asc' , & + 'ae8max.asc' , & + 'ap8min.asc' , & + 'ap8max.asc'] !! data files available + + type,public :: trm_type + !! main class for the `aep8` model + private + + ! data read from the files: + character(len=:),allocatable :: file_loaded !! the file that has been loaded + integer,dimension(8) :: ihead = 0 + integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: map + + real(wp) :: fistep = 0.0_wp !! the stepsize for the parameterization of the logarithm of flux. + !! formerly stored in common block `tra2` + + ! formerly saved variables in trara1: + real(wp) :: f1 = 1.001_wp + real(wp) :: f2 = 1.002_wp + + contains + private + procedure,public :: aep8 !! main routine + procedure,public :: trara1, trara2 !! low-level routine + end type trm_type + + contains + +!***************************************************************************************** +!> +! Main wrapper for the radiation model. +! Reads the coefficient file and calls the low-level routine. + + subroutine aep8(me,e,l,bb0,imname,flux) + + class(trm_type),intent(inout) :: me + + real(wp),intent(in) :: e + real(wp),intent(in) :: l + real(wp),intent(in) :: bb0 + integer,intent(in) :: imname !! which model to load (index in `mname` array) + real(wp),intent(out) :: flux + + real(wp) :: ee(1), f(1) !! temp variables + integer :: i , ierr, iuaeap , nmap + character(len=len(mname)) :: name + logical :: load_file + + name = mname(Imname) ! the file to load + + ! check to see if this file has already been loaded + ! [the class can store one file at a time] + load_file = .true. + if (allocated(me%file_loaded)) then + if (name == me%file_loaded) load_file = .false. + end if + + if (load_file) then + open (newunit = iuaeap,file=name,status='OLD',iostat=ierr,form='FORMATTED') + if ( ierr/=0 ) then + error stop 'error reading '//trim(name) + end if + read (iuaeap,'(1X,12I6)') me%ihead + nmap = me%ihead(8) + allocate(me%map(nmap)) + read (iuaeap,'(1X,12I6)') (me%map(i),i=1,nmap) + close (iuaeap) + me%file_loaded = trim(name) + end if + + ee(1) = e + call me%trara1(me%ihead,me%map,L,Bb0,ee,f,1) + flux = f(1) + IF ( Flux>0.0_wp ) Flux = 10.0_wp**Flux + + end subroutine aep8 +!***************************************************************************************** + +!***************************************************************************************** +!> +! [[trara1]] finds particle fluxes for given energies, magnetic field +! strength and l-value. function [[trara2]] is used to interpolate in +! b-l-space. + + subroutine trara1(me,descr,map,fl,bb0,e,f,n) + + class(trm_type),intent(inout) :: me + integer,intent(in) :: n !! number of energies + integer,intent(in) :: descr(8) !! header of specified trapped radition model + real(wp),intent(in) :: e(n) !! array of energies in mev + real(wp),intent(in) :: fl !! l-value + real(wp),intent(in) :: bb0 !! =b/b0 magnetic field strength normalized + !! to field strength at magnetic equator + integer,intent(in) :: map(*) !! map of trapped radition model + !! (descr and map are explained at the begin + !! of the main program model) + real(wp),intent(out) :: f(n) !! decadic logarithm of integral fluxes in + !! particles/(cm*cm*sec) + + real(wp) :: e0 , e1 , e2 , escale , f0 , fscale , xnl + real(wp) :: bb0_ !! local copy of `bb0`. in the original code + !! this was modified by this routine. + !! added this so `bb0` could be `intent(in)` + integer :: i0 , i1 , i2 , i3 , ie , l3 , nb , nl + logical :: s0 , s1 , s2 + + bb0_ = bb0 + me%fistep = descr(7)/descr(2) + escale = descr(4) + fscale = descr(7) + xnl = min(15.6_wp,abs(fl)) + nl = xnl*descr(5) + if ( bb0_<1.0_wp ) bb0_ = 1.0_wp + nb = (bb0_-1.0_wp)*descr(6) + + ! i2 is the number of elements in the flux map for the first energy. + ! i3 is the index of the last element of the second energy map. + ! l3 is the length of the map for the third energy. + ! e1 is the energy of the first energy map (unscaled) + ! e2 is the energy of the second energy map (unscaled) + i1 = 0 + i2 = map(1) + i3 = i2 + map(i2+1) + l3 = map(i3+1) + e1 = map(i1+2)/escale + e2 = map(i2+2)/escale + + ! s0, s1, s2 are logical variables which indicate whether the flux for + ! a particular e, b, l point has already been found in a previous call + ! to function trara2. if not, s.. =.true. + s1 = .true. + s2 = .true. + + ! energy loop + + do ie = 1 , n + + ! for each energy e(i) find the successive energies e0,e1,e2 in + ! model map, which obey e0 < e1 < e(i) < e2 . + + do while ( (e(ie)>e2) .and. (l3/=0) ) + i0 = i1 + i1 = i2 + i2 = i3 + i3 = i3 + l3 + l3 = map(i3+1) + e0 = e1 + e1 = e2 + e2 = map(i2+2)/escale + s0 = s1 + s1 = s2 + s2 = .true. + f0 = me%f1 + me%f1 = me%f2 + enddo + + ! call trara2 to interpolate the flux-maps for e1,e2 in l-b/b0- + ! space to find fluxes f1,f2 [if they have not already been + ! calculated for a previous e(i)]. + + if ( s1 ) me%f1 = me%trara2(map(i1+3),nl,nb)/fscale + if ( s2 ) me%f2 = me%trara2(map(i2+3),nl,nb)/fscale + s1 = .false. + s2 = .false. + + ! finally, interpolate in energy. + + f(ie) = me%f1 + (me%f2-me%f1)*(e(ie)-e1)/(e2-e1) + if ( me%f2<=0.0_wp ) then + if ( i1/=0 ) then + ! --------- special interpolation --------------------------------- + ! if the flux for the second energy cannot be found (i.e. f2=0.0), + ! and the zeroth energy map has been defined (i.e. i1 not equal 0), + ! then interpolate using the flux maps for the zeroth and first + ! energy and choose the minimum of this interpolations and the + ! interpolation that was done with f2=0. + if ( s0 ) f0 = me%trara2(map(i0+3),nl,nb)/fscale + s0 = .false. + f(ie) = min(f(ie),f0+(me%f1-f0)*(e(ie)-e0)/(e1-e0)) + endif + endif + + ! the logarithmic flux is always kept greater or equal zero. + + f(ie) = max(f(ie),0.0_wp) + enddo +end subroutine trara1 + +!***************************************************************************************** +!> +! [[trara2]] interpolates linearly in l-b/b0-map to obtain +! the logarithm of integral flux at given l and b/b0. +! +!### Note +! see main program 'model' for explanation of map format +! scaling factors. + +function trara2(me,map,il,ib) + + class(trm_type),intent(inout) :: me + integer,intent(in) :: map(*) !! is sub-map (for specific energy) of + !! trapped radiation model map + integer,intent(in) :: il !! scaled l-value + integer,intent(in) :: ib !! scaled b/b0-1 + real(wp) :: trara2 !! scaled logarithm of particle flux + + real(wp) :: dfl , fincr1 , fincr2 , fistep , fkb , fkb1 , fkb2 , fkbj1 , fkbj2 , & + fkbm , fll1 , fll2 , flog , flog1 , flog2 , flogm , & + fnb , fnl , sl1 , sl2 + integer :: i1 , i2 , itime , j1 , j2 , kt , l1 , l2 + + integer :: spag_nextblock_1 + + fistep = me%fistep + + spag_nextblock_1 = 1 + main: do + select case (spag_nextblock_1) + case (1) + fnl = il + fnb = ib + itime = 0 + i2 = 0 + do + + ! find consecutive sub-sub-maps for scaled l-values ls1,ls2, + ! with il less or equal ls2. l1,l2 are lengths of sub-sub-maps. + ! i1,i2 are indeces of first elements minus 1. + + l2 = map(i2+1) + if ( map(i2+2)<=il ) then + i1 = i2 + l1 = l2 + i2 = i2 + l2 + + ! if sub-sub-maps are empty, i. e. length less 4, than trara2=0 + + elseif ( (l1<4) .and. (l2<4) ) then + trara2 = 0.0_wp + return + else + + ! if flog2 less flog1, than ls2 first map and ls1 second map + + if ( map(i2+3)<=map(i1+3) ) exit + spag_nextblock_1 = 3 + cycle main + endif + enddo + spag_nextblock_1 = 2 + case (2) + kt = i1 + i1 = i2 + i2 = kt + kt = l1 + l1 = l2 + l2 = kt + spag_nextblock_1 = 3 + case (3) + + ! determine interpolate in scaled l-value + + fll1 = map(i1+2) + fll2 = map(i2+2) + dfl = (fnl-fll1)/(fll2-fll1) + flog1 = map(i1+3) + flog2 = map(i2+3) + fkb1 = 0.0_wp + fkb2 = 0.0_wp + if ( l1>=4 ) then + + ! b/b0 loop + + do j2 = 4 , l2 + fincr2 = map(i2+j2) + if ( fkb2+fincr2>fnb ) goto 10 + fkb2 = fkb2 + fincr2 + flog2 = flog2 - fistep + enddo + itime = itime + 1 + if ( itime==1 ) then + spag_nextblock_1 = 2 + cycle main + endif + trara2 = 0.0_wp + return + 10 if ( itime/=1 ) then + if ( j2==4 ) then + spag_nextblock_1 = 4 + cycle main + endif + sl2 = flog2/fkb2 + do j1 = 4 , l1 + fincr1 = map(i1+j1) + fkb1 = fkb1 + fincr1 + flog1 = flog1 - fistep + fkbj1 = ((flog1/fistep)*fincr1+fkb1)/((fincr1/fistep)*sl2+1.0_wp) + if ( fkbj1<=fkb1 ) goto 15 + enddo + if ( fkbj1<=fkb2 ) then + trara2 = 0.0_wp + return + endif + 15 if ( fkbj1<=fkb2 ) then + fkbm = fkbj1 + (fkb2-fkbj1)*dfl + flogm = fkbm*sl2 + flog2 = flog2 - fistep + fkb2 = fkb2 + fincr2 + sl1 = flog1/fkb1 + sl2 = flog2/fkb2 + spag_nextblock_1 = 5 + cycle main + else + fkb1 = 0.0_wp + endif + endif + fkb2 = 0.0_wp + endif + j2 = 4 + fincr2 = map(i2+j2) + flog2 = map(i2+3) + flog1 = map(i1+3) + spag_nextblock_1 = 4 + case (4) + flogm = flog1 + (flog2-flog1)*dfl + fkbm = 0.0_wp + fkb2 = fkb2 + fincr2 + flog2 = flog2 - fistep + sl2 = flog2/fkb2 + if ( l1<4 ) then + fincr1 = 0.0_wp + sl1 = -900000.0_wp + spag_nextblock_1 = 6 + cycle main + else + j1 = 4 + fincr1 = map(i1+j1) + fkb1 = fkb1 + fincr1 + flog1 = flog1 - fistep + sl1 = flog1/fkb1 + endif + spag_nextblock_1 = 5 + case (5) + do while ( sl1>=sl2 ) + fkbj2 = ((flog2/fistep)*fincr2+fkb2)/((fincr2/fistep)*sl1+1.0_wp) + fkb = fkb1 + (fkbj2-fkb1)*dfl + flog = fkb*sl1 + if ( fkb>=fnb ) then + spag_nextblock_1 = 7 + cycle main + endif + fkbm = fkb + flogm = flog + if ( j1>=l1 ) then + trara2 = 0.0_wp + return + else + j1 = j1 + 1 + fincr1 = map(i1+j1) + flog1 = flog1 - fistep + fkb1 = fkb1 + fincr1 + sl1 = flog1/fkb1 + endif + enddo + spag_nextblock_1 = 6 + case (6) + fkbj1 = ((flog1/fistep)*fincr1+fkb1)/((fincr1/fistep)*sl2+1.0_wp) + fkb = fkbj1 + (fkb2-fkbj1)*dfl + flog = fkb*sl2 + if ( fkb=l2 ) then + trara2 = 0.0_wp + return + else + j2 = j2 + 1 + fincr2 = map(i2+j2) + flog2 = flog2 - fistep + fkb2 = fkb2 + fincr2 + sl2 = flog2/fkb2 + spag_nextblock_1 = 5 + cycle main + endif + endif + spag_nextblock_1 = 7 + case (7) + if ( fkb'); + var t_2 = html.toLowerCase().indexOf('', t_1 + 7); + if (t_1 != -1 && t_2 != -1) + { + var tit = html.slice(t_1 + 7, t_2); + } + else + { + var tit = 'No title'; + } + + tipuesearch_in.pages.push({ + "title": tit, + "text": desc, + "tags": cont, + "loc": tipuesearch_pages[i] + }); + } + ); + } + } + + if (set.mode == 'json') + { + $.getJSON(set.contentLocation, + function(json) + { + tipuesearch_in = $.extend({}, json); + } + ); + } + + if (set.mode == 'static') + { + tipuesearch_in = $.extend({}, tipuesearch); + } + + var tipue_search_w = ''; + if (set.newWindow) + { + tipue_search_w = ' target="_blank"'; + } + + function getURLP(name) + { + return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec(location.search)||[,""])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')) || null; + } + if (getURLP('q')) + { + $('#tipue_search_input').val(getURLP('q')); + getTipueSearch(0, true); + } + + $(this).keyup(function(event) + { + if(event.keyCode == '13') + { + getTipueSearch(0, true); + } + }); + + function getTipueSearch(start, replace) + { + $('#tipue_search_content').hide(); + var out = ''; + var results = ''; + var show_replace = false; + var show_stop = false; + var standard = true; + var c = 0; + found = new Array(); + + var d = $('#tipue_search_input').val().toLowerCase(); + d = $.trim(d); + + if ((d.match("^\"") && d.match("\"$")) || (d.match("^'") && d.match("'$"))) + { + standard = false; + } + + if (standard) + { + var d_w = d.split(' '); + d = ''; + for (var i = 0; i < d_w.length; i++) + { + var a_w = true; + for (var f = 0; f < tipuesearch_stop_words.length; f++) + { + if (d_w[i] == tipuesearch_stop_words[f]) + { + a_w = false; + show_stop = true; + } + } + if (a_w) + { + d = d + ' ' + d_w[i]; + } + } + d = $.trim(d); + d_w = d.split(' '); + } + else + { + d = d.substring(1, d.length - 1); + } + + if (d.length >= set.minimumLength) + { + if (standard) + { + if (replace) + { + var d_r = d; + for (var i = 0; i < d_w.length; i++) + { + for (var f = 0; f < tipuesearch_replace.words.length; f++) + { + if (d_w[i] == tipuesearch_replace.words[f].word) + { + d = d.replace(d_w[i], tipuesearch_replace.words[f].replace_with); + show_replace = true; + } + } + } + d_w = d.split(' '); + } + + var d_t = d; + for (var i = 0; i < d_w.length; i++) + { + for (var f = 0; f < tipuesearch_stem.words.length; f++) + { + if (d_w[i] == tipuesearch_stem.words[f].word) + { + d_t = d_t + ' ' + tipuesearch_stem.words[f].stem; + } + } + } + d_w = d_t.split(' '); + + for (var i = 0; i < tipuesearch_in.pages.length; i++) + { + var score = 1000000000; + var s_t = tipuesearch_in.pages[i].text; + for (var f = 0; f < d_w.length; f++) + { + var pat = new RegExp(d_w[f], 'i'); + if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i].title.search(pat) != -1) + { + score -= (200000 - i); + } + if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i].text.search(pat) != -1) + { + score -= (150000 - i); + } + + if (set.highlightTerms) + { + if (set.highlightEveryTerm) + { + var patr = new RegExp('(' + d_w[f] + ')', 'gi'); + } + else + { + var patr = new RegExp('(' + d_w[f] + ')', 'i'); + } + s_t = s_t.replace(patr, "$1"); + } + if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i].tags.search(pat) != -1) + { + score -= (100000 - i); + } + + if (d_w[f].match("^-")) + { + pat = new RegExp(d_w[f].substring(1), 'i'); + if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i].title.search(pat) != -1 || tipuesearch_in.pages[i].text.search(pat) != -1 || tipuesearch_in.pages[i].tags.search(pat) != -1) + { + score = 1000000000; + } + } + } + + if (score < 1000000000) + { + found[c++] = score + '^' + tipuesearch_in.pages[i].title + '^' + s_t + '^' + tipuesearch_in.pages[i].loc; + } + } + } + else + { + for (var i = 0; i < tipuesearch_in.pages.length; i++) + { + var score = 1000000000; + var s_t = tipuesearch_in.pages[i].text; + var pat = new RegExp(d, 'i'); + if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i].title.search(pat) != -1) + { + score -= (200000 - i); + } + if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i].text.search(pat) != -1) + { + score -= (150000 - i); + } + + if (set.highlightTerms) + { + if (set.highlightEveryTerm) + { + var patr = new RegExp('(' + d + ')', 'gi'); + } + else + { + var patr = new RegExp('(' + d + ')', 'i'); + } + s_t = s_t.replace(patr, "$1"); + } + if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i].tags.search(pat) != -1) + { + score -= (100000 - i); + } + + if (score < 1000000000) + { + found[c++] = score + '^' + tipuesearch_in.pages[i].title + '^' + s_t + '^' + tipuesearch_in.pages[i].loc; + } + } + } + + if (c != 0) + { + if (show_replace == 1) + { + out += '
Showing results for ' + d + '
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Search instead for ' + d_r + '
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1 result
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