Bear runs on a droplet with Caddy as the web server. The Django application is served by Gunicorn. The database is backed up using a cron job and with Litestream. Django, Caddy, and Litestream run as systemd services.
config: /etc/caddy/Caddyfile logs: /var/log/caddy/access.log
script & config: /root/deploy/
Caddy: /etc/systemd/system/caddy.service Bear: /etc/systemd/system/bearblog.service Litestream: /etc/systemd/system/litestream.service
Restart service: systemctl restart bearblog
Backup is running in a cron job: crontab -e
script: /root/deploy/ local backups: /root/backups/ remote backups:
config: /etc/litestream.yml