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The playbook and role in this section install and configure Redis for the Itential Automation Platform. There is one Redis-related role:

  • redis – Installs Redis and performs a base configuration. Optionally configures authentication and replication.

Redis Role

Base Install

The redis role performs a base install of Redis including any OS packages required. It will compile and install any custom SELinux profiles. It creates the appropriate Linux users, directories, log files, and systemd services. It uses a template to generate a configuration file with some potential features available in other roles commented out. It will start the Redis service when complete.


Optionally, the redis role performs tasks to require authentication (username and password) when communicating with the Redis server. It adjusts the Redis config file and adds each of the required users and applies appropriate ACLs (see table). The "default" Redis user is disabled. It modifies the Redis config file to use the appropriate user while doing replication. It adjusts the Sentinel config file to enable the correct Sentinel user to monitor the redis cluster, if required. It disables the default user in both Redis and Redis Sentinel.

More info on Redis authorization:

User Name Default Password Description
admin admin Has full access to the Redis database.
itential itential Has access to all keys, all channels, and all commands except: -asking -cluster -readonly -readwrite -bgrewriteaof -bgsave -failover -flushall -flushdb -psync -replconf -replicaof -save -shutdown -sync
repluser repluser Has access to the minimum set of commands to perform replication.
sentineluser sentineluser Has access to the minimum set of commands to perform sentinel monitoring.
prometheus prometheus Has access to the minimum set of commands to perform Redis and Sentinel monitoring with Prometheus. Required by the optional redis_exporter service.

:::(Warning) (⚠ Warning: ) It is assumed that these default passwords will be changed to meet more rigorous standards. These are intended to be defaults strictly used just for ease of the installation. It is highly recommended that sensitive data be encrypted using Ansible Vault.


Optionally, the redis role performs the steps required to create a Redis replica set. It uses a template to generate a Redis Sentinel config file. It modifies the Redis config file to turn off protected-mode. It assumes that the first host defined in the inventory file is the initial primary. It will update the config file for the non-primary Redis servers to replicate from the primary using hostname. It will start Redis Sentinel when complete.

For more information on Redis replication:


Static Variables

The variables located in the vars directory of each role are "static" and not meant to be overridden by the user. Since these variable files are included at run-time based on the IAP release and OS major version, they have a higher precedence than the variables in the inventory and are not easily overridden.

Global Variables

The variables in this section are configured in the inventory in the all group vars.

Variable Group Type Description Default Value Required?
iap_release all Fixed-point Designates the IAP major version. N/A Yes

The iap_release must be defined in the inventory. This variable, along with the OS major version, is used to determine the static variables.

Common Variables

The variables in this section may be overridden in the inventory in the all group vars.

The following table lists the default variables that are shared between the Redis-related roles, located in roles/common_vars/defaults/main/redis.yml.

Variable Group Type Description Default Value
redis_auth all Boolean Flag to enable Redis authentication. When set to to true, Redis authentication will be configured. false
redis_replication all Boolean Flag to enable Redis replication. When set to true, Redis replication will be configured and the Redis Sentinel service started. false
redis_tls all Boolean Flag to enable TLS connections. false

Redis Role Variables

The variables in this section may be overridden in the inventory in the redis group vars.

The following table lists the default variables located in roles/redis/defaults/main/redis.yml and roles/redis/defaults/main/sentinel.yml.

Variable Group Type Description Default Value
redis_conf_path redis String The path to the Redis configuration file. /etc/redis
redis_conf_file redis String The location of the Redis configuration file. {{ redis_conf_path }}/redis.conf
redis_log_dir redis String The Redis log directory. /var/log/redis
redis_log redis String The location of the Redis log file. {{ redis_log_dir }}redis.log
redis_db_filename redis String The name of the Redis data file. dump.rdb
redis_data_dir redis String The location of the Redis data directory. /var/lib/redis
redis_pid_dir redis String The Redis PID directory. /var/run
redis_port redis Integer The Redis listen port. 6379
redis_owner redis String The Redis Linux user. redis
redis_group redis String The Redis Linux group. redis
redis_bind_ipv6 redis Boolean Flag to enable IPv6. true
redis_bind_addr_source redis String The bind address source. Will default to the Ansible inventory_hostname unless explicitly set to default_ipv4_address. inventory_hostname
redis_bind_addrs redis String A space-separated list of hostnames/IP addresses on which Redis listeners will be created. If redis_bind_ipv6 is set to true, ::1 will be added to the addresses. The redis_bind_addr_source will also be added to the addresses.
redis_install_method redis String The method to use to install Redis.
Set to remi_repo to use the Remi repo.
Set to source to install from source.
redis_epel_repo_url redis String The URL of the EPEL repo RPM.
Note: this is only used when the redis_install_method is set to remi_repo.{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.noarch.rpm
redis_sentinel_conf_file redis String The location of the Redis Sentinel configuration file. {{ redis_conf_path }}/sentinel.conf
redis_sentinel_port redis Integer The Redis Sentinel listen port 26379


The redis role contains tasks to install custom SELinux profiles (located in roles/redis/files and containing the te extension). If your use case requires additional profiles, the files can be placed in the files directory and they will be automatically installed by the role.

Building Your Inventory

To install and configure Redis, add a redis group and host(s) to your inventory. The following inventory shows a basic Redis configuration with a single Redis node with no authentication.

Example Inventory - Single Redis Node

        iap_release: 2023.1

                    ansible_host: <addr1>

To enable authentication, add the redis_auth flag to the all group and set it to true.

Example Inventory - Configure Redis Authentication

        iap_release: 2023.1
        redis_auth: true

                    ansible_host: <addr1>

To configure a Redis replica set, add the redis_replication flag to the all group and set it to true and add the additional hosts.

Example Inventory - Configure Redis Replication

        iap_release: 2023.1
        redis_auth: true
        redis_replication: true

                    ansible_host: <addr1>
                    ansible_host: <addr2>
                    ansible_host: <addr3>

Running the Playbook

To execute the Redis role, run the redis playbook:

ansible-playbook itential.deployer.redis -i <inventory>