Alligned to the version 0.9.10 - 2017-07-23
- convert to JAML or JSON format
- verify cross module versions of functions (used in the file, comment based helps, module manifest, etc.)
- add CI for the project
- Exit codes and descriptions of them should to be moved to external parsable file
- Static descriptions should be replaced by description from the external file
- Check the function behaviour when called from other PSProvider than Filesystem
- Catch situation when provided relative parent path is too high, like "........" - throw error(?) The current behaviouris: return root of psdrive
- Trim provided parameters and display warning (?)
- Replace non standard chars (?)
- Add support for incremented suffix -like "000124"
- Add support for format output via ps1xml format file - check if can be helpful
- Try replace New-OutputObject in 'Mock -ModuleName New-OutputObject' with the variable: $ModuleName (?)
- add support for an input from pipeline
- add support to return array of incorrect chars and them positions in string
- add support to verifying if non-english chars are used - displaying error/warning, returning other exit code
- add support for Turkish tests (?) -