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Table of Contents


  • Note: The training code does not work on MacOS because of the reverb dependency. Policy evaluation works on MacOS.
  • Install daemontools:
    • sudo apt install daemontools if you have admin access
    • Follow instructions at samarth-robo/daemontools-0.76 otherwise. Note: Use the local_install branch and not master.
  • (base) $ conda env create -f environment.yml. Remove [reverb] from tf-agents[reverb]==0.10.0 if installing on MacOS. Hence training will not work on MacOS, only policy execution will.
  • (base) $ conda activate sac_utils


This repository provides the SAC RL training framework, you need to provide the RL environment.

Training - Code

  • Create your RL environment, deriving from TensorFlow Agents PyEnvironment. Alternatively, you can load pre-made environments from the Gym suite.
  • Note, this environment should override PyEnvironment's set_state(), where the state argument will be a dictionary. See how self.collect_env.set_state() is used in tfagents_system/
  • The TrainParamsBase abstract base class in tfagents_system/ collects the SAC training hyperparameters and the SacAgent building code.
  • Derive your own class from TrainParamsBase and fill out the env_ctor() function. This class must be named TrainParams.
  • env_ctor() can use the dictionary TrainParamsBase.env_config, which is created from the configuration JSON (see the Training - Configuration section below for details).
  • Optionally, override the collect_env_args_kwargs() and eval_env_args_kwargs() functions, which return the args tuple and kwargs dictionary that will be used while building the experience collection and evaluation environments respectively. See how collect_env and eval_env are created in tfagents_system/ using those functions. They can also use the env_config dictionary.
  • For an example of the Minitaur environment, see tfagents_system/ and config/minitaur.json.

Training - Configuration

Training involves N+2 separate programs, where N is the number of parallel workers.

CPU allocation to these programs is controlled by environment variables in

Task #CPUs
Reverb replay buffer SAC_REVERB_CPUS
Policy update SAC_TRAIN_CPUS
Parallel experience collection and evaluation workers SAC_NUM_COLLECT_WORKERS * SAC_COLLECT_WORKER_CPUS


  • Set SAC_PARAMS to the Python file containing the class that derives from TrainParamsBase.
  • Set SAC_CONFIG to the JSON file containing environment parameters, available as the dictionary TrainParamsBase.env_config.

For an example of the Minitaur environment, see

Training - Execution

$ ./ <training variables .sh file>

For example, to train the Minitaur environment: ./

Policy Evaluation

(sac_utils) $ python tfagents_system/ \
--params <Python file instantiating TrainParamsBase e.g. $SAC_PARAMS> \
--exp_dir <Path to experiment directory relative to repository root e.g. logs/${SAC_EXP_NAME}> \
--config <JSON environment config e.g. $SAC_CONFIG> \
--num_episodes <int number of episodes the policy will be evaluated for> \
--checkpoint <name of the checkpoint directory within exp_dir/policies/checkpoints> \
--seed <int seed that will be passed to the environment constructor>

For example, running

(sac_utils) $ python tfagents_system/ --params tfagents_system/ --exp_dir logs/minitaur \
--config config/minitaur.json --num_episodes 5 --checkpoint policy_checkpoint_0000500000 --seed 108

produces a video showing the execution of the policy.

Environment Parameters Curriculum

Sometimes it is useful to vary environment parameters in a curriculum that depends on the iteration number. An "iteration" means one cycle of

  • collecting experience with all workers,
  • pushing all workers' experience to the common replay buffer,
  • sampling a configured number of experience minibatches from the replay buffer,
  • updating the policy with the gradients of the SAC loss function, and
  • pushing the updated policy to all the workers.

For example, if the parameters contain the range of values from which environment properties will be randomly sampled, we might want to start with a small range and widen it as the training progresses and the policy improves. This is called domain randomization, and often the robot agent's physics parameters like friction, mass, etc. are randomized. This is supported here. Example section of the JSON:

"curriculum": {
  "mass": {
    "iters": [0, 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000],
    "range": [0.0, 10.0]
  "friction": {
    "iters": [50000, 60000, 70000, 90000, 120000],
    "range": [0.1, 0.5]

For each parameter like mass and friction, range = [range_min, range_max] is divided unformly linearly using values = np.linspace(range_min, range_max, len(iters)). So the values array is the same size as iters. The following pseudo-code is applied by each parallel worker to each parameter of its environment (shown for the mass parameter only):

for iteration_idx in range(num_iterations):
  while len(iters) and (iteration_idx >= iters[0]):
    value = values.popleft()
    env.set_state({"mass": value})
  # continue with the iteration i.e. collect experience in this configured environment

In the example above, the friction parameter curriculum will not start till iteration 50000. So the value of friction before that will be the one used by the constructor. This can be the default value hardcoded in the environment code, or TrainParamsBase.collect_env_args_kwargs() and TrainParamsBase.eval_env_args_kwargs() can include the key-value pair friction: <value> in the kwargs dictionary they return.

SLURM Support

When training on a compute cluster managed by SLURM, allot SAC_REVERB_CPUS + SAC_TRAIN_CPUS + SAC_NUM_COLLECT_WORKERS * SAC_COLLECT_WORKER_CPUS + 2 CPUs., which is called by, uses cat /proc/self/status to get the CPU IDs available to this SLURM job. It then uses taskset to allocate the appropriate IDs of CPUs to each program. The SLURM_PROCID environment variable is also set for each worker program.