This page will have information about the weekly team meeting and the critical things decided during the meeting.
- Purvesh: I worked on researching about the NoSQL database solutions for Product Catalog data, and technologies for developing server side code. Decided on the versions of the tools and technologies. Prepared the architecture diagram for the Product Catalog domain.
- Anuj: Researched on database technologies that is to be used. Decided server side language and web server. Designed architecture diagram for Shopping Cart domain.
- Isha: I did research on client and server side technologies. Database to be used for creating and maintaining user sessions and build the architecture to be followed for the same.
- Ritika: I analyzed different technologies available in the market and came to a decision regarding the front-end and back-end development. Moreover, I finalized the cloud solution provider and NoSQL DB which would be a perfect fit to my domain.
- Shantagouda: Researched about NoSQL Graph database Neo4j and it's working with recommendations. Researched about algorithms to use in the recommendation engine. Researched various cloud hosting platforms and decided the cloud hosting platform to use for Recommendation Engine.
- Purvesh: For the next week, I will work on searching some available data sets for household products and will create the basic code structure.
- Anuj: I will research about problems associated with shared shopping cart domain and will set base code structure.
- Isha: Next week, we will research on the front end design and decide on the template to be used and build the base code for it.
- Ritika: Next week, I will be researching about the problem statement regarding the partition tolerance (CAP theorem) and executing a solution that would fit the condition of inter-node communication (through temporary closing of ports).
- Shantagouda: Coming week, will be researching about frontend and backend technologies to be used in recommendation engine. List the basic functionality of engine and and Design the architectural diagram for the same.
- Purvesh: No blockers/challenges at the moment.
- Anuj: No blockers/challenges.
- Isha: Nothing at the moment.
- Ritika: No blockers/challenges this week.
- Shantagouda: No current blockers or Challenges at the moment.