Tuesday, 2021/01/19
10:00 am ET
Terrell Russell, Dave Fellinger, Alan King, Jason Coposky, Daniel Moore, Kory Draughn, Bo Zhou, Deep Patel (NIEHS), Simona Stoica (Groningen), Andrey Tsyganov (Groningen), Mohammad Shaikh (BMS), Ton Smeele (Utrecht)
BMS using Gen3, has a query interface, looking for more
- GUID issue conflicting with iRODS ids
- Meeting with CyVerse/NIEHS/RENCI/BMS this afternoon 2p
Ton - GoFAIR - interesting/unexpected approach to templates
- Templating like Jinja templating
- More layout, rather than data model/structure
- Christine Kilpatrick, possible GoFAIR contact UCSD
Assessment - perhaps we cannot / will not find the 'one ring'
- Can we work with the raw materials a bit more directly
- May have to abstract again, let deployment pick their flavor
- But may not be able to 'cross the streams' from different applications
Similar to policy composition approach
- Abstract for generic, keep the policy on the server
- Let a deployment make their own decisions / definitions
- Front end picks its template representations
- Back end supports whatever is selected
GUI asks for template on collection
- Server policy returns the requested bundle of data
- GUI renders it
Client defines the schema they have/want
- Server receives the request, generates that resulting schema
Andrey - beneficial to have one AVU to many different objects (at the same time) that would be updated if the template gets updated
- Cascading updates are expensive / complicated
- Atomicity - per template? Per operation? Resolve the universe, then commit?
- Possible new type of metadata, that is defined in one place, applied in many
New reassessed focus...
- No longer need to define standard template language/schema
- Instead, just use what the client is using
- Still need to consider hierarchical / references in schemas
TODO: Generate first draft of Swagger MT-iRODS API
- List overall available MT in the pool
- Add external MT into 'pool'
- List attached MTs on an object/collection
- Attach/Apply MT to an object/collection as required/optional
- Remove MT from an object/collection
- Resolve instance of MT based on an object/collection JSON
- Resolve json schema(s) that defines the metadata to be applied via template X to collection Y
- BONUS - Rasterize / Pre-assemble? Set of nested/attached schemas down into a single schema