Small sample application showing the extraction of product information from the ingredient and allergen label on a product packaging using Google Cloud Vision AI. The image needs to be cropped to the ingredient and allergen part of the product packaging. Extraction of the data from a full product back image currently is not supported.
A service account with proper rights to access the Cloud Vision API in a Google Cloud Project is required. Find more about this in the official how to guide.
Place the service account json inside the "ingredients_parser" folder, name it according to the file, the default is vision_service_account.json.
To run the software follow the following steps. There are some test images to use inside the tests/static/cropped_ingredients folder.
To run the parser locally:
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
After this navigate with your browser to http://localhost:5000/
To run it using docker:
docker build -t ingredients-parser .
docker run --name ingredients-parser -p 5000:5000 ingredients-parser
The tool can also deployment to a kubernetes cluster using the included deploy-ingredients-parser.yaml file.
kubectl apply -f deploy-ingredients-parser.yaml