Expression formula of romance,521.1314 mean "I love you for life"
浪漫的表白公式 ロマンチックな告白公式 Романтический доказывать формула
one = proc {|a| a+52.8} two = proc {|a| a5} three = proc {|a| a-3.4343} four =proc{|a| a2} five =proc{|a| (a*10)}
和Haskell很相似的写法 И Haskell похож на написание слова haskellに似ているとの书き方
just for chinese syntax. 521.1314 mean "I love you for life"
p (four * three * two * one).(random)-five.(random)
ghost method 幽灵方法 def method_missing(sym) "#{@name} doesn't understand #{sym}" random=rand(1..1000) "#{random} is the #{@name}'s luck number." end
p @fido="Spring")
require 'math_calculator' require 'unicode_math'
str = "x+y+7326+35" options = {:x => 2, :y => 4} p MathCalculator.calculate(str, options)
p 1.617 * 10.ⁿ(13)
p 1.617 * 10.ⁿ(13)+MathCalculator.calculate(str, options)
p (Σ (1..4))+1.617 * 10.ⁿ(13)+MathCalculator.calculate(str, options)
p 10.! + (Σ (1..4))+1.617 * 10.ⁿ(13)+MathCalculator.calculate(str, options)
p 30 + ½ + 10.! + (Σ (1..4))+1.617 * 10.ⁿ(13)+MathCalculator.calculate(str, options)
7367 16170000000000.0 16170000007367.0 16170000007377.0 16170003636177.0 16170003636207.5