diff --git a/src/FSharp.Analyzers.Cli/Program.fs b/src/FSharp.Analyzers.Cli/Program.fs
index 3f52463..c08ef13 100644
--- a/src/FSharp.Analyzers.Cli/Program.fs
+++ b/src/FSharp.Analyzers.Cli/Program.fs
@@ -274,17 +274,17 @@ let main argv =
AssemblyLoadContext.Default.add_Resolving (fun ctx assemblyName ->
- if assemblyName.Name = "FSharp.Core" then
- let msg =
- $"""Could not load FSharp.Core %A{assemblyName.Version}. The expected assembly version of FSharp.Core is %A{Utils.currentFSharpCoreVersion}.
-Consider adding to your .fsproj.
-The correct version can be found over at https://www.nuget.org/packages/FSharp.Analyzers.SDK#dependencies-body-tab.
- printError msg
+ if assemblyName.Name <> "FSharp.Core" then
+ null
- printError $"Could not load %s{assemblyName.Name} %A{assemblyName.Version}."
+ let msg =
+ $"""Could not load FSharp.Core %A{assemblyName.Version}. The expected assembly version of FSharp.Core is %A{Utils.currentFSharpCoreVersion}.
+ Consider adding to your .fsproj.
+ The correct version can be found over at https://www.nuget.org/packages/FSharp.Analyzers.SDK#dependencies-body-tab.
+ """
+ printError msg
exit 1