- EPP XML schema namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" replaced with "https://epp.tld.ee/schema/epp-ee-1.0.xsd"
- EPP XML schema contact-eis-1.0 replaced with contact-ee-1.1
- Removed dependency on epp-xml gem on rubygems and redirected to locally maintained version https://github.com/internetee/epp-xml
- Added option to set verifyed element for domain registrant change and domain delete
- Example mina/deploy.rb renamed to mina/deploy-example.rb in order to not overwrite local deploy scripts
- Update ruby version to 2.2.2
- Registrar: only dev can skip pki login certificate, please be sure all application.yml and apache conf is correctly setup for pki
- Updated Apache confing readme: updated location directive
- Ruby upgraded to version 2.2.1, added RBENV upgrade howto to debian doc at: registry_repo/doc/debian_build_doc.md
- Simplified config/application-example.yml, now system will check if all required settings are present in application.yml
- Now certs are turned on, please follow documentation at registry repo registry/doc/certificates.md
- Add cert_path and key_path to config/application.yml
- Add
session_timeout: 1800 # seconds
to application.yml
- Upgraded to Rails 4.2 and new ruby 2.2.0, please be sure rbenv has ruby 2.2.0 installed NB! Update you passenger deb install, it should have recent fix for ruby 2.2.0
- Added config/application-example.yml file for reference
- Removed config/initialize/epp_host.rb and replaced with config/application.yml, please update your config/application.yml accordingly to your env.
- Staging env added, please change apache conf in staging servers to "RailsEnv staging" Then you need to add or update staging section in --> config/application.yml --> config/secrets.yml --> config/application.yml They all have example files with name exapmle present.