- GH-33: Added Webpack scaffolding to compile SASS
- GH-40: Integrate breadcrumb with Design System
- GH-47: Review and improve documentation
- GH-48: Consolidate frontend build tooling into Webpack
- GH-51: Update Design System to 1.3.1
- GH-11: Use the CSS files from the twig package
- GH-30: Improve scaffolding and add Node image to docker compose
- GH-23: Style Drupal forms and local tasks using the ILO Design System
- GH-32: Header, footer and page title
- GH-18: Twig: Fix hero and rich text in ILO base theme
- GH-22: Make sure we automatically load the font package
- GH-21: Make sure we can indicate which variant to render on /pattern-preview
- GH-26: Accommodate the new storybook implementation
- GH-10: Disable caching in the dist docker image
- GH-15: Add a route to render patterns on demand, to test purposes.
- GH-13: Add boolval filter to support ILO Design Kit >=1.1.0
- Bump design system version to 1.0.1