- Resolved the problem with cookie management and re-authentication upon cookie expiration #384;
- Dropped support for Python versions below 3.6 #384;
- Added support for Python version 3.9 #352;
- Removed support for Python version below 3.0 #352;
- Added Certificate based authentication logic #330;
- Fixed use of EA inheritance in IP Objects #318;
- Fixed missing fields ('ipv4addr', 'ipv6addr') for 'class Member()' #345;
- Updated connector's urlencoding logic for proper array encoding #287;
- Updated InfobloxObject's fetch method to raise InfobloxFetchGotMultipleObjects exception #288;
- Fix a bug when calling abstracted class from_dict with V4 & V6 subclass #282;
- Fix a bug when updating DNSZone object exception was raised and field not allowed to update #331;
- Fix a bug when ARecord and AAAARecord object skips updating the updatable fields #334, #328;
- Raised an exception while searching with non searchable fields #339;
- Fix errors generated for the client using sphinx with make docs #343;
- Majorly Updated objects with around 380+ NIOS object calls supported now.(Find the infoblox_client/objects.py file to list the supported objects and its descriptions)
- Bug Fixes
- python-six dependency set to >=1.11.0
- Bug Fixes
- Added some extra fields(ms_server) for Fixed Address
- Supporting MX record
- Bug Fixes - PTR records now return an IP
- Added some extra fields for network class
- Fixed update option for A Record
- Adding fields for fixed address
- Supported returning default fileds plus user required fields reflecting WAPI
- Supporting 'aliases' parameter of HOST record for DNS
- Supporting wapi version 2.10 or above
- Updated default WAPI version from 1.4 to 2.1
- Changed logging of failure on object search from Error to Warning
- Fix bug related to temporary unavailable status code
- Added pagination support for wapi calls
- Changed logic of generate duid using only mac address
- Add function to check object is created or reused
- Add TTL field to HostRecordV*
- Add CNAME record support
- Specify return fields for an SRV record
- Allow search all fields
- Remove ptrdname from PTR record search attributes
- Add search HostRecords by MAC
- Updated history and author
- Add function to get fixed addresses by mac
- Add ptrdname search option to PtrRecord objects
- Add zones extensible attribute update support
- Add network_view support for host records
- Allow raising exception in create_ea_definition
- Add pep8 check to tox
- Add pep8 check to Travis CI
- Add examples of searching by regular expression
- Pass only_ref option to update_from_dict
- Do not fail on processing unknown fields
- Fetch only object reference for service restart
- Update README with example of using EA
- Add default fields for Member
- Update docstring for create_network
- Add fields to FixedAddressV4 and IPAddress
- Add max_retries option to connector
- Log failure on get with Error log level
- Add 'max_results' as connector option
- Add max_results option to connector and objects
- Add Tenant object
- Update README.rst with more examples
- Add 'configure_for_dns' field for HostRecord
- Add 'extattrs' to DNSZone/DNSView return_fields
- Add return_fields to NetworkView
- Add support for list and tuple values to EA object
- Remove _value_to_bool
- No changes
- Do not override verify flag on request level
- create_required_ea_definitions return created list
- Add 'start_addr', 'end_addr' to ip detection list
- Add request type to connector logger
- Flake8 fixes
- Convert strings into booleans for ssl_verify
- Update AUTHORS.rst, add contributors
- Remove unused methods from utils.py
- Add 'zone' to search fields of Host Record
- Update development status from Pre-Alpha to Alpha
- Feature/tox testing (huge changes in testing env)
- Add 'network' to search fields of FixedAddress
- Allow domain-name-servers for ipv6
- Update existent EA for network instead of replace
- Return None if search failed instead of exception
- Add ip_version as a public property for objects
- Fix updating object from create method
- Rework delete_all_associated_objects logic
- Fix error handling in create_object
- Do not catch exception on create_dns_zone level
- Update feature version for member_ipv6_setting
- Add InfobloxMemberAlreadyAssigned exception
- Update dns record if already exists
- Add 'log_api_calls_as_info' option for connector
- Check for empty values in EA
- Deprecate network_exists method in object_manager
- Add _global_field_processing for objects
- Add parsing 'extattrs' into EA objects for all InfobloxObject childs
- Add docs badge to README.rst
- Reworked get_network in object_manager
- Move _eq_ to BaseObject
- Check if fixed address is found before delete
- Field updates for Member object
- Log all api calls in connector on debug level
- Add 'network' field to ip versioned fields
- Skip adding DHCP options for IPv6 network
- Do not search IPRange before creating
- Do not fail if object is not found on delete
- Raise exception with details if reply is not json
- Add 'silent_ssl_warnings' option to connector
- Fix unbind_name_from_record_a
- Add new field type '_updateable_search_field' to objects and fix HostRecord search
- Fix 'make docs'
- Update README.rst (fixed formatting)
- Fix adding second ip to HostRecord
- Fix failing in pdb
- Convert EA values into boolean if possible
- Added 'ips' allias for ip field in HostRecord
- Add utility to determine supported feature
- Update README.rst with objects interface
- Add allowed_object_types field for EA Definition
- Allow to return default fields for object
- Update README.rst with list of supported objects
- Add Extensible Attributes Definition support
- Fixed options processing for create_network in object_manager
- Fixed missed DNSZone object in create_dns_zone
- Added 'network' to IPRange search fields
- Modified get method of the EA class to allow return default values
- Added initial support of Extensible Attributes as sub objects
- Added search by Extensible Attributes
- Improved validation in connector
- Added delete_object_by_ref to object manager
- Fixed issues in working with objects
- Added missed _get_object_type_from_ref
- Added code coverage
- Updated links to point to infobloxopen repository
- Added object abstraction for interacting with NIOS objects
- Added object_manager to simplify some operations on objects
- Added dependencies to package.
- Fixed using dashes in package directory names that prevented package import after install.
- Added connector to send wapi requests to NIOS, does not includes NIOS object model at this point.
- First release on PyPI.